πŸ”βž‘οΈπŸ“˜ Kafka documentation automation : HUGO, gomplate, Github Actions & pages

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 18 - - Dev Community

Kafka Documentation Automation: Hugo, Gomplate, Github Actions & Pages


In the fast-paced world of software development, effective communication is crucial. This includes not just the communication between developers, but also the communication between developers and the systems they build. This is where documentation comes in. Yet, manually maintaining documentation can be a tedious and time-consuming task, especially for complex systems like Apache Kafka.

Kafka documentation automation, using tools like Hugo, Gomplate, Github Actions, and Github Pages, provides a solution. It enables the creation of dynamic, up-to-date documentation that mirrors the evolving state of your Kafka infrastructure. This article will explore the key concepts, practical use cases, and a step-by-step guide for implementing this powerful workflow.

Historical Context

The need for automating documentation has been around for as long as documentation itself. However, with the rise of DevOps practices and the demand for faster development cycles, automation has become increasingly essential.

Initially, documentation was often static and separate from the codebase. However, with the rise of tools like Markdown and the concept of "documentation as code", documentation started to be integrated into the development process, allowing for continuous updates and version control.

The Problem

Manually maintaining documentation for Kafka can be challenging for several reasons:

  • Constant Updates: Kafka clusters are dynamic environments with evolving configurations, topics, and consumers. Keeping documentation manually updated can be a daunting task.
  • Inconsistent Information: Different team members may have varying knowledge about the Kafka ecosystem, leading to inconsistencies in the documentation.
  • Time Consuming: Writing and updating documentation takes time away from other crucial development tasks.
  • Limited Accessibility: Static documentation might not be easily accessible to all team members, making it difficult to find the required information quickly.

Key Concepts, Techniques, & Tools

1. Hugo: Hugo is a powerful open-source static site generator written in Go. It's known for its speed, efficiency, and user-friendly template engine. We'll use Hugo to create the framework for our documentation site.

2. Gomplate: Gomplate is a template engine that leverages Go's powerful templating language. It's ideal for dynamically generating documentation from data sources like Kafka metadata.

3. Github Actions: Github Actions is a powerful CI/CD platform that allows you to automate tasks like building, testing, and deploying software. We'll use Github Actions to automate the process of generating and deploying our documentation.

4. Github Pages: Github Pages is a free hosting platform that makes it easy to deploy static websites. We'll use Github Pages to host our generated Kafka documentation.

5. Kafka Metadata: Kafka exposes its metadata through its API, allowing us to retrieve information about topics, brokers, consumers, and other components. We'll use this metadata to generate dynamic documentation.

6. Documentation as Code: This principle emphasizes the importance of treating documentation as part of the codebase, allowing for version control, collaboration, and automated updates.

7. API Documentation: For more detailed information about Kafka's API and specific commands, tools like Swagger or OpenAPI can be used to generate comprehensive documentation.

Practical Use Cases & Benefits

1. Kafka Cluster Documentation: Automating the creation of documentation for Kafka clusters provides a centralized and up-to-date source of information for all team members. It can include information about:

  • Kafka topics: Name, partitions, retention policies, replication factor, etc.
  • Kafka brokers: Broker IDs, addresses, roles, etc.
  • Consumer groups: Number of consumers, offsets, lag, etc.

2. Developer Onboarding: For new developers joining the team, automated documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the Kafka ecosystem and how to interact with it.

3. Incident Response: In case of incidents or troubleshooting, automated documentation can quickly provide relevant information about the Kafka cluster's configuration and state.

4. System Monitoring: Integrating Kafka monitoring tools with the documentation workflow can generate real-time updates and visualizations about the cluster's performance.

5. API Documentation: Automating the generation of API documentation for Kafka can help developers understand the available endpoints, methods, and parameters for interacting with the Kafka API.


  • Up-to-date information: Documentation automatically reflects the latest changes in the Kafka cluster.
  • Reduced maintenance: Less time is spent manually updating documentation, freeing up resources for other tasks.
  • Improved consistency: All team members access the same, accurate information about Kafka.
  • Increased accessibility: Documentation is readily available through a website, making it easy to access.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Developers can contribute to documentation as code, making it a collaborative effort.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Setting up Hugo:

2. Writing Documentation Content:

  • Create content files in the content directory:
    • content/docs/introduction.md (for an introduction to the documentation)
    • content/docs/topics.md (for information about Kafka topics)
    • content/docs/brokers.md (for information about Kafka brokers)
    • ... (add more files as needed)

3. Using Gomplate:

{{ range .Topics }}
## {{ .Name }}

* **Partitions:** {{ .Partitions }}
* **Replication Factor:** {{ .ReplicationFactor }}
* **Retention Policy:** {{ .RetentionMs }}

{{ end }}
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  • Replace {{ .Topics }}, {{ .Name }}, etc. with the variables you want to access from Kafka metadata.

4. Fetching Kafka Metadata:

  • Use a Kafka client library (like kafka-go in Go) to fetch metadata from the Kafka cluster.
  • Format the retrieved metadata into a JSON structure that can be used by Gomplate.

5. Generating Documentation with Github Actions:

  • Create a workflow.yml file in the .github/workflows directory:
name: Build & Deploy Documentation

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          sudo apt update
          sudo apt install -y golang gomplate
      - name: Fetch Kafka metadata
        run: |
          # Fetch metadata from Kafka cluster
          go run fetch_metadata.go
      - name: Generate documentation
        run: |
          gomplate -d data.json -o public/topics.html templates/topics.tmpl
          # ... generate other pages
      - name: Build website
        run: hugo
      - name: Deploy to Github Pages
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: public
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

6. Deploying with Github Pages:

  • Configure Github Pages to deploy the generated documentation website.
  • Enable the "GitHub Pages" option for your repository.
  • Choose the "master branch /docs folder" as the source for your website.

7. Optimizing the Workflow:

  • Caching dependencies: Cache dependencies in Github Actions to speed up build times.
  • Code splitting: Split large documentation files into smaller, more manageable components.
  • Error handling: Implement error handling mechanisms to ensure the workflow runs smoothly.
  • Security: Secure access to Kafka clusters using appropriate authentication and authorization methods.

Challenges and Limitations

  • Complexity: Implementing an automated documentation workflow can be complex, especially for large Kafka deployments.
  • Data Consistency: Maintaining data consistency between Kafka metadata and the documentation can be challenging.
  • Performance: Generating large amounts of documentation can impact performance.
  • Security: Ensuring the security of the documentation pipeline is crucial.

Comparison with Alternatives

  • Manual documentation: This is the most basic approach, but it's time-consuming, prone to errors, and difficult to maintain.
  • Documentation tools: Tools like Sphinx, MkDocs, and Read the Docs are popular for documenting code, but they don't offer the same level of integration with Kafka.
  • API documentation tools: Tools like Swagger and OpenAPI can generate comprehensive API documentation, but they might not be suitable for creating comprehensive documentation for a Kafka cluster.

Choosing the best approach depends on your specific needs and priorities. For large, complex Kafka deployments, automating documentation is highly recommended.


Automating Kafka documentation using Hugo, Gomplate, Github Actions, and Github Pages provides a robust solution for creating up-to-date, accurate, and easily accessible documentation. By leveraging these tools, you can streamline the documentation process, reduce manual effort, and improve collaboration within your team.

Further Learning

Call to Action

We encourage you to explore the concepts and tools discussed in this article and start automating your Kafka documentation today. This will not only save you time and effort but also enhance the efficiency and knowledge sharing within your team.

Next Steps:

  • Try out the step-by-step guide and build your own Kafka documentation website.
  • Explore other tools and techniques for generating documentation from Kafka metadata.
  • Integrate your documentation workflow with your CI/CD pipeline.
  • Share your experiences and best practices with the community.

By embracing documentation automation, you can unlock the full potential of Kafka and build a more efficient and collaborative development environment.

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