Let's Read - Eloquent Ruby - Ch 16

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Eloquent Ruby - Chapter 16: Metaprogramming and Domain-Specific Languages


Metaprogramming, the ability of a program to manipulate itself, is a powerful technique that allows you to write more concise, expressive, and flexible code. This chapter delves into the world of metaprogramming in Ruby, exploring how it can be used to define domain-specific languages (DSLs) and create more efficient and maintainable code.

The Power of Metaprogramming

Metaprogramming in Ruby offers several advantages:

  • Conciseness: It allows you to write less code to achieve the same functionality by abstracting common patterns.
  • Flexibility: You can dynamically modify the behavior of your code at runtime, adapting to changing needs and conditions.
  • Abstraction: It enables the creation of DSLs tailored to specific domains, making your code more readable and maintainable.

Understanding the Building Blocks

Ruby provides a powerful arsenal of metaprogramming tools, including:

  • define_method: This method allows you to define methods dynamically at runtime.
  • method_missing: This method intercepts calls to undefined methods and provides an opportunity to handle them gracefully.
  • attr_accessor: A convenient shortcut to define getter and setter methods for attributes.
  • class_eval: This method allows you to execute code within the context of a specific class.
  • singleton_class: Every object in Ruby has a singleton class (also known as an eigenclass), which allows you to define methods specific to that particular object.

Crafting Domain-Specific Languages

DSLs are languages designed for a specific domain or purpose, offering a more concise and expressive way to write code related to that domain. Ruby's metaprogramming capabilities make it an excellent choice for creating DSLs.

Example: A Simple DSL for Building Houses

class HouseBuilder
  def initialize
    @rooms = []

  def room(name, size)
    @rooms << { name: name, size: size }

  def to_s
    "House with #{@rooms.size} rooms:\n" +
    @rooms.map { |room| "  - #{room[:name]} (#{room[:size]} sq ft)" }.join("\n")

# Building a house using the DSL
house = HouseBuilder.new
house.room("Living Room", 200)
house.room("Kitchen", 150)
house.room("Bedroom", 100)

puts house
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This example demonstrates a simple DSL for building house layouts. The room method, defined using define_method within the HouseBuilder class, allows users to add rooms with names and sizes, providing a clear and concise way to describe a house.

Key Concepts in DSL Design:

  • Context: The DSL should provide a clear and focused context for the user. In the example above, the context is building a house.
  • Syntax: The DSL should have a simple and intuitive syntax, familiar to the user.
  • Domain-specific vocabulary: Using domain-specific terms and concepts within the DSL makes it more natural and understandable for users.

Advanced Metaprogramming Techniques

Ruby offers powerful metaprogramming techniques beyond the basics:

  • Reflection: The ability to introspect the structure and behavior of code at runtime.
  • Hooks: Methods like before_method and after_method allow you to execute code before or after a specific method call.
  • Macros: A metaprogramming technique that allows you to write code that generates other code.
  • Open Classes: Ruby allows you to modify existing classes and add new methods or attributes.

Example: A DSL for Writing Database Queries

This example demonstrates a DSL for writing SQL-like database queries using method_missing and class_eval.

class Query
  def initialize(table_name)
    @table_name = table_name
    @conditions = []
    @select_columns = []

  def method_missing(method_name, *args)
    if method_name.to_s.start_with?('where_')
      @conditions << [method_name.to_s[6..-1], args.first]
    elsif method_name.to_s == 'select'
      @select_columns = args

  def to_sql
    "SELECT #{select_columns.join(', ')} FROM #{@table_name} WHERE #{@conditions.map { |c| "#{c[0]} = '#{c[1]}'" }.join(' AND ')}"

  def select(*columns)
    @select_columns = columns

query = Query.new('users')
query.select(:id, :name)

puts query.to_sql
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In this example, the Query class uses method_missing to handle the DSL-specific methods like where_name and select. This allows users to write queries in a more readable and intuitive way, similar to SQL.


Metaprogramming is a powerful tool in the Ruby programmer's arsenal, providing the ability to create more concise, flexible, and expressive code. By mastering the techniques of metaprogramming and understanding the principles of DSL design, you can write code that is both efficient and maintainable, tailored to the specific needs of your projects. Remember to use metaprogramming judiciously and always prioritize clarity and readability in your code.

Best Practices:

  • Use metaprogramming sparingly and only when it provides a clear benefit.
  • Document your metaprogramming code thoroughly to ensure its maintainability.
  • Choose meaningful and consistent names for your DSL methods and classes.
  • Prioritize code readability over overly complex metaprogramming techniques.

By following these best practices, you can harness the power of metaprogramming and DSLs to create truly expressive and effective Ruby applications.

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