When Creating with the MEAN Stack, What are the Benefits?

Kuldeep Kundal - Jun 3 - - Dev Community

Web Development is an ever-evolving field that necessitates developers staying abreast of trends and technologies. One widely utilized framework in Web Development is MEAN Stack, which stands for MongoDB, Express, Angular, and NodeJS. These four open-source JavaScript technologies help developers develop user-friendly, flexible websites with high scalability potential.

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MEAN stack is an acronym that stands for MongoDB Express JS, Angular, and NodeJS. These four technologies form an indispensable technology stack used for web application development and mobile app creation. MEAN stack development services company strive to optimize their online presence and streamline processes, and selecting MEAN as your tech stack is often an ideal way of doing just this.

To achieve a product with all the features that meet customer expectations, an entire team of skilled MEAN stack developers may work alongside you to facilitate efficient front-end and back-end development. Engaging MEAN stack developers for product creation offers various benefits; you might consider them when starting.

Importunity to MEAN the Stack Developer

MEAN stack developers form the backbone of numerous successful web applications and sites you can find now. Furthermore, MEAN stack developers are at the forefront of contemporary mobile and web-based development of applications. Their expertise in MongoDB, the NoSQL databases; Express.js Web Application Framework Angular Framework, which is a framework for front-end development as well as Node.js, an application that runs on servers JavaScript runtime, empowers the developers with a broad ability to handle a variety of aspects of the development process.

A seamless integration between several technologies creates a uniform and efficient workflow that allows developers to create robust and scalable applications. MEAN stack developers aren't only coders for your project; they're the creators of digital experience. They are also adept at bringing your creative concepts to come to.

Additionally, MEAN stack developers have an extensive understanding of every aspect of an item's development and design, encompassing both the front and back end. They can also design distinctive user interfaces for each device or platform.
Let's dive more deeply into the benefits of hiring MEAN developer stack.

What is MEAN Stack Development?

MEAN stack development services is a relatively recent method of creating web-based applications by stacking technologies using JavaScript. The more extensive version of the "MEAN stack" includes MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS.

Each technology plays a role for each of these technologies in MEAN developing stacks. Let's look closer at each one of them:

MongoDB is a powerful and well-known database system based on the NoSQL model. It stores data using JSON-like documents, which makes it more user-friendly than traditional databases. MongoDB is also extremely adaptable, making it an excellent choice for large-scale web apps.

ExpressJS is a web-based application framework that runs Node.js. It offers robust capabilities for web-based applications, including routing, templating, and session management. ExpressJS is also simple to use and provides excellent flexibility for app development.


AngularJS is an interface to the JavaScript framework used to create single-page web-based applications. It provides a flexible method to build rich, dynamic user interfaces. AngularJS can also make it simple to design reusable components that can be used to build complicated web-based applications.

NodeJS is a powerful JavaScript runtime platform that allows developers to create high-performance server-side apps. It is Asynchronous and event-driven, ideal for creating real-time web-based applications. Node.js also includes a wide set of tools and libraries that can be used to expand its functionality.

When to Choose MEAN Stack Development?

The choice of a technology stack for developing web applications is typically based on several aspects, such as business goals, project requirements, team knowledge, etc. MEAN Stack is a good choice because of the following factors:

JavaScript Development
If you're in search of an integrated environment in which back-end and front-end development are written in the JavaScript language of JavaScript, MEAN Stack will be the ideal option. It lets developers use one language throughout the entire development process. This results in faster development and reduced switching between contexts.

Rapid Prototyping
MEAN Stack development is ideal for rapid prototyping and iterative design methods. The ease of use and reuse in Angular, ExpressJS, and NodeJS permits MEAN stack builders to create and test applications quickly.

Real-time Applications
MEAN Stack is perfect for developing real-time applications that require smooth communication and immediate information updates. NodeJS’s event-driven design assists in managing multiple concurrent connections in a streamlined method, making it perfect for creating applications like dashboards for collaboration, live chat apps, and more.

Start-ups & SMBs
MEAN Stack provides cost-effective solutions for small and mid-sized businesses with a limited budget. Its huge community support and open-source nature make it highly accessible for firms that require custom web applications without investing a lot of money.

Single-page Applications
MEAN Stack can be the best option for creating single-page applications (SPAs) that provide an extremely immersive, smooth user interface. The extensive features of Angular, such as the component-based architecture, two-way data binding, and dependency injection, make it easier to develop the process of complex applications that have powerful user interfaces.

Benefits of MEAN Stack for Web Development

MEAN applications can be utilized in many ways because of a multi-platform start writing style. MEAN can be utilized in many different situations; however, it's most effective when used in applications that are real-time. For instance:

  • Tools to manage workflow

  • News websites

  • Applications like to-do lists, calendars, and even calendars.

  • Forums with interactive features

The elements of the Stack can be easily integrated because they are all built upon JavaScript and JSON. While MEAN Stack is a young technology, developers and organizations have realized its potential. This is one of the primary advantages of using MEAN Stack while creating web applications.

Low Development Cost
The open-source full-stack JavaScript framework, also known as MEAN, comprises a set of free features. Using this framework will result in lower costs and expenses throughout every stage of project development. Furthermore, JavaScript helps MEAN stack web development company by offering code-sharing features that immediately decrease development time.

Requires Single Language
MEAN Stack development is based on one programming language, JavaScript. That is, every technology that is part of the stack is based on JavaScript. This makes the web application development process easier and more efficient for JavaScript developers.

They can manage databases and control the front-end and back-end using JavaScript. As a business owner, you don't have to look for developers with specific expertise when choosing MEAN Stack development for your project.

Cost-Effective and Open-Source
Another major benefit of MEAN Stack is JavaScript, an open-source language that makes the platform open. Features on this platform are free to download and use, so there aren't charges for licensing MEAN Stack.

Furthermore, unlike other stacks like the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) stack, MEAN Stack development requires the fewest developers. It also helps reduce the cost of development.

Rapid Prototyping and Iteration
The modular structure in the MEAN stack lets developers quickly create prototypes and then seamlessly improve them. Using Angular on the front end and Node.js on the back end, developers can effortlessly synchronize code between the server and client sides, speeding up the development process.

This flexibility is advantageous when it comes to product development, as being able to adjust to changing demands is essential. MEAN Stack development company excel at making prototypes fast and facilitating effective collaboration between development teams and other stakeholders.

Isomorphic Coding
MEAN stack developers utilize JavaScript throughout the development stack, creating an isomorphic programming environment. Isomorphic programming allows developers to write code that will be executed on both the client and server sides, which encourages code reuse and decreases redundancy. This is efficient for development and leads to better maintainability and scaling of the codebase.

Isomorphic coding is an important benefit for MEAN stack design. It allows developers to develop effective and consistent applications on various platforms.

Real-Time Application Development
Node.js is an important element in the MEAN stack and is well-known for its capability to manage real-time applications. If it's a real-time chat program or another real-time feature, MEAN stack developers harness the potential of WebSocket technology with Node.js to build fluid and responsive applications. The real-time feature enhances the user's experience and is a huge plus in gaming and communications, where instant information updates are vital.

NoSQL Database Advantage
MongoDB is a NoSQL database used within the MEAN stack. It offers the flexibility and capacity that traditional databases are unable to match. MEAN stack designers can create databases without the limitations of rigid schema.

This flexibility is advantageous for start-ups and companies that have to deal with changing requirements. It allows them to modify the data structure without needing massive changes. MEAN stack developers who are adept in using MongoDB can create scalable databases that are tailored to the specific requirements of each project.

The two Node.js and AngularJS are free-of-cost frameworks renowned for their reusability, testability, and more efficient maintenance. These attributes translate to the rapid development of applications by using an application framework called the MEAN framework.

Code reuse is a major benefit of MVP development. Businesses can easily create custom MVPs using MEAN Stack development.

Support for Cloud
Cloud compatibility is another important advantage of MEAN stack's design. This is because the MEAN stack framework allows developers to develop solid cloud-based apps using a variety of public libraries and repositories.

It will reduce the use of storage space and other associated development costs. The MongoDB database management can handle cloud-based apps for a variety of industrial sectors.

Seamless Data Transfer
Node.js and AngularJS can use JSON files to exchange data in a format. The JSON concept allows for seamless data exchange across systems. MEAN stack development services provide seamless data transfer to corporate clients.

Concluding Lines
When it comes to creating impressive and innovative web-based applications for modern businesses, MEAN stack is a top choice. It is the most popular option for both entrepreneurs and developers.

Modern cloud technology, huge libraries, and flexibility using code reuse capabilities can benefit web app development.
It's one of the main reasons that some of the most reputable firms, like Amazon, PayPal, LinkedIn, and Uber, use applications based on the MEAN stack.

The Key Takeaway

MEAN stack is a highly effective instrument for developing websites. It has many advantages. It's fast, scalable, adaptable, and user-friendly. In addition, it is affordable and offers better security. It is also an excellent option for anyone searching for a tool to help develop web-based applications.

As the custom web app development procedure evolves, MEAN Stack development stands out as a multi-faceted option for web developers. With the help of MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, and NodeJS, any web app company can develop robust and scalable web applications.

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