Fast Multipole Attention: Efficient Transformer for Long Sequences with O(n log n) Complexity

Mike Young - Jul 31 - - Dev Community

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called Fast Multipole Attention: Efficient Transformer for Long Sequences with O(n log n) Complexity. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should join or follow me on Twitter.


  • Transformer models have achieved state-of-the-art performance but struggle with long sequences due to quadratic complexity of self-attention.
  • This paper proposes Fast Multipole Attention, a new attention mechanism that reduces time and memory complexity from O(n^2) to O(n log n) or O(n).
  • The hierarchical approach groups queries, keys, and values into O(log n) levels of resolution, considering interactions between distant tokens at lower resolutions.
  • Evaluation shows the Fast Multipole Transformer outperforms other efficient transformers in terms of memory size and accuracy.

Plain English Explanation

Transformer-based models have become very powerful and are used for many AI tasks. However, a key limitation is that the standard attention mechanism they use has a major drawback - the amount of computation and memory needed grows quadratically with the length of the input sequence. This makes it difficult to use transformers effectively on very long sequences of text or other data.

The authors of this paper introduce a new attention mechanism called Fast Multipole Attention that addresses this limitation. Instead of computing attention between every pair of tokens in the sequence, it uses a clever divide-and-conquer strategy to group tokens into a hierarchy of resolutions. Tokens that are further apart are considered at a lower, more efficient level of resolution, while nearby tokens get higher resolution attention.

This hierarchical approach reduces the computational complexity from quadratic to either linear (O(n)) or O(n log n), depending on whether the input sequence is downsampled. So the Fast Multipole Attention mechanism can handle much longer sequences without running out of memory or taking too long to compute.

The authors evaluated this new attention module on language modeling tasks and found that the resulting "Fast Multipole Transformer" model significantly outperformed other efficient transformer variants in terms of both memory usage and accuracy. This suggests the Fast Multipole Attention could be a key enabler for scaling up large language models to handle much longer input sequences and provide a more complete, contextual understanding.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in the Fast Multipole Attention mechanism is the use of a hierarchical, divide-and-conquer strategy inspired by the Fast Multipole Method from n-body physics.

Instead of computing attention between every pair of tokens, the queries, keys, and values are grouped into a hierarchy of O(log n) resolution levels. Tokens that are further apart are represented at a lower, more efficient resolution, while nearby tokens get higher resolution attention.

The weights used to compute the group-level quantities are learned, allowing the model to adapt the level of detail to the specific task and data. This hierarchical approach reduces the time and memory complexity from the standard quadratic O(n^2) to either O(n) or O(n log n), depending on whether the queries are downsampled or not.

The authors evaluate the Fast Multipole Transformer model on autoregressive and bidirectional language modeling tasks, comparing it to other efficient attention variants. They find that the Fast Multipole Transformer outperforms these other models in terms of both memory size and accuracy, demonstrating the effectiveness of the hierarchical attention mechanism.

Critical Analysis

The authors do a thorough job of evaluating the Fast Multipole Attention mechanism and showing its advantages over other efficient attention variants. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research worth considering:

  • The paper focuses on medium-sized datasets, so it's unclear how the model would scale to truly massive language models with hundreds of billions of parameters. More work may be needed to ensure the hierarchical attention mechanism remains effective at that scale.

  • The complexity analysis assumes the queries are downsampled, but the authors don't provide details on how this downsampling is done or its impact on performance. Further investigation into the tradeoffs of query downsampling would be valuable.

  • While the authors demonstrate improvements on language modeling tasks, it's uncertain how well the Fast Multipole Attention would generalize to other domains like vision or multimodal tasks. Evaluating it on a broader range of applications would help assess its broader usefulness.

  • The paper doesn't explore the interpretability of the learned attention weights at different hierarchy levels. Understanding how the model is making decisions could lead to additional insights and improvements.

Overall, the Fast Multipole Attention is a promising advance that could unlock significant improvements in the scalability and performance of large transformer models. Further research to address these potential limitations would help solidify its position as a key technique for the next generation of AI systems.


The Fast Multipole Attention mechanism introduced in this paper represents an important step forward in making transformer-based models more efficient and applicable to long sequences. By using a hierarchical, divide-and-conquer approach inspired by n-body physics, the authors were able to reduce the computational complexity of attention from quadratic to either linear or O(n log n).

Evaluations show the resulting Fast Multipole Transformer model outperforms other efficient attention variants, suggesting this technique could be a key enabler for scaling up large language models to handle much longer input sequences. With the ability to take the full context into account in an efficient, hierarchical manner, these models may be able to provide richer, more nuanced understanding and generation of language.

While the paper has a few limitations that warrant further investigation, the Fast Multipole Attention represents an exciting advance that could have widespread implications for the future of transformer-based AI systems. As models continue to grow in size and ambition, techniques like this will be crucial for unlocking their full potential.

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