Intro to Ray on GKE

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 13 - - Dev Community

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Intro to Ray on GKE

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Intro to Ray on GKE


In the world of distributed computing, parallelizing workloads is essential for maximizing efficiency and performance. Ray, a popular open-source framework, provides a powerful and user-friendly platform for distributed execution. This article delves into the integration of Ray with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), a managed Kubernetes service, offering a scalable and robust environment for running Ray applications.

Why Ray on GKE?

The combination of Ray and GKE offers numerous benefits for developers and data scientists:

  • Scalability:
    GKE provides a highly scalable platform, allowing you to seamlessly adjust resources based on your application's needs.

  • Resource Management:
    GKE simplifies resource allocation and management, freeing you to focus on your application logic.

  • Fault Tolerance:
    GKE's inherent fault tolerance ensures that your Ray applications remain operational even in the event of node failures.

  • Integration with Google Cloud Services:
    GKE seamlessly integrates with other Google Cloud services like BigQuery, Cloud Storage, and Cloud AI Platform, enabling comprehensive workflows.

Ray on GKE Architecture

The diagram illustrates the integration of Ray with GKE. Ray components, such as the object store and the scheduler, are deployed as pods on the GKE cluster. This allows Ray applications to leverage the distributed resources provided by GKE.

Key Concepts

  • Ray Objects:
    Ray applications work with Ray objects, which are Python objects that can be distributed and accessed across different nodes in the cluster.

  • Tasks:
    Tasks are small units of work that can be executed independently on different nodes. Ray provides a framework for defining and executing tasks in a distributed manner.

  • Actors:
    Actors represent long-lived processes that can maintain state and handle multiple tasks. They provide a mechanism for distributed state management and object-oriented programming.

  • Object Store:
    The object store acts as a shared, distributed memory for Ray objects, allowing for efficient communication and data sharing between different nodes.

  • Scheduler:
    The scheduler manages the allocation and distribution of tasks and actors across the available resources in the cluster.

Setting up Ray on GKE

  1. Creating a GKE Cluster

You can use the Google Cloud Console or the gcloud command-line tool to create a new GKE cluster. Ensure that the cluster has sufficient resources to accommodate your Ray application's requirements. You can specify the number of nodes, machine type, and other configuration options.

gcloud container clusters create my-ray-cluster \
    --zone us-central1-a \
    --num-nodes 3 \
    --machine-type n1-standard-2

  • Deploying Ray Components

    You can deploy Ray components using a Kubernetes YAML file. The file specifies the deployment configuration for the object store, scheduler, and other essential components. The YAML file can be customized based on your application's needs.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: ray-head
      replicas: 1
          app: ray-head
            app: ray-head
          - name: ray-head
            image: rayproject/ray:latest
            command: ["ray", "start", "--head", "--object-manager-port=6379", "--redis-port=6379"]
            - containerPort: 6379
            - containerPort: 10001

  • Accessing the Ray Cluster

    Once the Ray components are deployed, you can access the Ray cluster using the cluster's IP address and the corresponding port. You can use the `ray.init` function to connect to the Ray cluster and start running your applications.

    import ray
    # Connect to the Ray cluster

    Running Ray Applications on GKE

  • Simple Task Execution

    Let's illustrate a simple example of task execution on Ray. Consider a task that squares a number.

    import ray
    def square(x):
        return x * x
    # Execute the task on a remote worker
    result = square.remote(4)
    # Retrieve the result
    result = ray.get(result)
    print(f"Square of 4 is: {result}")

    The `@ray.remote` decorator indicates that the `square` function should be executed as a Ray task. `ray.remote` returns an object ID representing the task. `ray.get` retrieves the result of the task.

  • Distributed Object Storage

    Ray's object store allows you to store and share objects across different nodes. The following example demonstrates how to store a large object in the object store.

    import ray
    import numpy as np
    def generate_data():
        return np.random.rand(1000000)
    # Generate a large array of data
    data = generate_data.remote()
    # Access the data from different nodes
    data = ray.get(data)

    In this example, the `generate_data` function generates a large array of random numbers. The returned object is stored in the Ray object store. You can retrieve the data from any node in the cluster.

  • Using Actors

    Actors provide a mechanism for managing distributed state. Let's create an actor that maintains a counter.

    import ray
    class Counter:
        def __init__(self):
            self.count = 0
        def increment(self):
            self.count += 1
            return self.count
    # Create an actor
    counter = Counter.remote()
    # Increment the counter
    for i in range(10):
        count = counter.increment.remote()
    # Get the final count
    final_count = ray.get(count)
    print(f"Final count: {final_count}")

    The `Counter` actor maintains a `count` variable. Each call to `increment` increases the counter. This allows you to perform distributed state updates across multiple nodes.

    Best Practices

    • Optimize Task Granularity: Break down tasks into smaller, manageable units to maximize parallelism and efficiency.
    • Use Object Store Effectively: Utilize the object store to share large data structures and intermediate results. Avoid redundant computation by reusing objects from the store.
    • Handle Failures: Design your applications to handle potential failures of nodes. Use retries or other mechanisms to ensure fault tolerance.
    • Monitor Performance: Monitor your application's performance to identify potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies. Ray provides tools for monitoring resource utilization and task execution times.


    Ray on GKE offers a powerful platform for scaling your Python applications. By combining the distributed capabilities of Ray with the scalability and resource management features of GKE, you can achieve significant performance improvements and handle complex workloads. This article provided a comprehensive introduction to Ray on GKE, covering key concepts, setup procedures, and best practices. Experimenting with Ray applications on GKE is encouraged to harness the full potential of distributed computing for your projects.

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