NativeScript-Vue Introduction

Delia - Jan 19 '23 - - Dev Community

NativeScript-Vue is a framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using the Vue.js JavaScript framework and run them natively on iOS and Android devices. It allows developers to use Vue.js to build the user interface and logic of the app, while also leveraging the native capabilities of the mobile device, such as accessing the camera or geolocation.

Creating a new NativeScript-Vue project is a multi-step process that requires installing a few tools and packages. Here's an outline of the steps you'll need to take:

  • Install the NativeScript CLI: The NativeScript CLI (Command Line Interface) is the primary tool used to create, build, and run NativeScript apps. You can install it by running the following command in your terminal:
npm install -g nativescript
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  • Create a new project: Once you have the NativeScript CLI installed, you can use it to create a new project by running the following command:
tns create my-project --template vue
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This command creates a new project called "my-project" and uses the Vue template.

  • Run the app on an emulator or device: To run the app on an emulator, you can use the command:
tns run android
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tns run ios
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You should now have a basic NativeScript-Vue project set up and running on an emulator. You can start building your app by editing the files in the "app" folder, and testing it by running the "tns run" command.

Note: You will need to have the Xcode and Android Studio installed in your machine for running the app on iOS and android devices respectively.

Also, it's worth mentioning that NativeScript provides a playground feature that allows you to quickly test your code without the need of running the command, you can access it via this link:

To sum up this part, creating a new NativeScript-Vue project involves installing the NativeScript CLI, creating a new project using the Vue template, and running the app on an emulator or device.

The basic structure of a NativeScript-Vue app is similar to a standard Vue.js web app, with a main Vue instance that controls the overall behavior of the app, and a set of components that handle specific tasks. For example, a simple app might have a main Vue instance that controls navigation between different views, and a set of components that represent each view.

Here's an example of a simple NativeScript-Vue app that displays a button and a label:

      <Button @tap="incrementCount" text="Tap me"></Button>
      <Label :text="count"></Label>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      count: 0
  methods: {
    incrementCount() {
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In this example, the app has a template that defines a page with a button and a label. The button has an event listener that triggers the incrementCount() method when tapped. The label's text is bound to the count data property.

When the button is tapped, the count property is incremented, which updates the label's text.

In this way, you can build mobile apps that look and feel like native apps, but are built using the same framework and concepts as web apps.

You can use NativeScript-Vue to access native mobile features, such as the camera and geolocation, using the same Vue.js syntax you would use in web apps.

For example, you can use the following code to access the device camera and take a picture:

import { takePicture } from '@nativescript/camera';

export default {
  methods: {
    takePictureHandler() {
        .then(picture => {
          // Do something with the picture
        .catch(err => {
          console.log("Error -> " + err.message);
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This example uses the Camera module from the "nativescript-camera" package to take a picture. The takePicture() method returns a promise that is resolved with the picture when the picture is successfully taken, or rejected with an error if there is a problem.

In this way, NativeScript-Vue allows developers to use Vue.js to build mobile apps that have a native look and feel, while also providing easy access to native mobile features.

NativeScript-Vue has several advantages and disadvantages as a framework for building mobile apps.


  • Cross-platform development: NativeScript-Vue allows developers to write code once and run it on both iOS and Android platforms, reducing the time and effort required to develop and maintain separate codebases for each platform.

  • Familiar syntax: As Vue.js is used for building User Interface and logic, developers who are already familiar with Vue.js can quickly start building mobile apps using NativeScript-Vue.

  • Access to native features: NativeScript-Vue provides easy access to native mobile features such as the camera and geolocation, using the same Vue.js syntax used in web apps.

  • Performance: NativeScript-Vue apps are built to run natively on mobile devices, which means they can take full advantage of the device's capabilities and provide a more performant experience than web apps running in a browser.


  • Limited support: NativeScript-Vue is not as widely supported as other mobile development frameworks, which means that developers may have a harder time finding help and resources when working with it.

  • Learning curve: NativeScript-Vue requires a good understanding of both Vue.js and the native mobile development concepts to develop an app, which can make it harder for developers who are new to either of these technologies.

  • Limited plugins and libraries: As NativeScript-Vue is relatively new and not as widely used as other mobile development frameworks, developers may find it more difficult to find plugins and libraries that are compatible with it.

  • Limited styling options: NativeScript-Vue uses a CSS-like syntax for styling, but it is not as powerful or flexible as CSS used in web development.

In conclusion, NativeScript-Vue is a good choice for developers who are familiar with Vue.js and want to build cross-platform mobile apps that have a native look and feel, but it may not be the best choice for developers who are new to mobile development or who need a wide range of plugins and libraries.

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