When querying different databases of Postgres the resultset is ordered differently. It happens because of differences in the datcollate
and datctype
For example:
Postgres DB Server #1
select datcollate, datctype from pg_database where datname='<my_db>';
datcollate | datctype
English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252
Postgres DB Server #2
select datcollate, datctype from pg_database where datname='<my_db>';
datcollate | datctype
en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8
In case names contain both capital and small letters, the resultset will be ordered differently. For example, when querying the following:
SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type, is_nullable, character_maximum_length, column_default
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = 'public' and table_name != 'pg_stat_statements'
ORDER BY table_name, ordinal_position;
Postgres DB Server #1
Postgres DB Server #2