WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 14 - - Dev Community

JavaScript's Most Confusing Questions: A Deep Dive


JavaScript, the dynamic scripting language powering the web, is known for its flexibility and ease of use. However, even seasoned developers encounter perplexing situations that challenge their understanding. This article delves into some of the most confusing questions that arise in JavaScript, offering comprehensive explanations and practical examples.

1. The Mystery of 'this'

One of the most notorious aspects of JavaScript is the this keyword. While it appears simple, its behavior can be bewildering, especially in different contexts.

Understanding 'this'

this refers to the context in which a function is called. Its value changes depending on how the function is invoked. Here's a breakdown:

  • Global context: In the global scope, this refers to the global object (window in web browsers).
console.log(this); // window (in a browser) or global (in Node.js)
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  • Object methods: When called as a method of an object, this refers to that object itself.
const obj = {
  name: "Example Object",
  greet: function() {
    console.log("Hello from " +; 

obj.greet(); // Output: "Hello from Example Object"
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  • Constructor functions: When used within a constructor function, this refers to the newly created object instance.
function Person(name) { = name;

const person1 = new Person("John");
console.log(; // Output: "John"
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  • Explicit binding: You can explicitly set the value of this using methods like call(), apply(), and bind().
const obj1 = { name: "Object 1" };
const obj2 = { name: "Object 2" };

function greet() {
  console.log("Hello from " +;
}; // Output: "Hello from Object 1"
greet.apply(obj2); // Output: "Hello from Object 2"
const boundGreet = greet.bind(obj1);
boundGreet(); // Output: "Hello from Object 1" 
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The Confusion Factor

The confusion arises when this is used within nested functions or callbacks. In such cases, its value can be unclear without careful examination.


To manage this effectively:

  • Arrow functions: Arrow functions lexically bind this, meaning they inherit the this value from the enclosing scope.
const obj = {
  name: "Example Object",
  greet: () => {
    console.log("Hello from " +; // this refers to the global object
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  • Explicit binding: Use call(), apply(), or bind() to explicitly set this to the desired object.

  • this as a parameter: Pass this as an argument to nested functions to preserve its value.


const obj = {
  name: "Example Object",
  greet: function() {
    console.log("Hello from " +;

    const innerFunc = () => {
      console.log("Inner function: Hello from " +; // this refers to the global object


obj.greet(); // Output: 
// "Hello from Example Object"
// "Inner function: Hello from undefined" (or global object in browser)
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2. The Equality Dilemma: == vs ===

JavaScript provides two equality operators: == (loose equality) and === (strict equality). While they seem similar, their subtle differences can lead to surprising outcomes.

Loose Equality (==)

== performs type coercion before comparison. It attempts to convert operands to the same type before checking for equality. This can lead to unexpected results, as type conversions may not always be intuitive.

console.log(1 == "1"); // true (string "1" is coerced to number 1)
console.log(0 == false); // true (false is coerced to 0)
console.log(null == undefined); // true (both are coerced to 0)
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Strict Equality (===)

=== compares values directly without performing type coercion. It returns true only if both operands have the same value and type.

console.log(1 === "1"); // false (different types)
console.log(0 === false); // false (different types)
console.log(null === undefined); // false (different types)
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When to Use Which

  • Use === whenever possible for clear and reliable comparisons.
  • Use == sparingly, especially when comparing values that might involve type coercion.


const age = 25;
const inputAge = "25";

if (age == inputAge) {
  console.log("Ages are equal"); // True, due to type coercion

if (age === inputAge) {
  console.log("Ages are strictly equal"); // False, different types
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3. The Hoisting Mystery

Hoisting is a JavaScript behavior where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their scope before execution. This can lead to confusion, especially for beginners.

Variable Hoisting

Variables declared using var are hoisted, but their initial value is set to undefined.

console.log(x); // undefined
var x = 10;
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Function Hoisting

Function declarations are fully hoisted, meaning the entire function is moved to the top, allowing it to be called before its declaration.

greet(); // Output: "Hello!"
function greet() {
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let and const

Variables declared with let and const are also hoisted, but they are not initialized to undefined. Trying to access them before their declaration results in a ReferenceError.

console.log(y); // ReferenceError
let y = 20;
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The Confusion Factor

Hoisting can lead to unexpected behavior if you rely on variable declarations being executed in the order they appear in the code.


  • Declare variables at the top: Declare all variables at the top of their scope for clarity and consistency.
  • Use let and const: Avoid using var to avoid hoisting-related issues.


console.log(a); // undefined
console.log(b); // ReferenceError
var a = 10;
let b = 20;
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4. The Shadowing Phenomenon

Shadowing occurs when a variable declared within a nested scope has the same name as a variable in an outer scope. This can make it difficult to determine which variable is being accessed.


const outerVar = "Outer Variable";

function myFunction() {
  const innerVar = "Inner Variable";
  console.log(outerVar); // Accesses the outer variable
  console.log(innerVar); // Accesses the inner variable

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The Confusion Factor

Shadowing can lead to unexpected behavior when trying to access variables from outer scopes.


  • Use distinct names: Choose unique names for variables in different scopes to avoid confusion.
  • Use this for object properties: If you're accessing object properties, use this to access them unambiguously.
  • Scope chaining: Use window (in browsers) or global (in Node.js) to access variables in the global scope.


const outerVar = "Outer Variable";

function myFunction() {
  const innerVar = "Inner Variable";
  console.log(outerVar); // Accesses the outer variable
  console.log(window.outerVar); // Accesses the outer variable in the global scope
  console.log(this.outerVar); // Accesses the outer variable if it's a property of an object
  console.log(innerVar); // Accesses the inner variable

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5. The Closures Quandary

Closures are a powerful feature of JavaScript that allow functions to access and manipulate variables from their enclosing scope, even after the outer function has finished executing. While useful, they can also be a source of confusion.


function outerFunction() {
  let outerVar = "Outer Value";

  function innerFunction() {
    console.log(outerVar); // Accesses the outerVar from outerFunction

  return innerFunction;

const myInnerFunction = outerFunction();
myInnerFunction(); // Output: "Outer Value"
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The Confusion Factor

  • Variable persistence: Variables in the outer scope are preserved even after the outer function has finished executing.
  • Multiple closures: If multiple closures are created from the same outer function, they all share the same outer scope variables.


  • Understand the scope: Clearly understand which scope variables are accessible from within a closure.
  • Use unique variables: Use unique variable names for closures to avoid accidental modifications.
  • Clear documentation: Document your closures to explain their behavior and any potential side effects.


function counter() {
  let count = 0;

  return function() {
    return count;

const myCounter = counter();
console.log(myCounter()); // Output: 1
console.log(myCounter()); // Output: 2
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JavaScript's confusing aspects can be a challenge for developers at all levels. Understanding the behavior of this, the nuances of equality operators, the intricacies of hoisting, the potential of shadowing, and the power of closures is crucial for writing effective and reliable code. By adopting best practices, using clear and consistent naming conventions, and thoroughly understanding these concepts, you can navigate JavaScript's intricacies with confidence and write robust applications.

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