Stop Doing Tutorials. Learn Programming Like This

Safdar Ali - Aug 1 - - Dev Community

If I had to start learning programming again, I would do it differently.

Back when I was first getting into coding, I relied heavily on tutorials. I would follow along with videos and online courses, thinking that I was learning how to code. I watched and rewatched videos until I felt a sense of familiarity with the concepts being taught. “I’ve learned to code!” I would proudly tell myself.

But then, when I tried to write my own code from scratch, I found myself staring at the screen, unsure of where to begin. The concepts that seemed so clear while watching a tutorial suddenly felt foreign and confusing. This experience taught me an important lesson: tutorials can give you a false sense of mastery.

This is the modern illusion of learning. Tutorials can make you feel like you understand the material, but in reality, they often leave you unprepared for actual problem-solving. The act of passively following along doesn't necessarily translate into the ability to think critically and solve real-world problems.

How To Learn Coding Effectively?

Let’s start with what I mean by learning effectively.

Learning is about linking information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. Rereading and rewatching, for example, may help you feel comfortable with the concepts you’re studying, but they often only store that information in your short-term memory. This is why you might think you’ve learned something, only to struggle when you try to apply it later.

True learning involves active engagement with the material. It's about doing, experimenting, and struggling through problems until you reach a solution. This process of active learning is what helps cement information in your long-term memory and develop real skills.

The Pitfalls of Tutorial Dependency

Tutorials are not inherently bad. They can be a great way to get introduced to new concepts and tools. However, relying solely on them can lead to a superficial understanding of programming. This is because tutorials often guide you step-by-step through a solution, leaving little room for independent thinking or problem-solving.

When you follow along with a tutorial, you might understand the logic behind the code in that moment. But when it comes time to solve a problem on your own, you may find yourself lost without the step-by-step guidance. This is because you haven’t developed the skills to think critically about the problem and devise a solution independently.

A Better Approach: Project-Based Learning

So, how should you learn programming if not through tutorials? The answer is simple: build projects.

Project-based learning is a highly effective way to learn programming. It involves choosing a project you’re interested in and working on it from start to finish. This approach forces you to apply the concepts you’ve learned in a practical context, which is essential for solidifying your understanding.

Start with a small project that interests you. It could be a personal website, a simple game, or a basic calculator. The key is to pick something manageable and within your current skill level. As you work on the project, you’ll encounter obstacles and challenges that require you to think critically and problem-solve. This process is where the real learning happens.

Embrace the Struggle

One of the most important aspects of learning programming is embracing the struggle. When you encounter a problem or get stuck, resist the urge to immediately look up the solution. Instead, spend some time trying to figure it out on your own. This struggle is a crucial part of the learning process. It forces you to think deeply about the problem, consider different approaches, and ultimately gain a deeper understanding of the concepts involved.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Finally, practice is essential for mastering programming. The more you code, the more comfortable you’ll become with the language and the concepts. Practice by working on different projects, solving coding challenges, and experimenting with new technologies. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll become in your abilities.


In conclusion, while tutorials can be a helpful starting point, they shouldn’t be the sole method of learning programming. To truly master programming, you need to actively engage with the material, work on projects, and embrace the struggle of problem-solving. By doing so, you’ll develop the skills and confidence needed to tackle real-world coding challenges. So, stop doing tutorials and start building something today!

That's all for today.

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