How To Learn React JS From Scratch

Udemezue John - Oct 10 - - Dev Community


React is a powerful JavaScript library developed by Facebook, designed to build user interfaces, especially for single-page applications.

In fact, React has become the most widely-used front-end framework, with over 11 million downloads per week according to the npm registry.

Big names like Netflix, Airbnb, and Instagram rely on React to deliver fast, interactive experiences.

What makes React stand out is its component-based architecture. By breaking your UI into reusable pieces, React makes it easier to manage and scale your applications.

The learning curve is manageable if you focus on building a solid foundation, and once you get the hang of it, React’s vast ecosystem opens doors to tools like Redux, React Router, and Next.js, which can make your projects even more powerful.

In this guide, I’ll walk through the essential steps and resources to help you learn React from scratch.

Why Learn React?

React is a popular JavaScript library created by Facebook in 2013. It powers many large-scale applications, including Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, and Netflix.

In fact, over 10 million websites currently use React, according to BuiltWith.

React's popularity has grown consistently due to its flexibility, performance, and strong developer community.

Key Benefits of Learning React:

  • Component-Based Architecture: This allows you to build encapsulated components that manage their own state, making it easier to reason about and maintain your code.
  • Virtual DOM: React optimizes the rendering process with a virtual representation of the DOM, leading to faster and more efficient updates.
  • Rich Ecosystem: A large ecosystem of tools, libraries, and third-party packages is available, making it a versatile choice for developers.
  • In-Demand Skill: As of 2023, React is one of the most in-demand frameworks in job postings, especially for front-end developer positions.

Prerequisites Before Learning React

Before diving into React, there are a few foundational skills to have:

  • HTML and CSS: React is used to build user interfaces, so understanding the structure and styling of web pages is essential.
  • JavaScript: Since React is a JavaScript library, you'll need a good grasp of modern JavaScript concepts, including ES6+ features like arrow functions, destructuring, promises, and modules. Familiarity with functions, objects, and arrays is crucial.
  • Basic Git & Command Line: Knowing how to use Git for version control and the command line for running scripts will be helpful as you navigate through React projects.

How Do I Learn React JS From Scratch?

Learning React JS can be an empowering journey, especially if you're stepping into the world of front-end development.

It's widely used, well-supported, and makes building dynamic user interfaces a lot more manageable.

In this guide, I'll walk you through how to learn React from scratch, starting with the absolute basics and building up to more complex concepts.

Step-by-Step Guide to Learning React from Scratch

1. Start with JavaScript ES6+.

React uses modern JavaScript, so it's essential to be comfortable with ES6+ features. Focus on the following concepts:

  • Arrow functions: These are commonly used in React for event handlers and callbacks.
  • Modules: Importing and exporting modules is crucial for structuring React apps.
  • Destructuring: You'll frequently use this with props and state.
  • Promises and async/await: Handling asynchronous operations is essential when fetching data in React.

If you're new to these, I recommend practising JavaScript fundamentals on platforms like freeCodeCamp or MDN Web Docs.

2. Set Up Your Development Environment.

Setting up a proper environment is the first step to writing your first React app. Here's what you'll need:

  • Node.js & npm: React relies on Node.js for its build process, and npm (Node Package Manager) helps you install dependencies. Install it from
  • Code Editor: Use an editor like Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for its React-friendly extensions and features like IntelliSense and code formatting.

Once you have Node.js installed, create a new React app by running this command in your terminal:

npx create-react-app my-first-app
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This command sets up everything you need to start developing with React right away.

3. Understand JSX (JavaScript XML).

JSX is a syntax extension used with React to describe the UI. While it looks like HTML, JSX is JavaScript under the hood.

const element = <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;
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Here’s what to remember:

JSX allows you to write HTML-like code within JavaScript.

You can embed JavaScript expressions inside JSX using curly braces {}.
JSX elements must be wrapped inside a single parent element.

It’s essential to practice writing JSX because it forms the backbone of every React component.

4. Learn Components.

React is all about components. Components are the building blocks of a React application, and they come in two types: Functional Components and Class Components.

  • Functional Components: These are simple JavaScript functions that return JSX.
  • Class Components: These are ES6 classes that extend React.Component.
  • Here’s a basic functional component:
function Welcome(props) {
  return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;

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At first, start with functional components, which are now the industry standard due to the introduction of React Hooks.

  1. Dive Into React Hooks.

Hooks are functions that let you "hook into" React features from functional components. The two most important hooks are:

  • useState: This hook lets you add state to a functional component.
  • useEffect: This hook allows you to perform side effects in function components (e.g., fetching data, manually updating the DOM).
  • Example of useState:
import React, { useState } from 'react';

function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  return (
      <p>You clicked {count} times</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
        Click me
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Learning these hooks will allow you to write cleaner, more reusable code without needing class components.

6. State Management with Props and State.

Understanding how data flows through a React app is critical:

  • Props: These are used to pass data from one component to another.
  • State: The local data or "state" that a component manages internally.

React is a one-way data flow framework, meaning data is passed down the component tree via props, and each component manages its own state.

7. Handle Side Effects with useEffect.

React components re-render when their state or props change, but sometimes you'll need to run additional logic when these changes happen (e.g., fetching data from an API).

useEffect enables you to perform these side effects and is vital when working with real-world applications.

Here’s a simple example:

useEffect(() => {
  document.title = `You clicked ${count} times`;
}, [count]);

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This hook ensures that the effect runs every time the count changes.

8. Build Projects.

Practice is crucial to mastering React. Once you have the basics down, the best way to cement your knowledge is to build things.

Start with small projects, then move on to larger applications as you grow more comfortable. Here are a few ideas:

  • A simple to-do app
  • A weather app that fetches data from an API
  • A personal blog site
  • A chat application

9. Explore Advanced Concepts.

Once you've mastered the basics, you can explore advanced topics like:

  • React Router: A library for managing routes and navigation in single-page applications.
  • State Management with Redux or Context API: For managing global state across your application.
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Next.js: To improve SEO and performance.

10. Join the React Community.

Finally, don't forget to engage with the React community. Platforms like Stack Overflow, Reactiflux Discord, and are filled with people willing to help.

Final Thoughts.

Learning React is an investment in your development career. It has a gentle learning curve, but it’s also powerful enough to build complex, scalable applications.

With React's continued growth, learning it will not only make you more marketable but also allow you to be part of building some of the web's most dynamic interfaces.

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