Quick Guide to OAuth Authentication

Gilad David Maayan - Jul 12 '23 - - Dev Community

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What Is OAuth?

OAuth, or open authorization, is a standard protocol for token-based authentication and authorization on the internet. It allows third-party services to access user data without needing to know the user’s password. It also enables users to control which applications have access to their data without revealing their passwords.

OAuth authentication has become a fundamental part of many online services we use daily. From logging into a mobile app via Google or Facebook to granting a cloud-based app access to your email or calendar, OAuth is the unseen mechanismthat makes these transactions smooth and secure.

OAuth decouples authentication from authorization, providing a way to obtain limited access (or scope) to user data from a service provider. It does this by mediating access through tokens, which can be issued, revoked, and renewed without direct interaction between the user and the client app.

Key Components of OAuth Authentication

Now that we've established a basic understanding of OAuth, let's dive deeper into its key components.


The user, also known as the resource owner, is the first component of OAuth. This is the individual who authorizes the release of their information to another application. For example, when you log into a mobile app using your Google account, you are the user authorizing Google (the service provider) to release your information to the app (the client).


The client is the application requesting access to the user's account. It must be registered with the service provider ahead of time to identify itself and to establish the scope of its access.

Service Provider

The service provider is the website or application that holds the user's secured resources. It can authenticate the user and issue tokens to the client on behalf of the user.

Authorization Server

The authorization server is the server that verifies the user's identity and issues access tokens to the client. In many cases, the service provider and the authorization server are the same entity.


Tokens are the final key component in OAuth authentication. Access tokens are the equivalent of digital keys that unlock specific resources on the service provider's site. Refresh tokens, on the other hand, allow the client to obtain new access tokens without having to re-authenticate the user.

Tokens are the lifeblood of OAuth. They encapsulate the permissions granted by the user and the authorization server. Instead of sharing the user's credentials with every client, these tokens provide a secure and revocable way to access user data.

OAuth Authentication Flow

User Authorization Initiation

The first step in the OAuth authentication flow is the initiation of user authorization. A user interacts with an application that needs access to their data on another application. For instance, a user could be using a photo editing application that needs access to their photos on a social media platform. The user initiates the OAuth authentication process by requesting access to the social media platform through the photo editing application.

Application Requests Authorization

Following user authorization initiation, the application requests authorization from the server hosting the user's data. The server requires the application to provide its identity, usually in the form of a client ID and a redirect URI. The client ID is a unique identifier for the application, while the redirect URI is where the user should be sent after granting or denying the request.

User Grants or Denies Request

After the application requests authorization, the user is redirected to a user interface where they can grant or deny the application's request. If the user grants the request, they are redirected to the provided redirect URI, and the authorization server sends an authorization code to the application.

Application Receives Authorization Code

Upon receiving the authorization code, the application now has proof that the user has granted access. However, the application cannot use the user's data just yet. The authorization code is merely a token that the application can exchange for an access token.

Application Requests Access Token

With the authorization code at hand, the application can now request an access token from the authorization server. The application sends a POST request to the authorization server, providing the authorization code, its client ID, and its client secret. The client secret is a key known only to the application and the authorization server, ensuring that only the application can exchange the authorization code for an access token.

Application Gets Access Token and Optionally a Refresh Token

On successful verification of the authorization code and the application's identity, the authorization server sends an access token to the application. The access token allows the application to access the user's data. Optionally, the authorization server can also provide a refresh token, which allows the application to obtain a new access token when the current one expires.

Comparison with Other Authentication Protocols

OAuth vs. OpenID Connect

While OAuth provides a secure and robust method for applications to access user data, it does not provide a way for applications to authenticate users. This is where OpenID Connect comes in. OpenID Connect is an identity layer built on top of OAuth. It allows applications not only to access user data but also to authenticate users. In other words, while OAuth asks, "Can I access your data?", OpenID Connect asks, "Who are you and can I access your data?".

OAuth vs. SAML

Another popular authentication protocol is SAML (security assertion markup language). Unlike OAuth, which is more suited for granting third-party applications access to user data, SAML is designed for single sign on (SSO) scenarios. In an SSO scenario, a user logs into one application and is automatically logged into other applications.

While both OAuth and SAML can be used for SSO, they differ in several ways. For instance, SAML uses XML for requests and responses, while OAuth uses JSON. Additionally, SAML assumes that the user is interacting with a web browser, while OAuth does not make this assumption, making it more suitable for mobile applications.

In conclusion, OAuth authentication provides a secure and scalable method for applications to access user data. However, it's essential to understand that OAuth is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Depending on your needs, other protocols like OpenID Connect or SAML might be more suitable.

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