liner notes:
Professional : Pretty good and productive day. Had a couple of meetings and got the chance to demo a project I just finished up. People said that it could be helpful for them, so that's good. Then I spent the rest of the day working on my proof of concept project. Got the dashboard laid out, added an event form, created an endpoint to get credentials and another to save the settings file to GitHub. Tomorrow, I want to read the settings file, display data and be able to edit/resave data and get some of the main functionality working. So far, everything has been to set up the application to be able to do its main purpose. Got alot accomplished considering how much other stuff popped up this week.
Personal : Last night, I went through a bunch of tracks and got to a good stopping point with my work project that allowed me to get so much done today. I ran into this weird issue and couldn't figure it out, but after a few console.logs later, it made sense why I was getting the error. Will definitely remember the next time I'm using the template HTML element. If I'm using an event listener on an element in a template and I've already cloned it, the element is on the document and not on the clone anymore because it was already added to the DOM but the time the event listener is fired. Also, I think I may have come up with a way around the blocker I was having with my personal side project.
Found out that my Chromebook is finally on its way back to me. It's been almost a month since I sent it in. Something about supply shortages. Kind of amazing how far I was able to get with my old Chromebook that I'm typing this on right now. Going to eat dinner, go through tracks for the radio show, figure out some financial stuff and work on my side project.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /