Beginner’s Guide to Documentation as Code

Gilad David Maayan - Jan 10 - - Dev Community

What Is Documentation as Code (DaC)?

Documentation as Code is a software development practice that treats documentation with the same level of importance as code. It applies the principles and practices of software development to the creation and maintenance of documentation. This means that documentation is written in a version-controlled environment, it can be peer-reviewed, and it's subject to automated testing and deployment. In other words, DaC turns documentation into a dynamic, collaborative process rather than a static, one-person task.

At the heart of DaC is the idea that documentation is a vital part of the product, not an add-on that can be overlooked or deprioritized. It emphasizes that good documentation is as valuable as good code – both are integral to a product's usability and success. With DaC, developers, technical writers, and other stakeholders can contribute to the documentation process, ensuring that the end product is comprehensive, up-to-date, and user-friendly.

How DaC Aligns with DevOps and Agile Methodologies

The rise of DaC is closely tied to the rise of DevOps and Agile methodologies in software development. These methodologies promote a culture of collaboration, continuous integration, and rapid, iterative development cycles. They value working software over comprehensive documentation, but this doesn't mean that documentation is unimportant. Rather, it needs to be integrated into the development process, not treated as a separate task.

Documentation as Code aligns perfectly with these methodologies. It facilitates collaboration, enabling developers, testers, and other stakeholders to contribute to the documentation process. It allows for continuous integration of documentation updates, ensuring that the documentation stays in sync with the code. And it supports iterative development, allowing for documentation to evolve along with the software.

In Agile environments, for example, user stories and acceptance criteria can be used as a starting point for documentation. As the software evolves, so does the documentation, with each sprint bringing updates and enhancements. In DevOps environments, DaC can be integrated into the CI/CD pipeline, enabling automated testing and deployment of documentation. By aligning with these methodologies, DaC helps to create a seamless, efficient, and collaborative development workflow.

Benefits of Documentation as Code

Facilitating Team Contributions and Reviews

One of the key benefits of Documentation as Code is that it facilitates team contributions and reviews. Unlike traditional documentation methods, where the responsibility for documentation often falls on a single person or a separate team, DaC encourages everyone to contribute. This collaborative approach leads to more comprehensive and accurate documentation, as different perspectives and areas of expertise are brought into the process.

Version Control

Another major benefit of DaC is the use of version control. In traditional documentation methods, keeping track of changes and revisions can be a challenge. But with DaC, documentation is stored in a version control system, just like code. This means that changes can be tracked, revisions can be rolled back if necessary, and different versions of the documentation can be maintained alongside different versions of the software.

Version control also ensures that the documentation is always in sync with the code. If a feature is added, updated, or removed in the code, the corresponding documentation can be revised accordingly. This ensures that users always have access to up-to-date and accurate information.

Ensuring Up-to-Date and Consistent Documentation

Documentation as Code also ensures that documentation is always up-to-date and consistent. Because documentation is integrated into the development workflow, it evolves along with the software. This means that every time a feature is added, updated, or removed, the documentation can be updated accordingly.

Moreover, because DaC facilitates team contributions, it helps to ensure consistency across the documentation. Everyone on the team can follow the same style guide, use the same terminology, and adhere to the same standards, ensuring that the documentation is cohesive and consistent.


Finally, Documentation as Code enables automation of the documentation process. With DaC, documentation can be automatically generated from code comments, API definitions, and other sources. It can be tested for errors and inconsistencies, and it can be automatically deployed when changes are made.

Automation not only makes the documentation process more efficient, but also more reliable. It reduces the risk of human error, ensures that the documentation is always up-to-date, and frees up time for developers and technical writers to focus on other tasks.

Practical Steps for Implementing Documentation as Code

Embed Documentation into the Software Development Process

When implementing DaC, it's important to involve your developers in the documentation process. This can be as simple as asking them to write comments in their code or as involved as asking them to write full documentation. By involving your developers, you can ensure that your documentation accurately reflects the functionality of your software.

It's important to review and update your documentation regularly. This can be done as part of your regular software development cycle. For instance, you might review your documentation before each major release to ensure that it accurately reflects any changes or additions to your software.

Lastly, it's important to use version control for your documentation, just as you would for your code. This allows you to track changes to your documentation over time and makes it easier to roll back to previous versions if necessary.

Automate the Building, Testing, and Deployment of Documentation

It’s important to use a documentation generator that can convert your source files into a readable format. This can be a simple markdown to HTML converter, or a more complex tool that supports multiple input and output formats.

You should test your documentation just as you would test your code. This can involve checking for broken links, validating your markup, or even using automated tools to check for grammar and spelling errors.

Lastly, it's important to automate the deployment of your documentation. This can be done using a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. By automating the deployment of your documentation, you can ensure that it is always up-to-date and available to your users.

In conclusion, implementing Documentation as Code involves structuring your documentation effectively, adopting a clear and consistent tone, embedding documentation into the software development process, and automating the building, testing, and deployment of your documentation.

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