liner notes:
Professional : Finally finished with some updates I've been working on in the documentation. This was one of the larger ones. Just have a few more smaller ones on my list. Had a meeting. Pretty good day.
Personal : Last night, worked a little more on updating the documentation. After that, I went through tracks for the radio show. Then went straight to sleep. Also, I think I may have found a new spot to park at night.
So, I decided to try something new this morning. Instead of the normal cold shower, I boiled water and added it to the shower container. What I didn't realize was that using the induction cook stove top really drained my battery. Wouldn't be so bad normally, but it was really cloudy today. haha The rest of the week is supposed to consist of sunny days. We'll see. Tonight, going to finish updating the documentation because I want to work on my blog post for the remainder of the week.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /