Amazon S3 Access Grants introduce the ListCallerAccessGrants API to control access to end users

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

Fine-Grained Access Control with Amazon S3 Access Grants and ListCallerAccessGrants API


Amazon S3 is a powerful and versatile object storage service, offering scalability, durability, and cost-effectiveness. However, as organizations adopt S3 for critical workloads, securing data and controlling access becomes increasingly vital. Traditional access control mechanisms, like bucket policies and ACLs, provide granular control at the bucket and object level. However, in complex scenarios involving multiple users and applications, managing access efficiently can be challenging.

Enter Amazon S3 Access Grants: A new paradigm in managing access to S3 objects, empowering developers to control access for individual users and applications with fine-grained precision. These grants represent temporary access permissions, enabling granular control over actions like reading, writing, and deleting objects.

Key Concepts and Features of Access Grants

  • Fine-Grained Control: Access grants offer a level of granularity unmatched by traditional mechanisms. You can specify precise permissions for specific actions on designated objects, enabling tighter control over data access.
  • Temporary Access: Access grants have a defined expiration time, limiting the duration of granted permissions and enhancing security. This approach helps mitigate risks associated with compromised credentials or unintentional access.
  • Simplified Management: Access grants streamline access control management by separating user identity from access permissions. This separation allows for centralized control and easier auditing.

Leveraging the ListCallerAccessGrants API

The ListCallerAccessGrants API is the cornerstone of managing access grants. It allows you to:

  • Retrieve active access grants: Retrieve a list of all active access grants for the current caller (identity requesting the list). This provides a comprehensive view of granted permissions.
  • Filter grants by criteria: You can filter the retrieved list based on various criteria such as grantees, actions, or object keys, enabling focused analysis and targeted management.
  • Manage grant lifecycle: You can use the API to revoke or expire grants, ensuring timely control over access permissions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using ListCallerAccessGrants API

1. Prerequisites

  • AWS Account: You need an active AWS account with appropriate permissions.
  • AWS CLI or SDK: Choose your preferred method for interacting with the AWS API.
  • Understanding Access Grant Structure: Familiarize yourself with the structure of access grants, including their components like grantee, actions, and resources.

2. Using AWS CLI

aws s3api list-caller-access-grants \
{% endraw %}

* **{% raw %}`--account-id`{% endraw %}:** Your AWS account ID.
* **{% raw %}`--grantee`{% endraw %}:** Specifies the grantee type (e.g., "user", "group", "arn:aws:iam::") and ID.
* **{% raw %}`--action`{% endraw %}:** The action you want to filter grants for (e.g., "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject").
* **{% raw %}`--resource`{% endraw %}:** The object key you want to filter grants for.

**3. Using AWS SDK (Python Example)**
{% raw %}

import boto3

s3 = boto3.client('s3')

response = s3.list_caller_access_grants(

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • AccountId: Your AWS account ID.
  • Grantee: Specifies the grantee type (e.g., "user", "group", "arn:aws:iam::") and ID.
  • Action: The action you want to filter grants for (e.g., "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject").
  • Resource: The object key you want to filter grants for.

4. Access Grant Management

Once you retrieve active grants using the ListCallerAccessGrants API, you can manage them by:

  • Revoking Grants: Use the DeleteObject API to delete the object associated with the grant, effectively revoking the granted access.
  • Setting Expiration: When creating grants, specify a valid expiration time to limit their duration.

Use Cases for Access Grants and ListCallerAccessGrants API

  • Short-Term Access to Data: Provide temporary access to external partners or consultants who require data access for specific tasks.
  • Controlled Access for Applications: Limit the permissions of applications accessing your S3 bucket, restricting their operations to specific actions or objects.
  • Fine-Grained Data Sharing: Share access to specific datasets with designated users, enabling controlled collaboration without granting blanket permissions.


Amazon S3 Access Grants revolutionize data access management by offering fine-grained control, temporary access, and streamlined administration. The ListCallerAccessGrants API provides a powerful tool for retrieving, filtering, and managing access grants, enabling developers to efficiently control data access and enhance security. By adopting this innovative approach, organizations can confidently manage access to critical data in complex environments, ensuring security and compliance while streamlining operations.

Best Practices

  • Implement Least Privilege: Grant only the necessary permissions to users and applications, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Regularly Review Access Grants: Audit your access grants frequently to ensure their validity and relevance.
  • Use Expiration Times: Set appropriate expiration times for all access grants to limit the duration of permissions.
  • Monitor API Usage: Track API calls to the ListCallerAccessGrants API to identify potential security issues or unusual activity.

Remember: This article provides an overview of Access Grants and the ListCallerAccessGrants API. For detailed information and specific use cases, consult the official AWS documentation and best practices guides.

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