SCSS: Creating Custom Functions

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

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SCSS: Creating Custom Functions

<br> body {<br> font-family: sans-serif;<br> line-height: 1.6;<br> margin: 2rem;<br> }</p> <div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>h1, h2, h3 { font-weight: bold; } code { background-color: #f0f0f0; padding: 0.2rem 0.5rem; border-radius: 3px; font-family: monospace; } pre { background-color: #f0f0f0; padding: 1rem; border-radius: 5px; overflow-x: auto; } .image-container { display: flex; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 2rem; } img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } </code></pre></div> <p>

SCSS: Creating Custom Functions


SCSS (Sassy CSS) is a powerful preprocessor that offers several features to streamline CSS development, including the ability to define and use custom functions. Custom functions allow you to encapsulate reusable logic and calculations, making your SCSS code more modular, maintainable, and efficient. This article provides a comprehensive guide to creating and utilizing custom functions in SCSS.

Why Use Custom Functions in SCSS?

  • Abstraction and Reusability:
    Functions encapsulate code, promoting reusability and reducing redundancy.

  • Modularization:
    Functions break down complex logic into smaller, more manageable units, making code easier to understand and maintain.

  • Consistency:
    Enforce consistent calculations and styles across your project.

  • Dynamic Values:
    Functions can accept parameters, allowing you to generate dynamic styles based on variables or conditions.

  • Improved Readability:
    Clear function names enhance code readability and understanding.

Understanding SCSS Functions

SCSS functions resemble functions in other programming languages. They accept input parameters, perform operations, and return an output value. Let's break down the structure of a basic SCSS function:

@function function-name($parameter1, $parameter2) {
// Code to perform calculations or logic
@return value;

Key Components:

  • @function

    Keyword to declare a function.

  • function-name

    A descriptive name for your function.

  • $parameter1, $parameter2

    Optional input parameters (variables). Use the
    prefix to define variables in SCSS.

  • @return

    Keyword to specify the function's output value.

Creating and Using Custom Functions

Example 1: Color Mixing

Let's create a simple function to mix two colors and return a new color based on a specified percentage:

@function mix-colors($color1, $color2, $percentage) {
@return mix($color1, $color2, $percentage);

.my-element {
background-color: mix-colors(red, blue, 50%);

In this example, we define a function named


that accepts three parameters: two colors (




) and a percentage (


). Inside the function, we use the built-in SCSS


function to blend the colors. Finally, we return the resulting color.

In our CSS, we apply the


function to set the background color of an element. This will create a color that is a 50/50 mix of red and blue.

Example 2: Calculating Font Size

Custom functions can be used to calculate values dynamically based on variables. Here's an example of calculating font sizes:

$base-font-size: 16px;

@function calculate-font-size($size) {
@return $base-font-size * $size;

h1 {
font-size: calculate-font-size(2);

h2 {
font-size: calculate-font-size(1.5);

In this code, we define a base font size variable (


) and a function called


. The function accepts a multiplier (


) and returns the base font size multiplied by the multiplier. We then use this function to set the font sizes for our headings.

Example 3: Conditional Logic

SCSS functions can incorporate conditional logic (




) to create dynamic styles based on specific conditions:

@function get-background-color($theme) {
@if $theme == 'light' {
@return #ffffff;
} @else {
@return #000000;

.container {
background-color: get-background-color(light);



function takes a


parameter. It uses an


statement to check if the theme is 'light'. If it is, the function returns white; otherwise, it returns black. This allows you to easily switch between light and dark themes by changing the theme variable.

Best Practices for Custom Functions

  • Descriptive Names:
    Use clear and descriptive function names that reflect their purpose.

  • Modularization:
    Break down complex logic into smaller, reusable functions.

  • Documentation:
    Add comments to your functions explaining their purpose, parameters, and return values.

  • Avoid Side Effects:
    Functions should ideally focus on calculations and return values without modifying external variables.

  • Use Built-in Functions:
    Leverage SCSS's built-in functions for common tasks to reduce code duplication.

Advanced Function Techniques

Here are some advanced techniques for creating more powerful and flexible custom functions:

  1. Nesting and Scoping

Functions can be nested within other functions to create more complex logic.

@function calculate-price($price, $discount) {
@function apply-discount($price, $discount) {
  @return $price - ($price * $discount / 100);

@return apply-discount($price, $discount);

  • Default Values

    You can define default values for function parameters.

    @function add-margin($top: 0, $right: $top, $bottom: $top, $left: $right) {
    @return margin: $top $right $bottom $left;
  • .element {
    @include add-margin(10px); // Uses the default values for right, bottom, and left

    1. Mixins with Functions

    Mixins can utilize custom functions to create more dynamic styling.

    @function calculate-font-size($size) {
    @return $base-font-size * $size;

    @mixin font-size($size) {
    font-size: calculate-font-size($size);

    h1 {

    @include font-size(2);



    Custom functions in SCSS provide a powerful tool for enhancing the organization, reusability, and maintainability of your CSS. By understanding the fundamentals of function creation, nesting, and advanced techniques, you can significantly improve your workflow and create more efficient and dynamic styles. Remember to prioritize clear naming conventions, modularization, and thorough documentation for optimal code readability and collaboration.

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