OAuth 2 Token Exchange with Spring Security and Keycloak

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 14 - - Dev Community

OAuth 2 Token Exchange with Spring Security and Keycloak


In today's interconnected world, applications often need to interact with each other to share data and functionality. This interaction frequently involves secure authentication and authorization to ensure data privacy and access control. OAuth 2.0 is a widely adopted standard that provides a robust framework for delegated authorization. This article delves into the intricacies of OAuth 2 Token Exchange, a powerful mechanism for securely exchanging access tokens between applications, utilizing the popular Spring Security framework and Keycloak, a leading open-source identity and access management solution.

Understanding OAuth 2 Token Exchange

OAuth 2 Token Exchange is an extension to the standard OAuth 2.0 protocol that allows applications to exchange an existing access token for a new one with different scopes or permissions. This mechanism is particularly useful in scenarios where:

  • An application needs to access resources on behalf of a user with different permissions than those granted by the initial access token.
  • An application needs to access resources on behalf of a user with a different resource server.
  • An application needs to extend the lifetime of an access token without requiring the user to re-authenticate.

The Token Exchange process involves two key actors:

  • Token Exchange Client: The application requesting the new access token.
  • Token Exchange Server: The service responsible for issuing the new access token, usually an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server.

The Token Exchange process works as follows:

  1. The Token Exchange Client sends a request to the Token Exchange Server, including the existing access token and the desired scopes or other parameters.
  2. The Token Exchange Server verifies the existing access token, validates the request, and issues a new access token with the requested permissions.
  3. The Token Exchange Client receives the new access token and can use it to access the desired resources.

Keycloak as a Token Exchange Server

Keycloak, a powerful open-source Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution, provides comprehensive support for OAuth 2 Token Exchange. With Keycloak, you can configure a Token Exchange endpoint and manage the process of exchanging tokens between applications. Keycloak handles the following functionalities:

  • Token Validation and Verification: Keycloak ensures that the existing access token is valid and authorized for the requested exchange.
  • Scope Management: Keycloak allows you to define the scopes required for the new access token and ensures the client has the necessary permissions.
  • Token Issuance: Keycloak generates and issues the new access token with the specified scopes and expiration time.
  • Security and Auditing: Keycloak logs all token exchange requests and provides a detailed audit trail for security purposes.

Spring Security Integration with Keycloak

Spring Security is a popular framework for securing Java applications. It provides a comprehensive set of features for authenticating users, authorizing access to resources, and managing security configurations. Spring Security seamlessly integrates with Keycloak, leveraging its features for managing authentication and authorization in your applications.

Here's how Spring Security facilitates OAuth 2 Token Exchange with Keycloak:

  1. Keycloak Configuration: Configure Keycloak to act as the Token Exchange Server, specifying the required scopes and permissions. Ensure the Keycloak realm is properly configured and the client application is registered within it.
  2. Spring Security Configuration: Define the necessary Spring Security configurations for authentication, authorization, and Token Exchange. This typically involves configuring a `KeycloakSecurityConfig` class to manage security settings and an `OAuth2TokenExchangeClient` to handle the exchange requests.
  3. Token Exchange Process: Use the `OAuth2TokenExchangeClient` within your Spring application to send exchange requests to Keycloak. This client can be injected into your services or controllers and used to obtain new tokens based on your requirements.
  4. Resource Access: Once you receive the new access token, utilize it in your Spring application to access the desired resources protected by the Keycloak Authorization Server.

Step-by-Step Guide: OAuth 2 Token Exchange with Spring Security and Keycloak

Let's walk through a practical example to demonstrate how to implement OAuth 2 Token Exchange using Spring Security and Keycloak. We will create a simple Spring Boot application that utilizes Token Exchange to access a protected resource hosted on a different server. The following steps outline the process:

1. Setup Keycloak

  1. Install Keycloak: Download and install Keycloak from the official website ( https://www.keycloak.org/ ). Follow the installation instructions provided in the documentation.
  2. Create Realm: Create a new realm in Keycloak to manage users, clients, and permissions. Give the realm a meaningful name, e.g., "my-realm".
  3. Create Client Application: Create a new client application within the realm. Provide a name, e.g., "my-client-app", and configure the client type as "confidential". In the "Credentials" tab, enable "Secret" and copy the secret for future use.
  4. Configure Token Exchange: Navigate to the "Token Exchange" section of the client configuration and enable "Token Exchange". Specify the required scopes for the new access token and define the desired token exchange grant type (e.g., "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange").
  5. Create Protected Resource: Define a protected resource on the Keycloak server. This could be a simple endpoint or a more complex API. Specify the required scopes for accessing this resource.

2. Setup Spring Boot Application

  1. Create a New Spring Boot Project: Use your preferred IDE or Spring Initializr to create a new Spring Boot project. Include the following dependencies:
    • Spring Web
    • Spring Security
    • Keycloak Adapter
  2. Configure Keycloak: In your `application.properties` or `application.yml` file, provide the Keycloak server URL, realm name, and client credentials (client ID and secret): ```yaml keycloak.auth-server-url=http://localhost:8080/auth keycloak.realm=my-realm keycloak.resource=my-client-app keycloak.credentials.secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET ```
  3. Configure Spring Security: Create a `KeycloakSecurityConfig` class to configure Spring Security to use Keycloak for authentication: ```java @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class KeycloakSecurityConfig extends KeycloakWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { super.configure(http); http .authorizeRequests() .antMatchers("/api/**").authenticated() .anyRequest().permitAll() .and() .oauth2Login() .and() .oauth2Client() .and() .formLogin() .loginPage("/login").permitAll(); } @bean public KeycloakSpringBootConfigResolver keycloakConfigResolver() { return new KeycloakSpringBootConfigResolver(); } @bean public KeycloakRestTemplate keycloakRestTemplate() { return new KeycloakRestTemplate(keycloakConfigResolver()); } } ```
  4. Implement Token Exchange: Create a service or controller to handle the Token Exchange process: ```java @Service public class TokenExchangeService { @Autowired private KeycloakRestTemplate keycloakRestTemplate; public String exchangeToken(String existingToken, String requestedScope) { Map requestParams = new HashMap<>(); requestParams.put("subject_token", existingToken); requestParams.put("grant_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange"); requestParams.put("scope", requestedScope); ResponseEntity response = keycloakRestTemplate.postForEntity("/auth/realms/my-realm/protocol/openid-connect/token", requestParams, Map.class); return response.getBody().get("access_token").toString(); } } ```
  5. Access Protected Resource: Create a controller to access the protected resource using the new access token: ```java @RestController @RequestMapping("/api") public class ResourceController { @Autowired private TokenExchangeService tokenExchangeService; @GetMapping("/resource") public String getResource(@RequestHeader("Authorization") String authorizationHeader) { // Extract existing access token from Authorization header String existingToken = authorizationHeader.substring(7); // Exchange token for new access token with required scope String newAccessToken = tokenExchangeService.exchangeToken(existingToken, "resource_scope"); // Use the new access token to access the protected resource // (e.g., make a call to the resource server using the new token) return "Access granted to the protected resource."; } } ```

3. Run the Application

Start your Spring Boot application and test the Token Exchange process. Use a tool like Postman to send a request to the `/api/resource` endpoint, providing a valid access token in the Authorization header. If the exchange is successful, you should receive a response indicating that access to the protected resource is granted.


OAuth 2 Token Exchange, integrated with Spring Security and Keycloak, provides a robust and secure mechanism for exchanging access tokens between applications. This approach enables complex authorization scenarios where applications need different permissions or access to various resource servers. By leveraging the power of Keycloak for managing identities and access control and Spring Security for securing your application, you can implement a secure and efficient Token Exchange solution. Remember to carefully configure Keycloak and Spring Security to ensure proper security and authorization policies are in place.

Best Practices

  • Use Strong Secret Keys: Always use strong and unique secret keys for your clients and other sensitive configurations. Avoid storing these keys in plain text within your application.
  • Limit Access Tokens: Implement appropriate token expiration policies and limit the scope of access tokens to only the necessary permissions.
  • Enforce Secure Communication: Utilize HTTPS for all communication between your application and Keycloak to protect sensitive data in transit.
  • Implement Logging and Auditing: Log all Token Exchange requests and implement comprehensive auditing to monitor and track security events.
  • Regularly Update and Patch: Keep your Keycloak and Spring Security versions up to date to benefit from security patches and bug fixes.

By following these best practices, you can ensure the security and robustness of your OAuth 2 Token Exchange implementation, protecting your application and user data from potential threats. Remember to stay informed about security best practices and continuously enhance your implementation as new threats and vulnerabilities emerge.

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