Using TypeORM with TSX: A Smoother Development Experience

Stephen Akugbe - Sep 17 - - Dev Community

Working with TypeScript in Node.js applications can sometimes be challenging, especially when integrating with tools like TypeORM. While ts-node has been a popular choice for running TypeScript directly, it often comes with configuration headaches and performance bottlenecks. In this article, we’ll explore using tsx as an alternative to ts-node for TypeORM, providing a smoother and faster development experience.

Before diving into this guide, you should have the following knowledge:

  • Intermediate Experience with TypeScript and Node.js: You should be comfortable with TypeScript syntax and have experience building applications with Node.js.

  • Basic Understanding of TypeORM: Familiarity with TypeORM concepts like entities, migrations, and data sources is important, as this guide will not cover the basics of TypeORM.

  • Working Knowledge of Command Line Tools: You'll need to run commands using Yarn or npm, so a basic understanding of command-line interfaces is required.

  • Installed Dependencies: Ensure you have Node.js, Yarn, and a database system like PostgreSQL installed on your machine.

If you meet these prerequisites and have experienced issues or performance lags when using ts-node with TypeORM, this guide will show you how to use tsx as an alternative for a more streamlined experience.

Why Switch from ts-node to tsx?
When using ts-node with TypeORM, you might encounter various issues:

  • Configuration Complexity: ts-node often requires careful configuration, especially with TypeORM’s CLI. You might need to set up tsconfig-paths and other options to get things working correctly.

  • Performance: ts-node can be slower due to its compilation and execution process, particularly in large projects.

  • Compatibility Issues: Some versions of ts-node might not play well with certain TypeScript or Node.js versions, leading to unexpected errors.
    tsx offers a simpler and faster way to run TypeScript files, reducing the hassle involved with ts-node. It has built-in support for tsconfig.json paths and provides a faster runtime for TypeScript applications.

Setting Up TypeORM with tsx
Step 1: Installing Dependencies
First, install tsx as a development dependency in your project:

yarn add tsx --dev
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Make sure you also have TypeORM installed in your project:

yarn add typeorm reflect-metadata
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Step 2: Configuring TypeORM and tsx
Create or update your package.json to include the typeorm script using tsx. This script will use tsx to execute TypeORM commands with the proper TypeScript configuration.

Here's the script you'll add to your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "typeorm": "tsx -r tsconfig-paths/register ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js -d src/database/data-source.ts"
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tsx -r tsconfig-paths/register: This runs tsx with the tsconfig-paths module to ensure that any path aliases in tsconfig.json are correctly resolved.
./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js: This points to the TypeORM CLI, telling tsx to execute it.
-d src/database/data-source.ts: This specifies the path to your TypeORM data source file.

Step 3: Creating and Configuring the Data Source
Create a data-source.ts file in the src/database directory. This file will contain the configuration for your TypeORM connection:

import { DataSource } from "typeorm";

export const AppDataSource = new DataSource({
  type: "postgres", // Your database type (e.g., postgres, mysql)
  host: "localhost",
  port: 5432,
  username: "test",
  password: "test",
  database: "test_db",
  synchronize: false, // Set to false in production
  logging: true,
  entities: ["src/entity/**/*.ts"], // Path to your entities
  migrations: ["src/database/migrations/**/*.ts"], // Path to your migrations
  subscribers: [],

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Ensure that the paths for entities and migrations match the structure of your project.

Step 4: Generating Migrations
To generate a new migration, use the typeorm script with yarn:

yarn typeorm migration:generate src/database/migrations/create-users-migration
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This command generates a new migration file in the specified directory.

Step 5: Running and Reverting Migrations
To run all pending migrations:

yarn typeorm migration:run
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To revert the last migration:

yarn typeorm migration:revert
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To drop the entire schema:

yarn typeorm schema:drop
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Step 6: Addressing Common Issues
By switching to tsx, you avoid many common issues faced with ts-node:

No More tsconfig-paths Hassles: tsx automatically handles path aliases defined in your tsconfig.json, so you don’t have to worry about including additional ts-node or tsconfig-paths configuration.
Faster Execution: tsx offers a more efficient runtime, reducing the overhead associated with compiling and executing TypeScript code on the fly.
Simplified Configuration: The tsx runtime eliminates the need for complex configurations that ts-node often requires, making your setup cleaner and more maintainable.

Switching from ts-node to tsx for TypeORM provides a more streamlined development experience. With fewer configuration hurdles and faster execution times, tsx can significantly improve your workflow. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily set up TypeORM to work with tsx and avoid the common pitfalls associated with ts-node.

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