Angular Performance Optimization: Top Tips and Tricks

Rachael Grey - Nov 22 '22 - - Dev Community

To maintain your Angular performance optimization, you must adhere to a few best practices. I've gone over some tactics for enhancing your app’s functionality. you can remove the common blockages, and your Angular app can run faster using these tuning techniques.

When your app runs smoothly, and without problems, your users will undoubtedly love it. Let's checkout the checklist to determine how to improve the performance of your Angular app.

Top Tips & Tricks for Improving Angular Performance

Here is a list of tried-and-tested tips for Angular app optimization that will speed up your app's performance.

1. Problems With Chrome DevTools' Performance

You must be aware of your app's difficulties in optimizing the performance of Angular in the app. You can only resolve the problems if you are aware of them. Therefore, you must utilize tools like Timeline and CPU Profiler to identify the performance bottlenecks in your app. This browser-related tactic is advantageous.

2. Turn off comments and CSS classes

Since many apps only offer the bare minimum of features and functions, CSS styling and comment directives may be optional. You must disable your Comments Directive and CSS class if your app is designed so that comments are not required. The loading times for these two features can slow down your app's operation.

3. Lazy loading

Every time an Angular app compiles, Webpack is used in the backend to build bundles, which eventually use memory and slow down the app. The Angular Lazy Loading method, which divides the fortune into multiple modules and features to enhance the performance of the Angular app, might be used to address this issue.

4. Watch out for ngDoCheck

Every time you change, the directive ngDoCheck activates and recognizes the change. Your program will slow down if you use this function for any computationally time-consuming task. To ensure that Angular performance optimization in 2023, you must keep a close eye on what and how you use this method.

5. Utilize the performance tools Protractor and Batarang.

The Protractor testing tool, created by the Angular team, allows for flexible test execution. You may dramatically increase the performance of your app by utilizing Protractor. The team also made the Chrome addon Batarang, a debugging tool. You may monitor your performance benchmarks with Batarang.

6. Smaller DOM trees

By often accessing the DOM, your program could become slower. As a result, you ought to keep your DOM structure minimal and, if possible, avoid changing it. You must also ensure that your program scripts are properly bundling and minifying. It will speed up your app's page load times by doing this. By using this technique, your app will run faster. Work together to create experiences that produce results with India's Best Angular Development Company.

7. Reduce the number of $watchers and digest cycles

Your app's $watches and $scopes increase as additional data bindings are added. Causing a slowdown by extending the digestion cycle of the app. You must utilize fewer viewers in your app to lower the digest cycle, which will shorten the digest cycle.

8. Substitute ng-show/ng-hide For ng-if

When an element is not needed, the if directive removes it, but the show and hidden demands continuously toggle the CSS styles of that element. The display directive, therefore, requires a longer load time. To improve the efficiency of your Angular app, you may also utilize ng-switch as a substitute for ng-if.

9. Compilation of AOT

Typescript is what Angular uses by default. You must convert the Typescript code into JavaScript to make it simpler for the browser to understand and run web apps.

Ahead of time and Just In Time are two different compilation modes that Angular offers Just In Time.

When possible, Compilation is expected throughout the development phase. The Angular compiler is taken from the deployment package, and the compiling templates are produced. The performance of apps is improved, and the payload time is decreased thanks to this technique.

10. Beware of ng-repeat

As you use ng-repeat often, your Angular app could become slower. For causing global navigation, you can utilize alternatives to ng-repeat like $interpolate provider.


These Angular speed optimization suggestions can only be used in your project at a time to boost performance. You must put these suggestions into practice while considering the needs of your app and your company. Having read the aforementioned Angular performance optimization guide 2023, you now realize how difficult it is to optimize an Angular app; instead, you need the assistance of qualified and experienced professionals who can help you do so in the most effective manner.

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