10 Essential VS Code Tips & Tricks for Greater Productivity

Safdar Ali - Aug 25 - - Dev Community

Did you know that 73% of developers worldwide rely on the same code editor? According to the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, Visual Studio Code (VS Code) remains the top choice for developers, and it's no surprise why—VS Code is powerful, flexible, and packed with features that can significantly boost your productivity.

VS code-Safdar Alion

However, many developers aren't fully exploring the capabilities of VS Code. In this article, we'll dive into 10 essential tips and tricks that will help you get the most out of your favorite code editor. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, these tips will enhance your workflow and make coding faster and more efficient.

1. Command Palette: Your All-in-One Tool

The Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) is like a Swiss Army knife for developers. It provides quick access to virtually every feature and command in VS Code. Whether you need to change the theme, install extensions, or run a Git command, the Command Palette has you covered. Mastering this tool will save you tons of time searching through menus.

2. Multi-Cursor Editing

Why edit one line at a time when you can edit multiple lines simultaneously? With multi-cursor editing (Alt + Click), you can place cursors on multiple lines or positions in your code and type or delete text in all those places at once. It's perfect for making repetitive changes across your codebase.

3. Integrated Terminal

Forget about switching between your code editor and a terminal window—VS Code has an integrated terminal (Ctrl + `). You can run your commands directly from within the editor, whether you're installing packages, running a build, or pushing to Git. The terminal supports multiple tabs, so you can easily manage different tasks in one place.

4. Zen Mode

When you need to focus and eliminate distractions, Zen Mode (Ctrl + K Z) is your best friend. It hides all the UI elements, such as the sidebar, status bar, and activity bar, giving you a full-screen, distraction-free environment to concentrate on your code. Exit Zen Mode by pressing Esc twice.

5. Emmet Abbreviations

Writing HTML and CSS can be tedious, but Emmet makes it a breeze. With Emmet abbreviations, you can quickly generate entire blocks of code with just a few keystrokes. For example, typing div.container>ul>li*5 and hitting Tab will generate a container div with an unordered list containing five list items. Emmet is built into VS Code, so start using it to speed up your front-end development.

6. Side-by-Side Editing

VS Code allows you to open files side by side, making it easy to compare code, reference documentation, or work on multiple files simultaneously. Simply drag a file from the Explorer to the editor area or use the Split Editor (Ctrl + ) to create a new vertical or horizontal editor group.

7. Live Share

Collaborating with other developers is seamless with Live Share. This feature allows you to share your VS Code session with others in real-time. You can edit files together, debug code, and even share your terminal. It's a game-changer for remote teams or pair programming sessions.

8. Peek Definition

Need to see the definition of a function or variable without leaving your current file? Use Peek Definition (Alt + F12). It opens an inline window right where you are, showing the definition of the symbol you're interested in. This keeps you in the flow without jumping between files.

9. Snippets

Snippets are templates that make it easier to enter repeating code patterns, such as loops or conditional statements. You can create your own custom snippets or use predefined ones by typing a snippet's prefix and hitting Tab. Snippets can be a huge time-saver, especially for code you write frequently.

10. Auto-Save

If you've ever lost work because you forgot to save your changes, Auto-Save is for you. Enabling Auto-Save (File > Auto Save) automatically saves your work every time you make a change, so you never have to worry about losing unsaved code again. You can customize the save delay or trigger it after specific actions, like losing focus on the editor.


VS Code is more than just a code editor—it's a productivity powerhouse. By mastering these tips and tricks, you can streamline your workflow, reduce manual tasks, and focus more on writing great code. Whether you're editing multiple lines at once, collaborating with teammates in real-time, or simply working in a distraction-free environment, these features will help you code smarter, not harder. Give them a try and watch your productivity soar!

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