Command nvm not found and Command node not found after already installed nvm on MacOS?

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 17 - - Dev Community
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   Command 'nvm' and 'node' Not Found After Installing NVM on macOS
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   Command 'nvm' and 'node' Not Found After Installing NVM on macOS
   Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime environment widely used for building web applications, back-end services, and command-line tools. Node.js's versatility stems from its vast ecosystem of packages and modules, managed through the Node Package Manager (npm). However, maintaining multiple Node.js versions across different projects can be a challenge. This is where Node Version Manager (nvm) comes in. NVM allows you to seamlessly switch between different Node.js versions on your system, ensuring that each project runs with the desired version.
   Despite successfully installing NVM on your macOS system, you might encounter the frustrating error "Command 'nvm' not found" or "Command 'node' not found" when you try to use it. This issue arises due to a mismatch between the environment variables set by NVM and your shell's configuration. This article delves into the causes of this error and provides a comprehensive guide to resolve it, enabling you to manage your Node.js versions with ease.
   Key Concepts
   Node Version Manager (NVM)
   NVM is a command-line tool that lets you install and manage multiple versions of Node.js on your system. It simplifies version switching and provides a centralized way to handle your Node.js environments. It's a vital tool for developers who work on projects with different Node.js requirements.
   Shell Configuration
   Your shell (such as Bash or Zsh) relies on environment variables to define various system settings, including paths to executable files. When you install NVM, it modifies these variables to make the 'nvm' command and the installed Node.js versions accessible from your terminal.
   Environment Variables
   Environment variables are key-value pairs that store information about your system and user environment. They control settings like the path to your executables, libraries, and other system-specific details.
   Troubleshooting Steps
   1. Verify NVM Installation
   Before you begin troubleshooting, ensure that NVM is correctly installed on your macOS system. Open your terminal and run the following command:
  <pre><code>nvm --version</code></pre>
   If NVM is installed, you should see the installed NVM version. If the output shows "command not found", you need to install NVM first using the official installation instructions from the NVM website.
   2. Add NVM to Shell Configuration
   After installing NVM, you need to ensure that your shell recognizes the 'nvm' command. The most common way to achieve this is by adding the following lines to your shell's configuration file:
  <pre><code>export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] &amp;&amp; \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
   The specific configuration file depends on your shell. Here are the common locations:
    ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc
   You can open these files using your preferred text editor and append the lines mentioned above. Save the file, and close and reopen your terminal session to apply the changes.
   3. Update Shell Environment
   Even after modifying your shell configuration, the changes might not take effect immediately. You can force the shell to update its environment variables by running one of the following commands:
     source ~/.bashrc
     source ~/.zshrc
   This ensures that your shell reads the latest configuration and loads the necessary environment variables.
   4. Install Node.js
   Now that NVM is properly configured, you can install Node.js using the following command:
  <pre><code>nvm install node</code></pre>
   This command will install the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version of Node.js. You can install specific versions using:
  <pre><code>nvm install <version></version></code></pre>
   Replace `
    ` with the desired Node.js version number.
   5. Use 'nvm' Command
   After installing Node.js, you can use the 'nvm' command to manage your Node.js installations. To see a list of all installed versions, run:
  <pre><code>nvm ls</code></pre>
   To switch to a specific version, use:
  <pre><code>nvm use <version></version></code></pre>
   Replace `
    ` with the version you want to use.
   6. Check Path Variables
   If you are still facing the "Command 'node' not found" issue even after installing Node.js, check your shell's path variables. These variables tell your system where to find executable files. Run the following command in your terminal:
  <pre><code>echo $PATH</code></pre>
   The output will display a list of directories that your shell searches for executables. Verify that the directory containing your Node.js installation is included in the list. If it's missing, you can add it manually. The specific directory will depend on the Node.js version and your installation method. For example, if you installed Node.js using NVM, the directory might be located in
   Common Pitfalls and Solutions
   1. Incorrect Shell Configuration File
   Ensure you are adding the NVM configuration lines to the correct shell configuration file. If you are using Bash but adding the lines to your Zsh configuration file, the changes won't take effect.
   2. Missing '' File
   If the '' file is missing from your NVM directory, you might have encountered an issue during the installation process. Reinstall NVM using the official installation instructions to resolve this.
   3. Incorrect NVM Directory Path
   The 'export NVM_DIR' command sets the path to your NVM directory. Make sure this path is correct in your shell configuration file. You can check the actual directory using the following command:
  <pre><code>echo $NVM_DIR</code></pre>
   4. Permissions Issues
   If you are encountering permission errors while adding NVM to your shell configuration, make sure you have write access to the configuration file. You might need to use the 'sudo' command to modify these files if necessary.
   Comparison with Alternatives
   1. Node.js Installer
   The Node.js website provides a downloadable installer for macOS. However, using the installer limits you to a single Node.js version. NVM offers more flexibility, allowing you to manage multiple versions with ease.
   2. Homebrew
   Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS. It can be used to install Node.js. However, Homebrew's version management system can be less convenient than NVM for managing multiple Node.js versions.
   This article has explained how to troubleshoot the common "Command 'nvm' not found" and "Command 'node' not found" errors after installing NVM on macOS. By following the troubleshooting steps and understanding the underlying concepts, you can resolve these issues and effectively manage your Node.js versions with NVM.
   For further learning, explore the NVM documentation, which provides detailed information about its features and commands. Remember to keep your NVM installation updated to benefit from the latest improvements and security patches.
   Call to Action
   Now that you have a better understanding of NVM and how to troubleshoot common errors, try using it to manage Node.js versions in your projects. You'll find that NVM simplifies development workflows and makes working with multiple Node.js versions a breeze.
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