How to calculate the distance between Kyoto and Tokyo using a PostgreSQL database?

Dmitry Romanoff - Apr 28 - - Dev Community

Let's create a Docker container named "some-postgis" running PostgreSQL with PostGIS extensions enabled, and sets the password for the PostgreSQL database to "mysecretpassword".

The container will run in the background until stopped or removed.

docker run --name some-postgis -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgis/postgis

Unable to find image 'postgis/postgis:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from postgis/postgis
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Digest: sha256:01f46e1a92d6107555eb7105875f13079e006e67511eb9f6915565bb51345020
Status: Downloaded newer image for postgis/postgis:latest

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docker exec -ti some-postgis psql -U postgres

dmi@dmi-VirtualBox:~/my_pg_dbs$ docker exec -ti some-postgis psql -U postgres
psql (16.2 (Debian 16.2-1.pgdg110+2))
Type "help" for help.

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This command creates a table named "city" with columns for an auto-incrementing ID, city name, latitude, and longitude coordinates. This table can be used to store information about cities, such as their geographical locations.

    name VARCHAR(100),
    latitude NUMERIC,
    longitude NUMERIC
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INSERT INTO city (name, latitude, longitude) VALUES ('Tokyo', 35.689487, 139.691711);
INSERT INTO city (name, latitude, longitude) VALUES ('Kyoto', 35.011635, 135.768036);

SELECT ST_DistanceSphere(
    ST_MakePoint(city1.longitude, city1.latitude),
    ST_MakePoint(city2.longitude, city2.latitude)
) / 1000 AS distance_in_km
FROM city AS city1
CROSS JOIN city AS city2
WHERE = 'Kyoto'
  AND = 'Tokyo';
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This PostgreSQL database query utilizes PostGIS functions for working with geographic data.

postgres=# SELECT ST_DistanceSphere(
    ST_MakePoint(city1.longitude, city1.latitude),
    ST_MakePoint(city2.longitude, city2.latitude)
) / 1000 AS distance_in_km
FROM city AS city1
CROSS JOIN city AS city2
WHERE = 'Kyoto'
  AND = 'Tokyo';
(1 row)

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Specifically, it calculates the distance in kilometers between two cities - Kyoto and Tokyo.

Here's what the query does:

SELECT ST_DistanceSphere(...) / 1000 AS distance_in_km: This part of the query calculates the distance between two points in spherical coordinates and divides the result by 1000 to convert it to kilometers. The ST_DistanceSphere function calculates the distance between two points on a sphere (in this case, the Earth's surface).

ST_MakePoint(city1.longitude, city1.latitude): This function creates a geographic point with the specified longitude and latitude. In this case, it creates a point for Kyoto.

ST_MakePoint(city2.longitude, city2.latitude): Same as above, but for Tokyo.

FROM city AS city1 CROSS JOIN city AS city2: Each city from the city table is combined with itself, generating all possible combinations of city pairs.

WHERE = 'Kyoto' AND = 'Tokyo': Only combinations of Kyoto and Tokyo cities are filtered here to calculate the distance between them.

Thus, after executing this query, you will obtain the distance between Kyoto and Tokyo in kilometers. In this case, the distance is approximately 363.72 kilometers.

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