Mastering Git: Essential Commands, Workflows, and Their Uses Explained

Delia - Jun 23 - - Dev Community

Git is an essential tool for modern software development, providing version control that allows multiple developers to work on a project simultaneously without conflicts. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding Git commands and workflows is crucial for efficient and effective version control. In this article, we'll explore the most important Git commands, explain their uses, introduce common Git workflows, and highlight some popular GUI tools to enhance your Git experience.

Getting Started with Git

Before diving into the commands, ensure Git is installed on your machine. You can download it from the official Git website.

1. git init

What It Does:

  • Initializes a new Git repository in your project directory.

How to Use:

git init
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This command sets up the necessary files and directories that Git needs to track changes in your project. Use it when starting a new project.

2. git clone

What It Does:

  • Creates a copy of an existing Git repository.

How to Use:

git clone <repository-url>
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This command is used to download an existing repository from a remote server (like GitHub) to your local machine.

3. git status

What It Does:

  • Displays the state of the working directory and staging area.

How to Use:

git status
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It shows which changes have been staged, which haven't, and which files aren’t being tracked by Git.

4. git add

What It Does:

  • Adds changes in the working directory to the staging area.

How to Use:

git add <file-name>
# Or to add all changes
git add .
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Use this command to prepare changes for the next commit. The files won't be included in the commit until you add them to the staging area.

5. git commit

What It Does:

  • Records changes to the repository with a descriptive message.

How to Use:

git commit -m "Your commit message"
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This command captures a snapshot of the project's currently staged changes. Always include a clear and concise commit message.

6. git log

What It Does:

  • Shows the commit history for the repository.

How to Use:

git log
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It displays a list of all the commits made to a repository in reverse chronological order.

7. git branch

What It Does:

  • Lists, creates, or deletes branches.

How to Use:

# List all branches
git branch

# Create a new branch
git branch <branch-name>

# Delete a branch
git branch -d <branch-name>
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Branches are used to develop features, fix bugs, or safely experiment with new ideas in isolation from the main codebase.

8. git checkout

What It Does:

  • Switches to a different branch or commit.

How to Use:

# Switch to a branch
git checkout <branch-name>

# Create and switch to a new branch
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
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This command is used to navigate between branches or to restore files to a previous state.

9. git merge

What It Does:

  • Merges changes from one branch into the current branch.

How to Use:

git merge <branch-name>
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It integrates changes from the specified branch into the current branch, allowing you to combine the work of different branches.

10. git pull

What It Does:

  • Fetches changes from a remote repository and merges them into the current branch.

How to Use:

git pull <remote> <branch>
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This command updates your current branch with changes from a remote repository, combining git fetch and git merge.

11. git push

What It Does:

  • Uploads local changes to a remote repository.

How to Use:

git push <remote> <branch>
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Use this command to share your local commits with others by sending them to a remote repository.

12. git remote

What It Does:

  • Manages the set of repositories ("remotes") whose branches you track.

How to Use:

# List remote repositories
git remote -v

# Add a new remote
git remote add <name> <url>

# Remove a remote
git remote remove <name>
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This command helps you manage connections to other repositories, such as those hosted on GitHub or Bitbucket.

13. git rebase

What It Does:

  • Reapplies commits on top of another base tip.

How to Use:

git rebase <base-branch>
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Rebasing is a way to integrate changes from one branch into another. It’s an alternative to merging that results in a cleaner project history.

14. git reset

What It Does:

  • Resets the current branch to a specific state.

How to Use:

# Soft reset (keeps changes in working directory)
git reset --soft <commit>

# Hard reset (discards all changes)
git reset --hard <commit>
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This command can move the HEAD and the current branch pointer to a specified commit, optionally modifying the index and working directory to match.

15. git stash

What It Does:

  • Temporarily stores changes you have made to your working directory.

How to Use:

git stash

# Apply stashed changes
git stash apply
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Stashing lets you save your work in progress without committing it, allowing you to switch branches or perform other tasks.

Common Git Workflows

Understanding Git workflows is essential for effective collaboration in a team setting. Here are three common Git workflows:

1. Feature Branch Workflow

How It Works:

  • Create a Branch: Each new feature, bug fix, or improvement is developed in a separate branch.
  git checkout -b feature-branch
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  • Develop the Feature: Make commits to the feature branch.
  git add .
  git commit -m "Add new feature"
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  • Merge Back to Main Branch: Once the feature is complete, merge it back into the main branch.
  git checkout main
  git merge feature-branch
  git push origin main
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  • Isolates feature development from the main codebase.
  • Allows multiple features to be developed simultaneously.

2. Gitflow Workflow

How It Works:

  • Master Branch: Always contains production-ready code.
  • Develop Branch: Integrates features for the next release.
  • Feature Branches: Created from the develop branch for new features.
  git checkout -b feature-branch develop
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  • Release Branches: Created from the develop branch when preparing a new release.
  git checkout -b release-branch develop
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  • Hotfix Branches: Created from the master branch to quickly address production issues.
  git checkout -b hotfix-branch master
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  • Provides a robust framework for managing releases.
  • Clearly defines different stages of development.

3. Forking Workflow

How It Works:

  • Fork the Repository: Each developer forks the central repository to their own remote repository.
  git clone <forked-repository-url>
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  • Work on Features: Developers work on their forked repositories.
  git checkout -b feature-branch
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  • Pull Requests: Changes are submitted back to the original repository via pull requests.
  git push origin feature-branch
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  • Ideal for open-source projects.
  • Encourages external contributions.

Popular Git GUI Tools

For those who prefer a graphical interface, several GUI tools can make working with Git more intuitive:

1. GitHub Desktop

What It Does:

  • Simplifies the Git workflow with a graphical interface, integrating seamlessly with GitHub repositories.


  • Easy repository management.
  • Simplified commit history viewing.
  • Pull request and branch management.

Website: GitHub Desktop

2. Sourcetree

What It Does:

  • A free Git client for Windows and Mac, developed by Atlassian.


  • Visualizes your Git repository.
  • Supports Git and Mercurial repositories.
  • Powerful branching, merging, and tagging features.

Website: Sourcetree

3. GitKraken

What It Does:

  • A cross-platform Git client that offers a visually appealing interface and powerful features.


  • Intuitive UI with drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Integrates with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps.
  • Built-in code editor and terminal.

Website: GitKraken

Mastering these Git commands and understanding common workflows will help you effectively manage your codebase and collaborate with other developers. Each command serves a specific purpose and, when used correctly, can greatly enhance your development workflow. Whether you’re initializing a new project, managing branches, or pushing changes to a remote repository, these commands and workflows are essential tools in your development toolkit. Happy coding!

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