Yeah! I am a beginner. Do you have any problems?

Muhimen - Mar 13 '20 - - Dev Community

Yeah! I write buggy codes. So what?

You know I am a great programmer. How? I write 100 lines of codes and then I get 1000 bugs and errors. So what? I am a beginner, right? If I don't make mistakes who else will make mistakes? You? Probably. But I am pretty sure you won't write such a buggy code like me. Even if you want, you can't. Because it's me who is just starting to code not you!!!

Yeah! I make mistakes. So what?

You know I am a great programmer. How? I write 100 lines of codes and it never runs properly on the first try. Why? I have made mistakes. Where are the mistakes? Well, ask me which part of my code is correct because I write more mistakes than real programs. So what? I am a beginner. You can't make such mistakes like me even if you want to, can you?

Yeah! I can't even solve easy problems in codeforces. So what?

I spend hours solving the easiest problem in code forces ever made but I still can't solve it. Why? I'm a beginner!!! Even if I submit, I will get either wrong answer on test case 101 or Time Limit exceed error. Sometimes, the Memory limit exceeds. But I don't care about any of these.
Are you dumb like me? Why are you asking me the same question again? Didn't I tell you I am a beginner? ๐Ÿ˜ก

Yeah! I ask stupid questions in StackOverflow. Who cares?

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I remember once I asked how to print hello world in StackOverflow. And I got the most number of votes that I am sure I'll never get in my entire life asking a thousand questions. Nevertheless, it was downvoted. But who cares? I am a beginner. If I don't ask silly questions who else will. You? Probably not. Don't believe me? Do you think you are more stupid than me? Great!!! prove it.
Hurry!! You have 5 seconds to prove.

Time up! You failed. It's official. I am the "most stupidest" programmer in the world.

Yeah! I write useless blogs at Who reads?

Well, lucky for me, I don't need to prove this. If you have read this far you would probably know this is a useless blog. If you think this isn't enough then go to my profile the other useless blogs.

Yeah! I can't even effectively search on google. Who bothers?

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Yeah! I copy codes. Who notices?

Do you know I am a great student? I watch tutorials about programming every day. And I get stuck writing the code on my own...I copy the code. After all, I am a beginner. If I don't copy your codes, who else will?

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