These Reasons For Coding

Rio Jos - May 23 '20 - - Dev Community

Sometimes you become less productive. And lose sight of the big picture and wonder why are you even doing this. Sometimes you might become too stressed or maybe you could have mixed up your priorities. And then you go on browsing different things to get your mood back.
I have these kind of episodes, where my focus just runs off. And everytime I tried different things that gets me back on track. And one of the thing I do is recollect and ask myself why I started? Sometimes I couldn't even do that, I'm too lazy,lol... But, I decided to write up this article to help myself and you to stay focused.

Let's begin!

Problem Solving Ability

Problem-solving isn’t just about addressing negative situations – it’s about exploiting opportunities. Problem-solving skills help people understand their environment, identify opportunities, assess the impact of alternatives and make choices that lead to changes that they perceive as desirable.

Challenge Accepted

Skill Building Ability

Skill-building is one of life's most impactful, fun, and important pursuits. Our skills make us into more interesting, more useful, happier people. Work skills can gain you money, respect, and great job security. Social skills can make you friends, boost your romantic life, and make people want to be around you.

Ability to learn

Learning a new skill helps you learn things faster over time. By stimulating neurons in the brain, more neural pathways are formed and electrical impulses travel faster across them as you attempt to process new information. The more pathways that are formed, the faster impulses can travel.

Power to create

The more we create, the more we discover and realize our habits, impulses, and desires. When we take the time and energy to develop our own ideas, we respect our inner nature and are better able to express ourselves to the world on a regular basis. There is no right or wrong way to be an artist.


This is the future

I have a strong feeling that technology will be leading everything in the future. It's almost half way.

Making your dream a reality

Although your dream may not have come to pass yet, it can still be realized. You can still make your dreams a reality. While you can't force dreams to happen, you can take steps toward actualizing them. Maybe you want to travel to a specific place.

Simplifying tasks

Simplifying work tasks can transform work experiences. Simplifying work tasks can affect a worker's entire work life. When employees don't have to struggle to find what they need or waste time on busy work, they are happier—and by extension, more productive on the job.


Money can be used to make our lives easier. It will make you more comfortable, open doors, create opportunities, and make the good things in your life even better.

Raining Money


Contribution seems to be very important to our spiritual needs. It can be defined as a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others. It's important because helping the people and community around you will make your life and the life of those around you better! Big changes start with little actions. By positively impacting the people and community around us, we can work to build a better society and a better world for everyone.

Remote work

Remote work makes it possible to create your own schedule, to organize the day in a way that fits your personal needs and your daily agenda. When you have the flexibility to work during the hours that prove to be the most natural, you're becoming the most productive.

Sense of Accomplishment

Gaining a sense of accomplishment, and feeling proud of the work you've done, helps people feel like they're progressing in their work. When you feel a sense of accomplishment, you naturally become more engaged in your work, and more motivated to maintain and improve their good work.


When a group of individuals works together, compared to one person working alone, they promote a more efficient work output and are able to complete tasks faster due to many minds intertwined on the same goals and objectives of the business.

Technological evolution

Technological evolution is a theory of radical transformation of society through technological development. It spawns new generations of products by using existing components, a phenomenon he calls combinatorial evolution. The change in 'species' can thus be quite radical in a short period of time. The rules of Technological evolution thus make a strong argument for accelerating evolution.


Understanding Probability

The concept of probability is as important as it is misunderstood. It is vital to have an understanding of the nature of chance and variation in life, in order to be a well-informed, (or “efficient”) citizen. One area in which this is extremely important is in understanding risk and relative risk.

Hacker Culture

The hacker culture is a subculture of individuals who enjoy the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming limitations of software systems to achieve novel and clever outcomes. Hacking originally involved entering restricted areas in a clever way without causing any major damages.


Hacktivism is meant to call the public's attention to something the hacktivist believes is an important issue or cause, such as freedom of information or human rights.

Power to Change

On an individual level, change is important because it is the precursor to all growth. We don't grow by keeping things “safe” - by preserving the status quo (even though that may seem more comfortable). All personal growth comes from meeting the challenge of change. By dealing with life challenges we learn that we can.

The Ironman

You know how Tony Stark built himself an Ironman Suit and became a superhero.


The Next Tech Empire

Just thinking about owning the next Google, Facebook, Apple or Microsoft gives me the chills.

The most powerful tool

With the right set of commands you can unlock the next Powerful tool the world has ever seen.

Knowledge is power

Knowledge gives us the ability to survive and thrive in the world. This is freedom, and you can't have real power without freedom. More knowledge makes us better able to make decisions, as well as to decide the logical and ethical grounds on which we want to be making our decisions.

Digital communication

Digital communication enables face to face communication across time, space and culture. In this sense digital is the closest we can get to mimicking the salient features of interpersonal communication that are often considered as key to building trust and facilitating effective communication.

Digital Communication

Control your net worth

Your net worth is the amount by which your assets exceed your liabilities, or what you have versus what you need to pay off. Regardless of your financial situation, knowing your net worth can help you evaluate your current financial health and plan for the future.


Success provides confidence, security, a sense of well-being, the ability to contribute at a greater level, hope and leadership. Without success, you, the group, your company, your goals, dreams and even entire civilizations cease to survive

The Experience!

When we share a common experience, it bolsters our sense of belonging, and this in turn makes us feel life is more worthwhile. Furthermore, when we share a positive experience, we enjoy it more than we would if we experience it on our own - even when we share it with people we've never met. Culture comes from the shared experiences of a group of people. Together people learn and make sense out of those experiences.

It's about the journey

To be remembered

People love to be praised and admired by other people, it's human nature. We all need to feel cared about and recognized. We want to feel like our lives meant something, that a part of us will live on even after our death. We want to be remembered through the work we leave behind or even through our children.

I am a Hero


Innovation is vital in the workplace because it gives companies an edge in penetrating markets faster and provides a better connection to developing markets, which can lead to bigger opportunities, especially in rich countries.

Time travel and light speed traveling!

Not applicable currently. But...

Time travelling Cat

Impossible is possible

You have to believe!

Upgrading thoughts

Upgrade your thinking refers to generating new thoughts, which will lead to new actions and new results. As thought is the starting point of all achievement, in order to reach a new level of success, a person must be willing to upgrade their thinking.

Clearing Doubt


Over time, it has been possible to verify that each invention activates a variety of benefits for the inventor and society: it stimulates their imagination, develops their potential when it comes to overcoming barriers, allows the ability to visualize, stimulates perception, provokes new thoughts and new questions.

Maximum Collaboration

By collaborating with others - different departments or even different offices, skills can be pooled to make the project more successful than it might otherwise be. A collaborative workplace naturally cultivates a sense of community within an organization, with employees feeling almost like they are a part of a family.

United Earth

Understand the Inner Workings

The mechanisms that function internally to a system and are not outwardly visible. Nobody really understands the inner workings of politics.

The Matrix

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