The Custom Software Development Process - Step-by-Step Guides

BinalPrajapati123 - Sep 8 '22 - - Dev Community

The custom software development process is a collection of activities carried out by individuals involved in the development of computer programs. These actions can bring location at any moment between the initial vision and the last out.

The custom software development process consists of six basic steps:

  1. Requirements gathering,
  2. Design,
  3. Coding,
  4. Development
  5. Testing and,
  6. Deployment


  1. Maintenance
  2. Support and
  3. Disposal

Each step is made up of sub-steps.

Custom Software Development Process Stages

The custom software development process affects a various number of stages. Per stage has its own set of tasks that must be satisfied before moving to the subsequent. The diagram below depicts how these stages interact with one another.

1. Requirements Gathering

This is the first step in any project's custom software development process. Gathering requirements entails gathering information about the needs of users and translating it into functional specifications. This is accomplished by interviewing stakeholders and analyzing their needs. Inquiring about stakeholders' goals, problems, and expectations is part of the interview process. It entails determining what the finished product should do, how it should function, and who will use it.

Analyzing Requirements

Analyzing requirements entails breaking down user requirements into smaller pieces known as user stories.


User stories, functional specifications, design documents, and test plans are examples of documentation. A good requirements document should include the following information:

  • Business objectives
  • Functional requirements
  • Nonfunctional requirements
  • Project constraints
  • Project assumptions

A successful requirements gathering session will aid in determining the scope of the project, determining whether additional features are required, and laying the groundwork for the design phase.

2. Designing

Before the final version is created, the design phase may include several iterations. Stakeholders and users are communicated with through these designs. Designs are also used to test the product's functionality.

The system's developers create a conceptual model and a detailed blueprint. Developers may begin by sketching out ideas, then progress to wireframes, and finally to prototypes. Prototypes are frequently created with tools such as HTML/CSS, Adobe XD, or FramerXD.

A conceptual model

A conceptual model depicts the layout of the system underneath development. Designers use the conceptual model to determine how the system should work.

The team creates a design in this phase based on the needs collected in the last stage. The following elements are included in the design:

  • User interface
  • Data model
  • Database schema
  • Application Architecture

3. Coding

Developers write code to implement the functionality specified in the conceptual model in the third step of the custom software development process. Programming terminologies are utilized by creators to communicate thoughts in a form that computers can comprehend.

In general, each language offers unique ways to organize code. Programming languages are classified into two types: procedural and object-oriented.

Procedural languages

Procedural languages enable programmers to describe algorithms in terms of instructions to perform specific tasks.

Object-oriented languages

Object-oriented languages provide objects that encapsulate data and procedures.

4. Deployment

If the code does not meet these specifications after testing, it is modified until it does. The code is ready for deployment once it has passed the tests.

Backend Development

The backend development stage is where the application's core functionality is created. The user interface (UI) is created at this stage, along with any supporting code required to make the UI work. This includes data access layers, business logic, and security checks, among other things.

Frontend Development

The UI is created during the front-end development stage. This means that HTML, CSS, and JavaScript have been created. These factors are then merged to form the ruined product.

Teams deploy their products to clients and end users at this stage. Clients utilize the app to automate assignments that were formerly accomplished by hand. The application is used by end users to carry out daily tasks.

5. Testing

The code created in the previous step is tested in the fifth step of the custom software development process. Testers ensure that the code meets the specifications described during the necessities gathering stage. Testing ensures that the code works properly and performs as expected.

Manual testing, automated testing, or both may be performed by testers.

Manual testing

Manual testing entails manually verifying that the application works properly.

Automated testing

Tools are used to automate tasks in automated testing. These tests can be carried out either before or after deployment. Following testing, the application may be subjected to a code review.

Code review ensures that the code is compliant with coding standards.

The main stage of the software development lifecycle is testing. Testers at this stage ensure that the application meets its non-functional and functional requirements.

6. Deployment

Programmers put the code they wrote in the previous step into action. Deployment happens after the code has been tested. Programmers turn code into a product that can be distributed to end users. The application goes live during this phase. This indicates that it is ready for use by users.

7. Maintenance

During this stage of the lifecycle, the application is observed and, if required, corrected.

Developers are constantly updating and improving existing applications. Bugs are fixed to address issues that customers have reported.

8. Support

Companies at this stage provide technical support to clients who have bought their outcomes. Technical support includes answering questions about the product, providing troubleshooting solutions, and resolving problems.

9. Disposal

Organizations remove and dispose of old versions of the application at this stage.


The custom software development process actually creates the finished product by meeting the specifications specified in the requirements of the final outcomes. You should not be concerned if you read about all of the stages of the custom software development process because they are all handled by your trusted software development company.

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