WordPress Rest API: What Is It And How Can You Expand It?

Lana Miro - May 3 '23 - - Dev Community

You may have seen or heard people mention the WordPress REST API but weren't sure what it was. Or perhaps you already know what it is and want to learn more and discover some tools to expand it. Either way, I've got you covered. Let's dive in.

Table of Contents

What is the WordPress REST API?

The WordPress REST API allows external applications to access all of WordPress's features and data. This means developers can integrate WordPress into third-party apps without requiring users to log in. The API enables developers to create custom interfaces and user experiences that meet project needs and make it easier to share content across websites and apps, promoting collaboration and integration.

The REST API provides a standard way to access WordPress data from any programming language, making it easier to build powerful apps that use the WordPress platform. (Hubspot)

Okay, that's the short answer. If you want a more in-depth explanation, let's backtrack and explore what APIs and REST APIs are.

What is an API?

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a software component allowing external applications to communicate with it. By exposing a portion of an application's data and functionality, third-party apps can integrate with it.

For example, to display a YouTube video on your website, you'll use YouTube's API to request the video and embed it on your website. And if you want to upload a video to YouTube using your app, YouTube's API lets you do so without requiring a YouTube user account.

APIs are critical to today's software ecosystem, allowing different software applications to share data standardized and automatedly. They enable developers to connect their websites to Google Maps and most of your favorite apps, whether it's your automation software scheduling your social media posts or the weather app on your phone, use APIs in some way.

What is a REST API?

REST APIs are a type of API that follow a set of guidelines called REST, which stands for "Representational State Transfer." The requirements for REST APIs are:

  • Client-server separation: The client and server may only communicate via a request followed by a response.
  • Uniform interface: All requests and responses must adhere to a standard protocol, typically HTTP.
  • Stateless: Each interaction with an API is independent of previous interactions.
  • Layered system: Proxy servers are usually between the client and server.
  • Cacheable: For resources provided, the server should specify whether the client can cache them and for how long.

These constraints standardize how web applications communicate with each other, ensuring that all REST APIs follow a similar process and keep the two applications independent.

What does the WordPress REST API do?

The WordPress REST API follows the guidelines for REST APIs, allowing developers to integrate WordPress with other applications in multiple ways and making it relatively easy for developers to learn and use. Initially created as an open-source plugin for WordPress, the WordPress REST API was later added to the WordPress core in version 4.7, effectively transforming WordPress into a software platform.

With the WordPress REST API, developers can build web applications from scratch while utilizing WordPress's article drafting and content management features or connect WordPress to a mobile app. The REST API also offers powerful flexibility for developers, allowing them to work in different programming languages outside the constraints of WordPress.

Use cases of the WordPress REST API

The WordPress REST API is a powerful tool that enables developers to interact with WordPress sites using HTTP requests. Here are some of the common use cases for the WordPress REST API:

  • Building mobile apps: Developers can create custom mobile apps that can access WordPress content and perform actions like creating posts, updating content, and managing user accounts.
  • Creating custom themes and plugins: Developers can create custom templates, shortcodes, plugins, and widgets that can be used to build unique WordPress sites.
  • Integrating third-party services: The WordPress REST API can also be used to integrate third-party services with WordPress sites, such as social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. This allows WordPress site owners to share content with their followers and interact with them.
  • Migrating content to or from WordPress sites: Developers can export content from WordPress sites and import it into other systems or import content into WordPress sites from other systems.
  • Automating WordPress site tasks: Developers can create custom scripts that can perform tasks automatically, such as creating posts, updating content, and managing user accounts. This saves time and effort.

Tools for Expanding the WordPress REST API

In this section, I'll explore some popular tools for expanding the functionality of the WordPress REST API. These plugins can help you create custom endpoints, manage custom post types and taxonomies, and modify multiple REST API settings. By utilizing these plugins, you can unlock the full potential of the REST API and create powerful applications that integrate with WordPress.

Ultimate Endpoints With REST API by Dipankar Pal

ultimate endpoints with rest api plugin

Ultimate Endpoints is a WordPress REST API plugin that simplifies the process of adding custom endpoints to the API. You can easily generate a secret key for authentication and create a custom endpoint URL. Once you have created the endpoint, you can use it to send requests to the server and obtain data.
You can also attach custom code to the filter hook to enhance the API's functionality and receive all request parameters.

Key features:

  • Secret key creation/deactivation.
  • Endpoint URL creation.
  • API request/response log keeping and deleting.
  • Recent activity recording. You can manage all these functionalities through a convenient settings panel.

JetEngine REST API & Custom Endpoints by Crocoblock

jetengine rest api features

JetEngine's REST API & Custom Endpoints allow you to create connections between websites, forms, apps, and third-party APIs. Its functionality is impressive, as it allows for remote data management and quick front-end fetching.

Key features:

  • Custom Content Type Endpoints: create custom tables and fetch/edit data from them using REST API endpoints.
  • REST API Listings: obtain third-party data listings and adjust their appearance in Elementor and Gutenberg.
  • REST API Request notifications for Forms: set up forms to send requests to third-party APIs using the "REST API" notification type in form settings.

WP REST API Controller by Evan Herman

wp rest api controller

The WP REST API Controller plugin is a powerful tool for customizing endpoints and visibility of WordPress post types and taxonomies. With its graphical interface, customization of your website's API settings is easy. The plugin also allows for metadata customization of the API response, giving you more control over your website's content.

Key features:

  • Customize REST API endpoints for post types and taxonomies.
  • Adjust metadata fields for API requests.
  • Rename base endpoints for post types and taxonomies.
  • Rename metadata field names in API requests for better user-friendliness.
  • Control post types and taxonomies created by third-party plugins and themes.
  • Granular control of API responses without writing PHP code.
  • Filters included for altering and extending default functionality.
  • Localization support for translations.

REST API Toolbox by Pete Nelson

rest api toolbox for wordpress

WARNING: This plugin has not been updated for a couple of years and has not been tested with the most recent version of WordPress.

REST API Toolbox is a free WordPress plugin that enables users to modify multiple REST API settings. It is easy to install and use, making it ideal for those who are new to REST API or those who want to secure their data from unauthorized access. With this plugin, users can specify the authentication methods and permissions required to access each REST API endpoint, ensuring safe and uncompromised REST API usage.

Key features:

  • Disabling REST API and JSONP support.
  • Assigning a custom prefix to REST API.
  • Removing WP core endpoints and custom post type endpoints.
  • Forcing SSL.
  • Supporting WP-CLI commands.


Here, I have discussed what the WordPress REST API is, what it can be used for, and some tools for expanding the WordPress REST API.

To summarize:

  • WordPress REST API lets external apps access all of WordPress's features and data.
  • WordPress's features and data can be accessed by developers without requiring user login, allowing for integration into third-party apps.
  • Developers can create custom interfaces and user experiences, make content sharing easier, and promote collaboration and integration.
  • REST API provides a standard way to access WordPress data from any programming language.
  • REST APIs follow a set of guidelines called REST (Representational State Transfer).
  • WordPress REST API was added to the WordPress core in version 4.7, effectively transforming WordPress into a software platform.
  • Common use cases for the WordPress REST API include building mobile apps, creating custom themes and plugins, integrating third-party services, migrating content to/from WordPress sites, and automating WordPress site tasks.

Some of the tools available for expanding the WordPress REST API are:

  1. Ultimate Endpoints With REST API by Dipankar Pal.
  2. JetEngine REST API & Custom Endpoints by Crocoblock.
  3. WP REST API Controller by Evan Herman.
  4. REST API Toolbox by Pete Nelson.
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