Geofrey Bundala - May 2 '22 - - Dev Community


What are Jira tasks?

Jira tasks represents the work needed to be done, Jira help a lot on managing tasks on Agile development process for many startups and growing companies like GitHub, Slack , Zendesk and more

As it known that on agile developement its import breaking functionality into small tasks help keeping track of feature development progress, prioritization , testing and more advantages

As per my experience, most developers know the importance of using the Jira boards but mostly we are forgetting to update tasks after making changes.

As as clickpesa team we looks on a way to automate that processes so as to help developers only to focus on development and let automation to do the rest

Thanks for atlassian team for provide us out of box automation so we can build solution using it

How did we use Jira automation?

As clickpesa we have jira boards with columns as shown below

alt text

It looks complicated :)? Dont worry you can define your columns depending on your workflow , as per our needs this setup fit to us

As more column means a lot of manual work and was sound tedious to a developer to update the tasks along the way that why we decided to look for a solution

With Taking advantage of Jira automation Triggers we did a magic for helping our self by saving energy of moving tasks manual

As to know estimation of accomplishment for a tasks we set manual process at beginning also to help developer to check their todos

the following are steps on how we implemented it

  1. Developers will move tasks from todo to select for development in this step developers are required to fill their time estimation for a tasks accomplishment
  2. Developers create branch by open and the will see option to create Branch drawing After creating the branch the task will move to in progress This trigger will be executed and move task to in progressdrawing
  3. Then after developer finish to work for a task he/she will create PR to a develop and then merge changes to develop the task will move from in review to in develop (on merging to develop we have define tasks on pipeline to create another PR to staging) this is trigger for that drawing
  4. As PR merged to staging the task will move from develop to staging (again PR to master will be created ) same trigger as above is used but now with consideration to check if triggered task is in develop then is moved to in staging
  5. After creating PR to master the card is moved to in Review drawing
  6. Final after PR reviewed and approved to go live the task moved to DONE this is trigger for it drawing

Yes, the job is done simple like that , developers cannot move tasks as it was before cool :)

This approach works well for two days until we get terrible problem one of our colleague who was working to a specific task after finish he create PR and merge it on develop then pipelines fails he close PR and fix pipeline and create again PR and merge add notice that the task was not in correct column (issue occurs because we use trigger when pull request merged check current position of task them move to the next one )

So we looks on way to handle that using Pipeline you can learn more on CI/CD in here

Solution 2

What is the DevOps pipeline?
as defined by atlassian DevOps pipeline is a set of automated processes and tools that allows both developers and operations professionals to work cohesively to build and deploy code to a production environment.

What we did to solve issue mention above is let pipeline decide where the tasks to be moved, the task will move if it meet our test cases defined on pipeline .we have been able to achieve that by using trigger know as incoming webhook , which provides us webhook url and we use that URL on pipeline when URL is executed on pipeline Action will be triggered


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