Getting Started with “Image as Code” Using Mermaid: A Modern Approach to Visualization

payel bhattacharya - Sep 12 - - Dev Community

In today’s fast-paced software development world, clear communication and documentation are key. Whether you're collaborating with team members, presenting complex workflows, or defining architecture, visual representations like diagrams play a crucial role in making ideas more digestible. But traditional diagram creation often feels clunky and disconnected from the development pipeline. Enter Mermaid, an elegant solution for generating “image as code” — a tool I’ve recently discovered and found incredibly powerful for embedding visualizations directly into your workflow.

This article will explore how teams can start using Mermaid, why it’s an awesome addition to your toolkit, and how it empowers developers, product managers, and technical teams to integrate diagrams seamlessly with code.

Why “Image as Code” Is Revolutionary?

Before jumping into how Mermaid works, let’s talk about the problem it solves. Historically, diagrams were created manually with drag-and-drop tools like Visio or Lucidchart. While effective, they often become detached from the evolving codebase, causing mismatches between documentation and the actual system.

With Mermaid, diagrams are no longer a manual afterthought. By using a simple syntax, Mermaid allows you to create and maintain diagrams in the same way you write and manage code. The benefits are immense:

  • Version Control: Diagrams become part of your codebase, living in your repositories and evolving with your projects.

  • Consistency: No more out-of-date diagrams; with Mermaid, they evolve with your code.

  • Automation: You can generate visuals as part of your continuous integration pipelines or documentation systems.

What Is Mermaid and How Does It Work?

Mermaid is a markdown-inspired language that helps create diagrams, flowcharts, Gantt charts, and more by simply writing code. It’s a game-changer because it doesn’t require any advanced design tools, and once you get familiar with its syntax, you can generate complex visuals in a fraction of the time.

Example of Mermaid Syntax:

graph TD A[Start] --> B{Is it an awesome tool?} B -->|Yes| C[Use Mermaid for diagrams] B -->|No| D[Find a better tool]

This simple code generates a clean flowchart without any GUI tool, and more importantly, it lives alongside your project, ready for updates whenever necessary.

My Experience: A Game-Changing Discovery

When I first came across Mermaid, I was looking for a way to simplify how we document workflows and technical processes. I quickly realized that it wasn’t just about diagramming; it was about bringing everything closer to the code. As someone who values efficiency and precision, Mermaid struck a chord with me because of its simplicity and flexibility. After experimenting with a few diagrams, I found that I could visually represent everything from architectural flows to sprint timelines. The fact that these diagrams could live in the same repositories and evolve with code was a revelation.

What makes Mermaid awesome?

  • Human-readable: The syntax is easy to learn and write. No need for specialized training.

  • Versioning & Collaboration: You can treat diagrams like code, which means you can share, review, and modify them as a team.

  • Integration-friendly: Works with Markdown, GitLab, GitHub, and other popular platforms. The diagrams fit into your existing development flow, from documentation to issue tracking.

Implementing Mermaid: A Step-by-Step Guide for Teams

  1. Familiarize Your Team : Introduce Mermaid as part of your team’s toolbox. Given its ease of use, onboarding should be smooth. Use team meetings or sprint reviews to showcase Mermaid's capabilities by transforming existing flowcharts or processes into code-based diagrams.

  2. Integrate Mermaid into Documentation : Start by incorporating Mermaid diagrams into your markdown documentation. Whether it’s a technical design document or user-facing documentation, Mermaid lets you embed images directly into markdown files, GitLab/GitHub repos, and wikis.

  3. Use Diagrams in Code Reviews : Encourage developers to include relevant diagrams in their pull requests or code reviews. With Mermaid, you can highlight logical flows or system architectures, making it easier to review and understand complex changes.

  4. Automation in CI/CD : Leverage Mermaid diagrams in your CI/CD pipelines. You can automate the generation of updated architecture diagrams, system flows, or sprint overviews based on changes in the codebase. For instance, pipelines can produce up-to-date diagrams automatically as part of build artifacts, helping stakeholders visualize the current state of the project.

Code Meets Visuals: The Benefits of This Approach

When teams start using Mermaid for “image as code,” the benefits go beyond simple diagramming. You’re effectively bringing the visual and textual worlds of software closer together.

  1. Enhanced Collaboration: In collaborative environments, having visual representations embedded alongside the code makes it easier for everyone, from developers to project managers, to understand the current state of the project. You no longer have to explain flows verbally or through a separate tool — the code does the talking.

  2. Real-Time Documentation: Since diagrams are coded and versioned, they update with the software. If your architecture or workflow changes, the diagram can change too. This ensures that documentation stays in sync with your evolving project.

  3. Simplicity in Complexity: As systems grow complex, traditional diagrams can get messy or cumbersome. Mermaid’s structured, text-based approach allows for easy updates, and even large diagrams remain clean and comprehensible.

  4. Platform Flexibility: Mermaid integrates with many platforms like GitHub, GitLab, JIRA, and others, making it a tool that fits into almost any ecosystem. This flexibility means you’re not tied to a specific tool for creating or viewing diagrams.

Challenges and Considerations

Like any tool, Mermaid does have a learning curve, although it’s relatively low. Teams need to invest a small amount of time to learn the syntax and integrate Mermaid into their workflow. Another consideration is that Mermaid may not be ideal for extremely complex, intricate diagrams that require heavy customization — for those cases, a dedicated design tool might still be necessary.

But for 90% of day-to-day needs, Mermaid’s speed, simplicity, and ease of integration more than make up for any minor limitations.

Conclusion: Embrace Diagrams as Code with Mermaid

As development teams strive for better collaboration, documentation, and alignment with business goals, using “image as code” via Mermaid is a no-brainer. By bringing visual elements closer to the codebase, teams can ensure that their diagrams remain current, relevant, and functional, improving both technical communication and project transparency.

If you haven’t yet introduced Mermaid to your workflow, now is the time. It’s an awesome way to empower teams to visualize, collaborate, and innovate more efficiently. Whether you’re mapping out architectures, documenting workflows, or visualizing timelines, Mermaid makes it easy to do so with a few lines of code.

Embrace the future of documentation, where visuals and code go hand in hand — and trust me, once you start, you won’t look back.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mermaid is a simple, code-based tool for creating diagrams, flowcharts, and more.

  • It integrates seamlessly into markdown files, GitLab/GitHub repositories, and CI/CD pipelines.

  • Version control for diagrams means your visual documentation stays up-to-date and evolves with your code.

  • Diagrams become part of your development flow, enhancing collaboration and communication.

In just a short time of using it, I’ve found Mermaid to be an invaluable tool that I’ll be using going forward — and I encourage your teams to start exploring the possibilities of image as code today.

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