Let's Read - Eloquent Ruby - Ch 11

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Eloquent Ruby - Chapter 11: Metaprogramming

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Eloquent Ruby - Chapter 11: Metaprogramming


Metaprogramming is a powerful technique that allows you to manipulate the program's structure and behavior at runtime. In Ruby, this is achieved through the use of methods like define_method, method_missing, and class_eval, among others. This chapter of Eloquent Ruby delves deep into metaprogramming, exploring its capabilities, benefits, and potential pitfalls.

Metaprogramming is vital for several reasons:

  • Code Reusability:
    It enables you to write generic code that can adapt to different situations, reducing code duplication.

  • Dynamic Behavior:
    It allows you to change the behavior of objects and classes at runtime, making your programs more flexible.

  • Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs):
    Metaprogramming is crucial for creating DSLs, which provide a more natural and expressive way to interact with your code.

Diving into Metaprogramming

  1. Defining Methods at Runtime

The `define_method` method allows you to create new methods within a class or module at runtime. This is incredibly useful for situations where you need to generate methods based on specific conditions or data.

class Calculator
  def initialize(operation)
    define_method(operation) do |x, y|
      case operation
      when '+'
        x + y
      when '-'
        x - y
        raise "Invalid operation: #{operation}"

calc = Calculator.new('+')
puts calc.+(10, 5) # Output: 15

In this example, the `Calculator` class defines a method dynamically based on the provided `operation`. This makes it possible to create different calculators with varying functionalities without explicitly writing each method.

  • Handling Missing Methods: method_missing

    The `method_missing` method is invoked when a method call cannot be found within the current object. You can use it to implement default behavior, delegate to another object, or raise an error. This is especially valuable for defining custom behavior for objects that represent external systems or data sources.

    class Book
      def initialize(title, author)
        @title = title
        @author = author
      def method_missing(method_name, *args)
        if method_name.to_s.start_with?("get_")
          attribute = method_name.to_s.gsub("get_", "")
    book = Book.new("The Lord of the Rings", "J.R.R. Tolkien")
    puts book.get_title # Output: The Lord of the Rings

    Here, we implement `method_missing` to handle methods starting with "get_", retrieving the corresponding instance variable. This allows us to access attributes using a more natural syntax like `book.get_title`.

  • Class Evaluation: class_eval

    The `class_eval` method allows you to execute Ruby code within the context of a class or module. This gives you the flexibility to modify its definition dynamically.

    class Animal
      def speak
        "Generic animal sound"
    Animal.class_eval do
      def bark
    dog = Animal.new
    puts dog.bark # Output: Woof!

    In this code, we use `class_eval` to add the `bark` method to the `Animal` class. Now, any instance of `Animal` can call the `bark` method, demonstrating how to extend classes dynamically.

  • Monkey Patching: Modifying Existing Classes

    Monkey patching refers to the practice of modifying existing classes and modules at runtime. While powerful, it can be risky if not handled carefully. It's crucial to understand the potential side effects and use it judiciously.

    class String
      def capitalize_words
        self.split.map(&:capitalize).join(' ')
    puts "hello world".capitalize_words # Output: Hello World

    This example adds the `capitalize_words` method to the `String` class, allowing any string to be capitalized easily. Be cautious when monkey patching as it might affect other parts of your code.

  • Metaprogramming Techniques and Best Practices

    Metaprogramming is a powerful tool, but it comes with its own set of considerations:

    • Clarity and Readability: Metaprogrammed code can become complex and hard to understand. Aim for clarity and ensure your code is well-documented.
    • Testing: Thoroughly test metaprogrammed code to ensure it works as expected and doesn't introduce unexpected behavior.
    • Debugging: Debugging metaprogrammed code can be challenging. Use tools like `debugger` and understand how the runtime environment behaves.
    • Overuse: Avoid using metaprogramming for simple tasks that can be achieved with standard Ruby syntax. Use it strategically for complex and repetitive operations.

    Example: Building a Simple DSL

    Let's build a simple DSL for defining and executing basic arithmetic operations using metaprogramming:

    class Calculator
      def initialize
        @operations = {}
      def define_operation(name, █)
        @operations[name] = block
      def calculate(name, *args)
    calc = Calculator.new
    calc.define_operation(:add) { |x, y| x + y }
    calc.define_operation(:subtract) { |x, y| x - y }
    puts calc.calculate(:add, 5, 3)  # Output: 8
    puts calc.calculate(:subtract, 10, 2) # Output: 8

    This DSL allows you to define new operations using `define_operation` and then execute them using `calculate`. This illustrates how metaprogramming can simplify the creation of custom languages tailored to specific tasks.


    Metaprogramming is a powerful technique in Ruby that unlocks a world of possibilities. It enables you to write flexible, adaptable, and reusable code, while also empowering you to create your own domain-specific languages. Remember to use it responsibly, prioritize clarity, and test your metaprogrammed code thoroughly. By mastering these principles, you can unlock the full potential of Ruby's metaprogramming capabilities.

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