My first open-source project built with Python to inspect databases through CLI fast

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 14 - - Dev Community

My First Open-Source Project: A CLI Tool for Fast Database Inspection with Python


As a developer, I often find myself spending countless hours navigating complex databases, querying for specific data, and analyzing results. The process can be time-consuming and tedious, especially when dealing with large datasets or unfamiliar database structures. This led me to develop a personal open-source project: "DB Inspector," a command-line interface (CLI) tool built with Python to expedite database inspection.

Why a CLI Tool?

CLI tools offer several advantages over traditional graphical interfaces:

  • Speed: CLI tools execute commands directly, eliminating the overhead of graphical rendering and user interaction.
  • Automation: CLI commands can be easily scripted and integrated into automated workflows.
  • Remote Access: CLIs can seamlessly interact with databases hosted on remote servers.
  • Simplicity: A focused command-line interface streamlines interaction and eliminates unnecessary UI clutter.

The Core Concepts

DB Inspector leverages several key Python libraries and concepts:

  • Click: A powerful library for building user-friendly command-line interfaces.
  • SQLAlchemy: A robust Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for interacting with various database systems.
  • PyMySQL: A Python module for connecting to and interacting with MySQL databases.
  • PrettyTable: A library for presenting tabular data in a visually appealing format.

The Structure of DB Inspector

The core of DB Inspector is a Python script utilizing the click library to define commands and options. This script interacts with SQLAlchemy to connect to a specified database and retrieve data based on user input. The retrieved data is then formatted using PrettyTable for easy readability.

Step-by-Step Guide: Building DB Inspector

Let's embark on a step-by-step guide to building a basic version of DB Inspector, covering the fundamental concepts and functionalities:

1. Project Setup

  • Create a new directory for your project.
  • Initialize a virtual environment using python -m venv venv and activate it.
  • Install the necessary libraries: pip install click sqlalchemy pymysql prettytable

2. Defining the CLI Interface with Click

  • Create a Python file named
  • Import the required libraries:
import click
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from prettytable import PrettyTable
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  • Define a click group for organizing commands:
def cli():
    """DB Inspector: A CLI tool for inspecting databases."""
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3. Implementing the Connect Command

  • Define a command within the cli group for establishing a database connection:
@click.option('--user', prompt='Enter database username', help='Username for the database')
@click.option('--password', prompt='Enter database password', hide_input=True, confirmation_prompt=True, help='Password for the database')
@click.option('--host', prompt='Enter database host', help='Host address for the database')
@click.option('--database', prompt='Enter database name', help='Name of the database')
def connect(user, password, host, database):
    """Connects to the database."""
    click.echo(f'Connecting to database {database}...')
    engine = create_engine(f'mysql://{user}:{password}@{host}/{database}')
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    session = Session()
    click.echo(f'Connection established successfully.')
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  • This command uses click.option to prompt the user for database credentials and utilizes SQLAlchemy's create_engine to establish a connection.

4. Adding a List Tables Command

  • Define another command to list all tables in the connected database:
def list_tables():
    """Lists all tables in the connected database."""
    # Retrieve all tables from the database
    tables = engine.table_names()

    # Display the table names
    click.echo('Available Tables:')
    table = PrettyTable(['Table Name'])
    for table_name in tables:
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5. Integrating the Commands

  • Add the newly defined commands to the cli group:
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6. Running the Script

  • Execute the script with the python command.
  • Follow the prompts to provide database credentials.
  • Use the list_tables command to view available tables.

Expanding DB Inspector's Capabilities

This basic version provides a starting point. You can further enhance DB Inspector by adding more commands:

  • show_data command: Display data from a specific table.
  • search command: Search for specific data within a table.
  • describe command: Provide detailed information about a table's schema.
  • export command: Export data to CSV or other formats.
  • import command: Import data from CSV or other formats.

Example Code (Basic Version):

import click
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from prettytable import PrettyTable
def cli():
    """DB Inspector: A CLI tool for inspecting databases."""

@click.option('--user', prompt='Enter database username', help='Username for the database')
@click.option('--password', prompt='Enter database password', hide_input=True, confirmation_prompt=True, help='Password for the database')
@click.option('--host', prompt='Enter database host', help='Host address for the database')
@click.option('--database', prompt='Enter database name', help='Name of the database')
def connect(user, password, host, database):
    """Connects to the database."""
    global engine, Session, session
    click.echo(f'Connecting to database {database}...')
    engine = create_engine(f'mysql://{user}:{password}@{host}/{database}')
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    session = Session()
    click.echo(f'Connection established successfully.')

def list_tables():
    """Lists all tables in the connected database."""
    tables = engine.table_names()
    click.echo('Available Tables:')
    table = PrettyTable(['Table Name'])
    for table_name in tables:


if __name__ == '__main__':
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  • [Insert screenshot of the CLI interaction with DB Inspector]


DB Inspector demonstrates how a simple CLI tool built with Python can significantly streamline database inspection. By leveraging powerful libraries and incorporating user-friendly features, you can create a highly effective and efficient tool for managing and understanding your databases. Remember to continually refine your project by adding more features, optimizing performance, and improving user experience. Embrace the open-source spirit by sharing your work and collaborating with others.

Best Practices:

  • Modular Code: Break down your project into well-defined modules for improved organization and maintainability.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to gracefully handle unexpected situations.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Prioritize a clear and intuitive command-line interface.
  • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation to guide users and developers.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test your code to ensure accuracy and functionality.
  • Open Source Contribution: Consider releasing your project under an open-source license to encourage community contributions.

Next Steps:

  • Implement the remaining commands: show_data, search, describe, export, and import.
  • Add support for other database systems: PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc.
  • Introduce command-line arguments: Allow users to specify database credentials directly in the command.
  • Integrate with other tools: Use libraries like requests to access data from APIs or other external sources.
  • Create a user interface: Explore building a GUI for a more visually appealing and interactive experience.

Remember, the journey of creating open-source projects is a continuous learning process. Embrace the challenges, learn from your experiences, and share your knowledge to contribute to the vibrant community of open-source developers.

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