Difference Between new Function() and new function() in JavaScript

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

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The Subtle Difference Between new Function() and new function() in JavaScript

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The Subtle Difference Between new Function() and new function() in JavaScript

JavaScript, a dynamic and flexible language, offers multiple ways to create functions. Two such methods, new Function() and new function(), often cause confusion due to their similar syntax. While they both involve the new keyword, they represent distinct approaches with varying implications. This article delves into the nuances of these constructs, highlighting their differences and practical applications.

The new Function() Constructor

The new Function() constructor stands as a powerful mechanism for creating functions dynamically at runtime. It allows you to define a function based on a string argument, giving you the ability to create functions based on user input, fetched data, or other dynamic sources.


new Function(arg1, arg2, ..., argN, functionBody);
  • arg1, arg2, ..., argN: These represent the names of the parameters that the function will accept.
  • functionBody: A string containing the code of the function.


// Creating a function dynamically based on user input
const functionCode = `
  console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");

const greet = new Function("name", functionCode);

greet("John"); // Output: Hello, John!

Key Characteristics

  • Dynamic creation: new Function() allows functions to be created on the fly, based on strings.
    • Global scope: Functions created using new Function() are always defined in the global scope. This means they can access global variables and modify them directly.
    • Security considerations: Be cautious when using new Function() with user-supplied data, as it can be a potential security vulnerability if not properly sanitized.

      The new function() Syntax: An Incorrect Usage

      Contrary to popular belief, the new function() syntax is not a valid way to create a function in JavaScript. This construct leads to a syntax error as JavaScript interprets it incorrectly.

      Syntax Error

new function() {
  console.log("This is not valid!");


JavaScript interprets function as a keyword when used in this context, not a constructor. The new keyword expects an object constructor, not a keyword.

Practical Applications of new Function()

Despite its potential security concerns, new Function() has its use cases:
  • Dynamically loading scripts: You can use new Function() to load and execute JavaScript code from external sources, such as a server or a user's input.
  • Evaluating expressions: It can be helpful for evaluating mathematical expressions or parsing user input.
  • Code generation: In certain scenarios, you might use new Function() to generate code dynamically.

    Alternatives to new Function()

    While new Function() offers flexibility, it comes with potential risks. Consider alternatives for safer and more readable code.

    • Function declaration: The classic way to define a function:
function greet(name) {
  console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");
  • Function expression: A function assigned to a variable:
const greet = function(name) {
  console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");
  • Arrow function: A concise syntax for functions:
const greet = (name) =&gt; {
  console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");

Function creation methods in JavaScript

These alternatives offer better control over the scope of the function, avoid potential security risks, and are generally more readable.


The new Function() constructor, though powerful, should be used with caution. Its potential security vulnerabilities make it unsuitable for situations where user input or external data is involved. Alternatively, traditional function declarations, function expressions, and arrow functions provide safer and more maintainable ways to define functions in your JavaScript code.

Always prioritize security and readability when choosing methods for creating functions in your projects. Understand the implications of each approach and select the method that best aligns with your needs.

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