How to Create a Blazor Web App for Document PDF Viewing and Annotation

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 14 - - Dev Community

Creating a Blazor Web App for Document PDF Viewing and Annotation


In today's digital world, PDFs have become the standard for document sharing and collaboration. While basic PDF viewing is relatively simple, the need for annotation and interactive features within web applications is growing. This is where Blazor, a powerful framework for building interactive web UIs using C#, shines.

Blazor, with its ability to run .NET code in the browser, provides a robust platform for building feature-rich PDF viewers that allow users to annotate documents seamlessly. This article will guide you through the process of creating a Blazor web application for viewing and annotating PDF documents, highlighting the key concepts, tools, and best practices along the way.

Key Concepts

1. Blazor: Blazor is a framework that allows you to build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. It leverages web assembly to run .NET code in the browser, offering a smooth development experience for .NET developers.

2. PDF Rendering Libraries: To display PDF documents in your web app, you'll need a PDF rendering library. Several options are available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Popular choices include:

* **PdfSharp:** A versatile .NET library for working with PDFs, supporting rendering, creation, and manipulation.
* **iTextSharp:** Another widely used library for PDF generation and manipulation. 
* **PdfiumViewer:** A high-performance, open-source library based on the MuPDF library, offering excellent rendering quality.
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3. Annotation Libraries: For adding annotation features, you'll need a dedicated library to manage annotation creation, storage, and display. Several libraries cater specifically to this need, offering features like highlighting, drawing, adding text, and more. Examples include:

* **Annotate.js:** A JavaScript library for creating interactive annotations on PDF documents.
* **PDF.js:** An open-source PDF viewer library by Mozilla, which includes basic annotation functionality.
* **Xceed PDF Reader:** A comprehensive library providing annotation capabilities as well as document viewing and manipulation features.
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4. Data Storage: Storing annotation data is crucial for persistence and user experience. You can choose from various storage options:

* **Local Storage:** Suitable for simple annotations and temporary storage.
* **Server-Side Database:**  Provides more robust storage options and allows for data sharing and collaboration.
* **Cloud Storage:**  Offers scalable storage options for large-scale applications.
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Building a Blazor PDF Viewer and Annotation App

Now, let's dive into the practical steps of creating a Blazor web app for PDF viewing and annotation:

1. Project Setup:

  • Create a new Blazor WebAssembly project:
    • Use Visual Studio or the .NET CLI to create a new Blazor WebAssembly project.
  • Install necessary packages:
    • Install the chosen PDF rendering library (e.g., PdfSharp, iTextSharp, PdfiumViewer) using NuGet or the package manager in your IDE.
    • Install a suitable annotation library if needed (e.g., Annotate.js, PDF.js, Xceed PDF Reader).
    • Choose a suitable data storage solution and install its corresponding packages.

2. Implementing PDF Viewing:

  • Create a Component:
    • Create a new Blazor component, for example, PdfViewer.razor.
  • Handle PDF Loading:
    • Implement code to load PDF documents using the chosen rendering library. You might need to handle file uploads or provide URLs for external PDFs.
  • Render the PDF:
    • Use the rendering library's methods to display the loaded PDF in your component.
  • Example with PdfSharp:

     using PdfSharp;
     using PdfSharp.Pdf;
     using PdfSharp.Drawing;
     // In PdfViewer.razor
     @page "/pdfviewer"
     @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
    <input @onchange="HandleFileSelected" id="pdfFile" type="file"/>
    <div id="pdfContainer">
    @code {
         private PdfDocument? pdfDocument;
         private async Task HandleFileSelected(InputFileChangeEventArgs e)
             // Assuming the file is a PDF
             if (e.File.Type == "application/pdf")
                 using (var stream = e.File.OpenReadStream())
                     pdfDocument = PdfReader.Open(stream);
                     await RenderPdf();
         private async Task RenderPdf()
             if (pdfDocument != null)
                 var canvas = document.getElementById("pdfContainer") as HTMLCanvasElement;
                 if (canvas != null)
                     var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
                     for (int page = 0; page &lt; pdfDocument.PageCount; page++)
                         var pageWidth = pdfDocument.Pages[page].Width.Point;
                         var pageHeight = pdfDocument.Pages[page].Height.Point;
                         canvas.width = (int)pageWidth;
                         canvas.height = (int)pageHeight;
                         var graphics = XGraphics.FromGraphics(context);
                         await Task.Yield(); 

3. Adding Annotation Functionality:

  • Choose an Annotation Library:
    • Select a library that aligns with your required features (e.g., highlighting, drawing, text boxes).
  • Integrate the Library:
    • Include the annotation library's scripts and stylesheets in your Blazor app.
  • Create Annotation Tools:
    • Design and implement user interface elements (buttons, icons, etc.) to control the annotation tools.
  • Handle Annotation Events:
    • Implement event handlers for annotation creation, modification, and deletion.
  • Store Annotation Data:
    • Use your chosen storage mechanism to persist annotation data (e.g., local storage, database).
  • Display Annotations:
    • Render the stored annotations on the PDF document, ensuring synchronization with the rendering library.
  • Example using Annotate.js:

    <button @onclick="ToggleAnnotationMode">
    Toggle Annotation Mode
    <div id="pdfContainer">
    @code {
         private bool annotationMode = false;
         private void ToggleAnnotationMode()
             annotationMode = !annotationMode;
             if (annotationMode)
                 // Initialize Annotate.js and configure annotation tools
                     element: document.getElementById("pdfContainer"), 
                     // Configure tools and settings

4. Data Storage and Persistence:

  • Choose a Storage Method:
    • Select a suitable storage solution based on your application's requirements.
  • Implement Data Persistence:
    • Write code to save and retrieve annotation data to/from your chosen storage mechanism.
  • Data Structure:
    • Define a data structure to represent annotations, including properties like type, location, content, and user information.
  • Example with Local Storage:

     // In PdfViewer.razor
     @code {
         private List
    annotations = new List
         private void SaveAnnotation(Annotation annotation)
             localStorage.SetItem("annotations", System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(annotations));
         private void LoadAnnotations()
             var storedAnnotations = localStorage.GetItem("annotations");
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(storedAnnotations))
                 annotations = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize
     // Annotation Data Model
     public class Annotation
         public int Id { get; set; }
         public string Type { get; set; }
         public Point Location { get; set; }
         public string Content { get; set; }
         // ... other properties

5. User Interface and Design:

  • Build a User-Friendly Interface:
    • Design an intuitive interface for users to navigate through PDFs, choose annotation tools, and manage annotations.
  • Customization:
    • Allow users to customize the appearance (colors, fonts, sizes) of annotations.
  • Responsive Design:
    • Ensure your app adapts to various screen sizes and devices.

6. Security and Validation:

  • Implement User Authentication:
    • Protect your application with user authentication and authorization to control access to documents and annotations.
  • Validate Input:
    • Validate user input to prevent malicious data or improper annotation usage.
  • Data Security:
    • Securely store and transmit sensitive data, especially if you're handling user-generated annotations.

7. Testing and Deployment:

  • Thorough Testing:
    • Test your app extensively across different browsers, devices, and scenarios to ensure robustness and stability.
  • Deployment:
    • Choose a suitable deployment method for your Blazor app (e.g., Azure, AWS, IIS, etc.) and deploy it to a production environment.

Example Project Structure:

├── wwwroot/
│   ├── js/
│   │   └── annotate.js
│   └── css/
│       └── annotate.css
└── Pages/
    └── PdfViewer.razor
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Building a Blazor web application for PDF viewing and annotation can enhance your web apps with powerful document interaction capabilities. Choosing the right PDF rendering library, annotation library, and data storage solution is essential. Remember to prioritize user experience, security, and proper testing throughout the development process.

With the guidance provided in this article, you're equipped to create a feature-rich, user-friendly Blazor application that empowers users to interact with PDF documents effectively.

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