liner notes:
- Saturday : Wow, woke up to hear that both Andre Harrell and Little Richard both passed. Two legends who helped shape music. So yeah, did the radio show. My co-host created a website with no previous experience . Real proud of him. We talk about it on the show. The recording is at After the show, watched the Erykah Badu and Jill Scott event. Was really dope to see as they played their tracks back and forth.
Sunday : Stayed up late to finish getting the radio show uploaded. Mowed my lawn. Cut my hair. Studied Japanese. Watched some TV. Went to sleep.
Professional : Had my one on one with my manager. Talked about what we're looking to do this week. Mine mostly revolves around getting a blog post submitted and do my presentation this Thursday for Vonage Developer Day. Also had a team meeting. Really good to see everyone. I recorded a short promo video for my talk. Attended another talk prep session. I think it was my internet connection, but the presenter's slides were not changing for me. I got it working my closing my browser and going back to the site. Then I got a pretty bad headache and took a nap. Got up and started back working on my blog post.
Personal : Last night, I spoke to a friend while playing Tic-Tac-Toe on the site I made It was good to catch up. We even came up with an idea for a really cool side project. Basically moving an event we did to be online. I even bought yet another domain name for it. haha I recently got a small shock as some of my domains renewed. haha I have way too many!
Going to keep working on this blog post. I want to have it done and turned in tomorrow. Will also review some more Japanese and probably watch some anime before heading to bed.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /