useSyncExternalStoreExports in Zustand source code explained.

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

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Unraveling Zustand's useSyncExternalStoreExports: A Deep Dive

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Unraveling Zustand's useSyncExternalStoreExports: A Deep Dive

In the realm of state management, Zustand emerges as a lightweight and versatile library that simplifies the complexities of managing state within your React applications. One of the powerful features it provides is the ability to synchronize external stores with your React components. This is where


comes into play, acting as a bridge between your application's state and external data sources.

The Essence of useSyncExternalStoreExports

At its core,


empowers you to seamlessly integrate external stores—be it a local storage database, a real-time server connection, or any other data source—with your React components. It acts as a synchronization mechanism, ensuring that changes to your external store trigger updates within your React components.

Key Concepts

  • External Store: Any source of data that exists outside the immediate scope of your React component.
    • Synchronization: The process of keeping your React component's state in sync with the external store's data.
    • Subscriptions: Mechanisms that allow your React component to be notified of changes in the external store.
    • Hooks: React's built-in functions (like useSyncExternalStoreExports ) that allow you to interact with state and side effects.

      Breaking Down the Mechanics

  • Setting Up the External Store: You begin by defining your external store, which might be a simple JavaScript object, a database instance, or even a WebSocket connection.
  1. Implementing the Subscription Logic: You'll need to implement logic that allows your React component to subscribe to changes in the external store. This could involve:

    • Using event listeners (for local storage, WebSockets)
    • Implementing observer patterns (for data structures)
    • Leveraging reactive libraries (like RxJS)
  2. Utilizing useSyncExternalStoreExports: This hook is the bridge between your React component and the external store. It takes three arguments:

    • subscribe function: This function takes a callback function that will be called whenever the external store changes.
    • getSnapshot function: This function retrieves the current state from the external store.
    • getServerSnapshot function (optional): This function is used for server-side rendering (SSR). It allows you to retrieve an initial state from the server.
  3. Reacting to Changes: Inside your React component, you can use the returned value from


    to access the state from your external store. Any time the external store changes, the


    callback will be triggered, causing your component to re-render with the updated state.

    Illustrative Example

    Let's create a simple example using a local storage database as our external store.

import { create, useSyncExternalStoreExports } from 'zustand';
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

// Our external store using local storage
const localStorageStore = {
  get: (key) =&gt; JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)),
  set: (key, value) =&gt; localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)),

// Setting up our Zustand store
const useStore = create((set) =&gt; ({
  counter: 0,
  increment: () =&gt; set((state) =&gt; ({ counter: state.counter + 1 })),

// React component utilizing useSyncExternalStoreExports
function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  useEffect(() =&gt; {
    // Subscription to local storage changes
    const unsubscribe = localStorageStore.subscribe('counter', (newValue) =&gt; {
    return () =&gt; unsubscribe();
  }, []);

  // Accessing state through Zustand
  const { increment } = useStore();

  // Using useSyncExternalStoreExports
  const externalCount = useSyncExternalStoreExports(
    (onStoreChange) =&gt; {
      // Subscribe to local storage changes
      const unsubscribe = localStorageStore.subscribe(
      return unsubscribe;
    () =&gt; localStorageStore.get('externalCounter'), // Get snapshot
    () =&gt; localStorageStore.get('externalCounter') // Get snapshot for SSR

  return (
    Count (Zustand): {count}
   <button onclick="{increment}">
    Increment (Zustand)
    Count (External Store): {externalCount}
   <button =="" onclick="{()">
    localStorageStore.set('externalCounter', externalCount + 1)}&gt;
        Increment (External Store)

export default Counter;

Zustand logo

  • We define a simple localStorageStore object to interact with local storage.
  • Our Zustand store useStore manages the counter state and provides an increment action.
  • The Counter component uses useState to track the state of the counter.
  • We use useEffect to set up a subscription to changes in the local storage for the 'counter' key.
  • The useSyncExternalStoreExports hook synchronizes the 'externalCounter' key in local storage with the component's state.
  • We have two buttons, one for incrementing the Zustand counter and another for incrementing the external counter stored in local storage.

    Advantages of useSyncExternalStoreExports

    • Improved Performance: By synchronizing data with external stores, you can reduce the number of re-renders your React components undergo, leading to a more performant application.
  • Separation of Concerns: You can cleanly separate the logic for managing your application's state from the logic for handling data interactions with external sources.
  • Enhanced Reusability: You can reuse your external stores and subscription logic across different parts of your application.
  • Integration with Existing Data Sources: You can easily integrate with existing data sources, such as local storage, databases, or APIs.

    Best Practices

    • Keep it Clean: Avoid excessively complex logic within your external store. Focus on clear and concise data access and manipulation.
  • Optimize Subscriptions: Minimize the number of subscriptions to your external store to improve performance.
  • Use SSR Carefully: If you're using server-side rendering, ensure your external stores can handle the initial rendering process efficiently.
  • Consider Alternative Libraries: Depending on your specific needs, other libraries like React Query or SWR might provide more specialized features for managing data fetching and synchronization.



    in Zustand provides a powerful and flexible mechanism for synchronizing your React components with external data stores. By mastering this technique, you can elevate the performance, reusability, and maintainability of your React applications. Remember to follow best practices to ensure clean code and efficient data synchronization.

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