Why You Should Never Bother Switching to TypeScript

Safdar Ali - Jun 28 - - Dev Community

If you’re learning TypeScript or want to try it out, you might want to read this first.

Hello, fellow coders, programmers, web developers, or whatever you prefer calling yourself. If you’ve been working on a website, it’s highly possible that you’ve been writing mainly in JavaScript, especially on the front-end side. If not, you will eventually. JavaScript is unescapable when it comes to the web; even if it’s not your chosen language for writing web applications, you’ll still end up using JavaScript libraries as you progress.

JavaScript has been the go-to programming language for creating interactive and dynamic websites. In fact, it’s one of the main languages of the browser, along with HTML and CSS. But one day, Microsoft introduced TypeScript, promising to solve all the problems with JavaScript, and developers started turning heads towards it. The popularity of this language has been steadily increasing among JavaScript developers, with its community continuing to grow.

A year ago, I myself was convinced to switch because of its promised benefits that plain JavaScript couldn’t provide. And as I use it, it helps me catch errors faster during development and provides better code organization in exchange for writing additional code. Additionally, TypeScript offers type safety, which can prevent a whole class of bugs that are common in JavaScript. Sounds great, right? Well, not so fast.

Despite these advantages, there are several reasons why you might want to think twice before making the switch to TypeScript.

Learning Curve

TypeScript introduces additional complexity. If you’re already proficient in JavaScript, learning TypeScript requires you to understand new concepts like interfaces, generics, and type annotations. This can be daunting, especially if you're on a tight project deadline. The time spent learning and adapting to TypeScript could be better spent improving your JavaScript skills or learning other tools and frameworks that might offer a more immediate benefit to your projects.

Increased Boilerplate

TypeScript requires more code. The need to define types for your variables, functions, and objects means that you’ll often find yourself writing a lot of additional code. This can make your codebase larger and more cumbersome to manage, which could potentially slow down your development process, particularly for smaller projects where the overhead of TypeScript might not be justified.

Compilation Overhead

JavaScript is interpreted directly by the browser, but TypeScript needs to be compiled into JavaScript before it can be executed. This additional compilation step can add complexity to your build process and slow down your development workflow. Debugging also becomes more complicated because you have to map TypeScript errors back to the original TypeScript code rather than the compiled JavaScript.

Community and Ecosystem

While TypeScript has a growing community, JavaScript's ecosystem is still significantly larger. Many libraries and frameworks are written in JavaScript, and while most popular ones now have TypeScript definitions, you might still encounter issues with libraries that don't support TypeScript well. This can lead to compatibility problems and additional time spent resolving these issues.

Flexibility vs. Strictness

One of JavaScript's strengths is its flexibility. TypeScript’s strict type system, while preventing some bugs, can also limit this flexibility. For instance, in JavaScript, you can quickly prototype ideas without worrying about types, but in TypeScript, you need to define types for everything upfront. This can slow down your initial development speed and stifle creativity.

Not Necessary for All Projects

For many projects, the benefits of TypeScript may not outweigh the costs. If you’re working on a small to medium-sized project, the additional type safety and tooling provided by TypeScript might not provide enough benefits to justify the switch. JavaScript, especially with modern ES6+ features, is powerful and flexible enough to handle many use cases without the need for TypeScript.


While TypeScript offers many benefits, it’s not always the best choice for every project or developer. The additional complexity, learning curve, and development overhead can be significant downsides, especially for smaller projects or developers who are already proficient in JavaScript. Before making the switch, it’s important to weigh these factors and consider whether TypeScript’s advantages are worth the trade-offs in your specific situation.

In the end, the choice between TypeScript and JavaScript comes down to your individual needs and preferences. JavaScript has stood the test of time as the language of the web, and for many projects, it remains the best tool for the job. So, before you jump on the TypeScript bandwagon, consider whether it truly adds value to your workflow or if you’re better off sticking with good old JavaScript.

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