I made a token count check app using Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS)

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 14 - - Dev Community

Streamlit Meets Snowflake: A Token Count App for Efficient Data Analysis


In the realm of data science and analysis, tokenization plays a vital role in transforming raw text into meaningful data points. Whether it's identifying keywords in a document, understanding sentiment in customer reviews, or extracting insights from social media posts, tokenizing text is a fundamental step. This article delves into the creation of a token count check app using Streamlit and Snowflake (SiS), offering a practical solution for efficient and scalable text analysis.

Why is token count check important?

Token count analysis helps us understand the frequency of words and phrases within a dataset, providing valuable insights for:

  • Keyword identification: Identifying frequently used words relevant to a specific topic or domain.
  • Sentiment analysis: Recognizing the prevalence of positive, negative, or neutral sentiment within a collection of text.
  • Topic modeling: Discovering hidden themes and patterns in large datasets.
  • Text summarization: Identifying the most important words and phrases for concise summarization.
  • Data cleaning: Identifying and removing irrelevant words or stop words for improved analysis.

Deep Dive into Streamlit and Snowflake

This application leverages the power of two complementary platforms: Streamlit and Snowflake.

Streamlit: A Python library designed for building interactive web applications for data science and machine learning projects. Its simplicity, speed, and ease of deployment make it ideal for quickly prototyping and showcasing data-driven applications.

Snowflake: A cloud-based data warehouse that provides a secure and scalable environment for storing and analyzing massive datasets. Its powerful query engine, support for Python UDFs (User Defined Functions), and integration with other cloud services make it an ideal platform for data-intensive applications.

Building the Token Count App

This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of creating the token count check app using Streamlit and Snowflake.


  • Snowflake Account: You'll need a free or paid Snowflake account.
  • Python: Install Python 3.7 or later.
  • Streamlit: Install Streamlit using pip install streamlit.
  • Snowflake Connector: Install the Snowflake connector for Python using pip install snowflake-connector-python.

Step 1: Creating the Snowflake Database and Tables

  1. Create a Snowflake database: Use the CREATE DATABASE command to create a new database. For example:
   CREATE DATABASE token_count_app;
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  1. Create a table to store text data: Use the CREATE TABLE command to create a table named text_data. For example:
   CREATE TABLE text_data (
       text VARCHAR(1000),
       PRIMARY KEY (id)
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  1. Insert some sample data: Insert sample text into the text_data table. For example:
   INSERT INTO text_data (text) VALUES 
     ('This is a sample text for token count analysis.'),
     ('Another sample text with different keywords.'),
     ('This is a third sample text for tokenization.');
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Step 2: Creating the Streamlit Interface

  1. Create a Python file: Create a Python file named token_count_app.py.

  2. Import necessary libraries:

   import streamlit as st
   import snowflake.connector
   from collections import Counter
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  1. Connect to Snowflake:
   # Replace with your Snowflake credentials
   conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
   cursor = conn.cursor()
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  1. Create a Streamlit sidebar:
   st.sidebar.title("Token Count App")
   st.sidebar.markdown("Select options:")
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  1. Add a dropdown menu for data selection:
   selected_data = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select data source", ["Text Data", "External URL"])
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  1. Handle text input:
   if selected_data == "Text Data":
       input_text = st.text_area("Enter your text", height=200)
   elif selected_data == "External URL":
       input_url = st.text_input("Enter URL", value="https://www.example.com")
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  1. Define a function to process text:
   def process_text(text):
       # Tokenization logic here
       tokens = text.split()
       token_counts = Counter(tokens)
       return token_counts
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  1. Define a function to query Snowflake:
   def query_snowflake(sql):
       results = cursor.fetchall()
       return results
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  1. Handle data processing and display:
   if selected_data == "Text Data":
       if input_text:
           token_counts = process_text(input_text)
           st.write("Token counts:", token_counts)

           # Optionally display results in a table format
           st.table(pd.DataFrame(token_counts.items(), columns=["Token", "Count"]))

   elif selected_data == "External URL":
       if input_url:
           # Fetch text from the URL (replace with your own logic)
           fetched_text = get_text_from_url(input_url)
           token_counts = process_text(fetched_text)
           st.write("Token counts:", token_counts)
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  1. Close the Snowflake connection:
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Step 3: Running the Streamlit App

  1. Save the code: Save the token_count_app.py file.

  2. Run the app: Run the command streamlit run token_count_app.py in your terminal.

  3. Interact with the app: Open the provided URL in your web browser and interact with the application, selecting data sources, entering text, and viewing the token count results.

Example Code:

import streamlit as st
import snowflake.connector
from collections import Counter

# Replace with your Snowflake credentials
conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
cursor = conn.cursor()

st.sidebar.title("Token Count App")
st.sidebar.markdown("Select options:")

selected_data = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select data source", ["Text Data", "External URL"])

if selected_data == "Text Data":
    input_text = st.text_area("Enter your text", height=200)
elif selected_data == "External URL":
    input_url = st.text_input("Enter URL", value="https://www.example.com")

def process_text(text):
    tokens = text.split()
    token_counts = Counter(tokens)
    return token_counts

def query_snowflake(sql):
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    return results

if selected_data == "Text Data":
    if input_text:
        token_counts = process_text(input_text)
        st.write("Token counts:", token_counts)

        # Optionally display results in a table format
        st.table(pd.DataFrame(token_counts.items(), columns=["Token", "Count"]))

elif selected_data == "External URL":
    if input_url:
        # Fetch text from the URL (replace with your own logic)
        fetched_text = get_text_from_url(input_url)
        token_counts = process_text(fetched_text)
        st.write("Token counts:", token_counts)

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Image: (Insert an image showcasing the Streamlit app interface)

Enhancements and Advanced Features

The basic app structure provides a foundation for further customization and expansion:

1. Data Source Flexibility:

  • Snowflake queries: Incorporate Snowflake queries to fetch text data from various tables or views within your database.
  • File uploads: Allow users to upload text files for analysis using Streamlit's st.file_uploader() function.
  • API integration: Integrate with external APIs to retrieve text data from sources like Twitter, Reddit, or news feeds.

2. Tokenization Options:

  • Custom tokenization: Implement custom tokenization logic using libraries like NLTK, SpaCy, or Gensim to handle specific tasks like stemming, lemmatization, or stop word removal.
  • Language support: Extend tokenization to support multiple languages.

3. Visualization and Analysis:

  • Bar charts: Use Streamlit's st.bar_chart() function to visually represent token frequencies.
  • Word clouds: Create word clouds using libraries like WordCloud to visualize the most frequent tokens.
  • Data filtering: Allow users to filter tokens based on specific criteria like minimum frequency or relevance.

4. Error Handling and Logging:

  • Exception handling: Implement robust error handling to gracefully manage unexpected situations during data processing or Snowflake interactions.
  • Logging: Integrate logging to track user actions, data processing events, and potential errors for debugging and analysis.

5. User Authentication and Authorization:

  • Secure access: Implement user authentication and authorization mechanisms to restrict access to sensitive data or functionality.
  • Role-based permissions: Define different user roles with varying permissions based on their access needs.


By combining the power of Streamlit's interactive interface with Snowflake's scalable data storage and processing capabilities, we've created a token count check app that can efficiently analyze text data. This app can serve as a valuable tool for data scientists, researchers, and anyone involved in text-based data analysis. By incorporating enhancements and advanced features, you can further customize and extend this application to meet your specific needs and unlock deeper insights from your text data.

Best Practices:

  • Optimize queries: Write efficient Snowflake queries to minimize execution time.
  • Handle large datasets: Consider using pagination or sampling techniques when dealing with massive datasets.
  • Maintain code clarity: Use descriptive variable names, comments, and modularization to improve code readability and maintainability.
  • Test thoroughly: Perform thorough testing with different data sources and scenarios to ensure the application's robustness.
  • Document your code: Provide clear documentation to guide users and developers.

With its flexibility, ease of use, and scalability, this Streamlit and Snowflake-based token count check app offers a compelling solution for analyzing text data and uncovering valuable insights. Remember to adapt and enhance it to fit your specific requirements and unleash the full potential of your data.

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