4 Reasons Developers Should Care About Shadow APIs

Gilad David Maayan - May 27 - - Dev Community

What Are Shadow APIs?

Shadow APIs refer to APIs deployed by organizations that lack formal approval or aren't under the supervision of IT and security teams. These APIs can include experimental projects, legacy APIs still in use, or services deployed urgently without following proper processes.

These shadow APIs are usually created to bypass corporate restrictions to meet the needs of a specific department or to hasten development. However, this leads to bypassing of security protocols and governance standards. Thus, they can become critical points of failure in an organization's IT infrastructure.

The existence of shadow APIs poses significant risks as they can go undetected for long periods. They are not subjected to regular security audits and patches, which is standard for official APIs. Their unauthorized nature often means they aren’t listed in official API inventories, making it challenging to manage them alongside regulated APIs.

Reasons to Care About Shadow APIs

There are several risks that arise from the use of shadow APIs.

1. Security Risks

Shadow APIs increase an organization's attack surface. Malicious actors can exploit these undocumented and often insecure APIs to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or systems.

Without standard security measures, these APIs serve as easy targets, compromising overall network security. The fact that shadow APIs are unnoticed or unmonitored increases the time attackers can dwell in the system undetected.

Shadow APIs can also conflict with an organization’s obligations to comply with regulatory standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS. Non-compliance due to shadow IT can result in severe penalties and damage brand reputation.

2. Data Privacy Concerns

Shadow APIs create data privacy issues, as they may access, store, or transact data in ways that violate compliance rules or internal data policies. With no oversight, sensitive information could be improperly exposed or mishandled, leading to potential data breaches and a compromise of customer trust.

The lack of visibility into how these APIs are being used, or the kind of data they handle, makes it difficult for organizations to ensure that privacy standards are maintained.

3. Maintenance Challenges

Shadow APIs can be challenging to maintain due to lack of documentation, standards, or support from a centralized IT team. Their unofficial status often means that critical updates, patches, or improvements are not consistently applied, leading to performance and compatibility issues over time.

The task of identifying and retrofitting or replacing shadow APIs becomes more challenging and costly once they are deeply integrated into the business processes and systems, often requiring extensive overhaul that disrupts operations.

4. Increased Technical Debt

Shadow APIs contribute to technical debt—an accumulation of future work as a result of opting for an easy or quick solution now rather than using a better approach that would take longer. As more shadow APIs accumulate, the technical debt grows, making future improvements, upgrades, or scaling efforts more complicated and expensive.

High technical debt from poorly managed APIs also leads to reduced agility in managing IT environments, making it harder to respond to new business requirements or changes in technology.

Best Practices for Managing Shadow APIs

Here are some tips for mitigating the risks associated with shadow APIs.

1. Use API Discovery Tools

API discovery tools automatically identify and document all APIs operating within an organization’s network. They help in uncovering shadow APIs, providing the necessary visibility to bring them under centralized control.

By continuously scanning for and cataloging APIs, organizations can maintain a clear overview of their API ecosystem, aiding in risk assessment and management. The data collected through these tools can be used to analyze API behaviors, security vulnerabilities, and compliance with IT governance standards.

2. Implement API Gateways

API gateways help in managing, monitoring, and securing API traffic within a network. An API gateway allows organizations to enforce security policies across all APIs, block unauthorized API calls, and monitor traffic patterns that may indicate malicious activity.

This centralized control point further enhances security by ensuring consistent application of authentication, authorization, and encryption standards. Gateways also contribute to better management by providing detailed logs and analytics that assist in understanding API usage patterns and pinpointing potential security breaches or non-compliance issues.

3. Establish Governance Framework

A comprehensive API governance framework is essential for regulating the lifecycle of both official and shadow APIs. This framework should include guidelines for API creation, deployment, maintenance, and retirement, ensuring that all APIs align with business goals and meet security standards.

An effective governance framework also mandates regular audits and checks, creating a structured path for bringing shadow APIs into compliance and ensuring they meet the same standards as sanctioned APIs.

4. Regular Security Audits

Regularly conducting security audits is crucial for identifying vulnerabilities in an API landscape, including those caused by shadow APIs. These audits help ensure continuous compliance with security policies and prompt attention to new threats or irregularities. Security teams should use these audits to assess the impact of shadow APIs and enforce necessary remediations.


The proliferation of shadow APIs within an organization presents considerable risks and challenges that can undermine security, compliance, and operational efficiency. As these unauthorized APIs bypass formal IT governance, they create vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors, leading to severe data breaches and compliance issues.

To mitigate the risks associated with shadow APIs, organizations should implement comprehensive API management strategies and leverage API discovery tools, gateways, governance frameworks, and regular security audits. Educating employees with these practices is also important to prevent the creation of shadow APIs and ensure that all APIs within the organization adhere to security and compliance standards.

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