How State Management in React Native is Beneficial?

Rachael Grey - Apr 11 '23 - - Dev Community

As we know, the built-in capabilities of React Native make it challenging to manage states, deal with multiple users, and handle screens when developing sophisticated apps. Working with multiple features throughout the app's development with different origins but sharing the same state will make conveying the credit to each component challenging. To communicate and manage this data efficiently among the many app components, State Management steps in.

State Management is one of the necessary components of app development, guaranteeing seamless communication and data sharing between all app components, it assists in developing reliable apps with zero chance of data loss.

The term "state" refers to the condensed data where assets can be stored and changed based on needs. For beginners learning React Native, managing a React Native app's state is challenging. However, frontend developers may easily streamline system-wide communication and data sharing thanks to the robust state management features. The UI can be altered by modifying the state by interacting with the app.

The npm registry hosts many libraries of React Native State Management. Each one has its advantages and is made to accomplish its tasks. Thus, your project's requirements and desired outcomes will determine which state management library is appropriate for you.

Benefits of React Native State Management

State management, which refers to the data that governs the general behavior and functioning of the application, is one of the complex components of developing sophisticated systems. React Native-based mobile or web apps have state management techniques built in, allowing components to store data and update the state independently.

With the apps with minimal functionalities, the built-in state management operates well. However, handling shared states between the components gets more challenging as the application's complexity rises. Let's look at the reasons for using React Native state management.

Avoiding Repetitive Data Sharing

Utilizing state management tools enables you to reuse the current functionality and facilitates data sharing throughout the program. Developers won't need to use complex prop drilling to access the status of an app component. In this case, connected features provide similar data to one another.

One Data Source for all your Needs

During the coding of an application, programmers will frequently need to retrieve the data of variables spread out in different locations. However, they can obtain the data from a single source using state management technologies. It will be optional to acquire data from numerous sources, which takes time to determine the app's current state.

Data That Scales Across Various Components

Scalability is an important consideration for developers when creating React Native web apps for large enterprises. State management tools and libraries aid in the long-term avoidance of problems and failures when developing scalable apps. As a result, the code will be of higher quality and easier to manage when an app is being developed.

React Native State Management Libraries

When developing scalable and complicated apps, the state management libraries in React Native might be helpful. Managing states will require sophisticated libraries to share data and communicate effectively without passing down the props.

The state management library might be beneficial when you need to access several sections of the code to carry out or build a single capability in an app with a complex workflow. Though there are several React Native state management libraries available, the following are some of the more well-liked ones:

Context API

Without using basic manual properties drilling techniques, context API enables developers to communicate data through the component tree. Developers can easily share states among apps internally by utilizing the context API and producing better code.

Why Use It:

  • Create global variables efficiently
  • Control states without using drilling props
  • A simpler, lighter method
  • Data sharing between parents and deeply nested children is simple.
  • State control for business apps


This React Native state management utility makes handling states as clear as its name suggests. Unlike other libraries developed by third parties, Easy-Peasy provides simple and faultless state management with little to no boilerplate code.

Why Use It:

  • It takes away Redux abstractions
  • Process for managing states more simply
  • It offers a simple API that makes managing states quick and easy.
  • Provides support for API built using Redux Middleware and React Hooks.


Managing and sharing states will be simple during the app's development thanks to its intuitive interface similar to React local state. When Recoil manages the condition, any React component can access the atoms holding the form. When Recoil manages the condition, any React component can access the atoms holding the form.

Why Use it:

  • Simple and effective state management strategy
  • Explicitly created for React components
  • Incredibly simple to integrate with React Native
  • A wise decision for creating small applications
  • Allows for storage initialization using a selection and a dispatchable operation.


In React Native, state management is made simple by Mobx's minimum boilerplate code. Since it is more akin to JavaScript, changing the code won't be necessary. Unlike with Redux, a new architecture won't be required; thus, that's another benefit. It is specifically made to simplify managing the entire app's state.

Why Use It:

  • Assists objects in producing fresh modifications to which the viewer responds
  • Scalable and effortless state management
  • Applying Functional Reactive Programming Transparently (TFRP)
  • Code writing, testing, and debugging made easier


These were a few general points of consideration or benefits and libraries for React Native State Management that can help benefit your application and simplify your State Management in React Native process. Using these state management techniques, tools, and libraries will be helpful when you need to manage states in scalable, intricate, and corporate systems. However, if you are a business owner, we are sure that this blog post delivers significant insight into the benefits of React Native State Management and libraries that can contribute to your development process.

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