Vue 3: Options API vs Composition API

Delia - Jan 19 '23 - - Dev Community

Vue.js is a powerful JavaScript framework that I have come to appreciate for building user interfaces. In version 3, Vue introduced two new ways of defining component logic: the Options API and the Composition API.

Option API

Personally, I find the Options API to be the traditional and most familiar way of defining components in Vue. It uses a set of options, such as data, computed, and methods, to define the component's behavior. For example, a component using the Options API might look like this:

    <h1>{{ message }}</h1>
    <button @click="incrementCount">Click me</button>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      message: "Hello, Vue!",
      count: 0
  computed: {
    message() {
      return `You've clicked the button ${this.count} times`;
  methods: {
    incrementCount() {

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As a developer, I find it to be quite intuitive and easy to understand.

Composition API

On the other hand, the Composition API is a set of functions that allows for a more flexible and composable way of writing component logic. For example, a component using the Composition API might look like this:

    <h1>{{ message }}</h1>
    <button @click="incrementCount">Click me</button>

import { ref, computed, onMounted } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const message = ref("Hello, Vue!");
    const count = ref(0);
    const incrementCount = () => {
    const messageComputed = computed(() => {
      return `You've clicked the button ${count.value} times`;
    onMounted(() => {
      message.value = messageComputed.value;
    return { message, incrementCount };

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While I find the Composition API to be a bit more complex to understand at first, I have come to appreciate the flexibility and reusability it offers. It allows me to extract component logic into smaller, reusable functions. Both the Options API and the Composition API have their own use cases.

The Composition API offers several advantages over the traditional Options API in Vue.js:

  • Code Reusability: The Composition API allows developers to extract component logic into smaller, reusable functions. This means that the same logic can be shared across multiple components, making the codebase more maintainable and easier to understand.

  • Better Handling of Complex Components: The Composition API allows developers to organize and structure component logic in a way that makes it easier to handle complex components. This is especially useful for large-scale projects where the component's logic can become difficult to reason about.

  • Improved TypeScript Support: The Composition API is designed to work seamlessly with TypeScript, which can help developers catch errors early on and improve the overall development experience.

  • Better Performance: The Composition API uses the setup() function which takes the component's props and context as arguments, this allows Vue to optimize the component's re-rendering by only updating the needed parts of the component.

  • Better readability: With the Composition API, developers can group related logic together and encapsulate them in a way that makes the codebase more readable and easy to reason about.

Personally, I believe that the Composition API is not a replacement for the Options API but rather an addition to it. It's important to keep in mind that as a developer, you are free to use whichever API you prefer, but it's always good to have the option to choose between different approaches.

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