Javascript Arithmetic Cheat Sheet

Kelvin Wangonya - Mar 5 '19 - - Dev Community

Given that one of the main reason computers were invented was to solve mathematical problems quickly, it is no wonder that all the modern programming languages are so rich in arithmetic-oriented methods. The earliest computers were basically just calculators. (Yes, I'm looking at you Abacus). If you dabble in Javascript (and a little math every now and then), I do hope you find this useful. The very obvious operations like simple addition (+) and subtraction (-) have been omitted. So have more advanced operations.


Working with constants

Logarithm to base e

Math.E; // 2.718281828459045
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Logarithm to base 10

Math.LN10; // 2.302585092994046
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Logarithm to base 2

Math.LN2; // 0.6931471805599453
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Base 10 logarithm of e

Math.LOG10E; // 0.4342944819032518
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Base 2 logarithm of e

Math.LOG2E; // 1.4426950408889634
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Math.PI; // 3.141592653589793
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Square root of 1/2

Math.SQRT1_2; // 0.7071067811865476
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Square root of 2

Math.SQRT2; // 1.4142135623730951
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Infinity; // Infinity
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UPDATE: As clarified by @oscherler in the comments,

About the use of Infinity, I think it’s useful when you are comparing results. If you do something like if(1/x > 1/y) and one of x or y turns out to be 0, then the comparison still works.


Math.round returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer.

Math.round(4.2); // 4
Math.round(4.7); // 5
Math.round(4.5); // 5. Half-way values are always rounded up
Math.round(-4.5); // -4
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Speaking of rounding up, Math.ceil():

Math.ceil(4.2); // 5
Math.ceil(4.7); // 5
Math.ceil(-4.7); // -4. Ceiling a negative number will round towards zero
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Math.floor() rounds down:

Math.floor(4.2); // 4
Math.floor(4.7); // 4
Math.floor(-4.7); // -5. Flooring a negative number will round away from zero
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Modulus (%)

Returns the remainder after (integer) division.

42 % 10; // 2
-40 % 10; // -0 🤔
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Math.sin(60); // -0.3048106211022167
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Math.cos(60); // -0.9524129804151563
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Math.tan(60); // 0.320040389379563
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Incrementing (++)

++ increments its operand by 1.

// postfix: returns the value before incrementing
let a = 4, // 4
  b = a++, // 4
  c = a; //5
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// prefix: returns the value after incrementing
let a = 4, // 4
  b = ++a, // 5
  c = a; //5
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Decrementing (--)

-- decrements its operand by 1.

// postfix: returns the value before decrementing
let a = 4, // 4
  b = a--, // 4
  c = a; //3
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// prefix: returns the value after decrementing
let a = 4, // 4
  b = --a, // 3
  c = a; //3
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Exponentiation (**)

// Math.pow() or ** can be used
let a = 4,
  b = 2,
  c = Math.pow(a, b), // 16
  d = a ** b; // 16
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Getting maximum and minimum

Math.max(4.2, 4.7); // 4.7
Math.min(4.2, 4.7); // 4.2
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Getting maximum and minimum from an array:

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
  max = Math.max(...arr), // 9
  min = Math.min(...arr); // 1
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Getting roots √

Square Root

Math.sqrt(16); // 4
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Cube Root

Math.cbrt(27); // 3
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To find the nth-root, use the Math.pow() function and pass in a fractional exponent.

// This finds the 6th root of 64
Math.pow(64, 1 / 6); // 4
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Much more complex calculations can be done by combining one or more of these operations.

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