Can AI Outsmart the Hackers? Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Time-Series Forecasting

Shagun Mistry - Aug 28 - - Dev Community

Today, I go through this Arxiv paper:


Deep learning models are transforming industries, including smart infrastructure, by enabling sophisticated forecasting capabilities. However, these powerful models are susceptible to adversarial attacks, where malicious actors manipulate input data to trick the model into producing incorrect predictions.

These attacks pose significant security risks, as they can lead to flawed decision-making and potentially disastrous consequences.

Here's what we'll go over:

  • Adversarial Attacks: We'll discuss common attack techniques, including the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) and the Basic Iterative Method (BIM), demonstrating how these attacks can subtly manipulate input data to mislead models.
  • Adversarial Defenses: We'll discuss robust defense strategies, such as adversarial training and model hardening, which aim to equip models with resilience against adversarial attacks.
  • Real-world Applications: We'll discuss the practical relevance of these concepts by applying them to two real-world datasets:
    • Household Power Consumption: Predicting electricity usage in a household.
    • Hard Disk Drive Failure: Forecasting the remaining useful life (RUL) of hard disk drives.

Adversarial Attacks

Adversarial attacks in time-series forecasting exploit the sequential nature of the data and the inherent vulnerabilities of deep learning models.
The goal is to introduce subtle but strategically placed perturbations in the input data, causing the model to deviate from its expected predictions.

Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)

FGSM is a white-box attack that leverages the gradients of the loss function to directly manipulate input data. The basic idea is to add a small, carefully calculated noise to the original input, aiming to nudge the model towards an incorrect prediction.

import numpy as np

def fgsm_attack(model, image, epsilon, data_grad):
  Performs a FGSM attack.

    model: The model to attack.
    image: The input image.
    epsilon: The perturbation magnitude.
    data_grad: The gradient of the loss function with respect to the input image.

    The perturbed image.
  sign_data_grad = np.sign(data_grad)
  perturbed_image = image + epsilon * sign_data_grad
  return perturbed_image
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Basic Iterative Method (BIM)

BIM is an iterative version of FGSM, applying the FGSM perturbation multiple times to amplify the effect of the attack. This iterative process further strengthens the noise, making it harder for the model to recover from the manipulated data.

import numpy as np

def bim_attack(model, image, epsilon, alpha, iterations):
  Performs a BIM attack.

    model: The model to attack.
    image: The input image.
    epsilon: The perturbation magnitude.
    alpha: The step size for each iteration.
    iterations: The number of iterations.

    The perturbed image.
  perturbed_image = image.copy()
  for i in range(iterations):
    data_grad = calculate_gradient(model, perturbed_image)
    sign_data_grad = np.sign(data_grad)
    perturbed_image = perturbed_image + alpha * sign_data_grad
    perturbed_image = np.clip(perturbed_image, image - epsilon, image + epsilon)
  return perturbed_image
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Adversarial Defenses

Defending against adversarial attacks requires proactive strategies to make models more resilient and robust. Here are two common techniques:

Adversarial Training

Adversarial training involves introducing adversarial examples (generated using FGSM, BIM, or other attacks) into the training dataset. This forces the model to learn the underlying distribution of both clean and perturbed data, enabling it to better generalize and resist future attacks.

# Assuming you have a model and a training dataset

# Generate adversarial examples using FGSM or BIM
adversarial_examples = generate_adversarial_examples(model, training_data)

# Combine clean and adversarial examples into a robust training set
robust_training_set = np.concatenate((training_data, adversarial_examples))

# Train the model on the robust training set, target_labels)
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Model Hardening

Model hardening focuses on modifying the model architecture or parameters to reduce its susceptibility to adversarial perturbations. Techniques include:

  • Layer-wise Perturbation: Applying perturbations at each layer during training to make the model more robust to gradient-based attacks.
  • Data Augmentation: Expanding the training dataset with variations of the input data (e.g., shifted, scaled, rotated versions of time-series data) to increase model resilience.
  • Regularization: Using techniques like dropout or weight decay to prevent overfitting and encourage the model to learn more generalizable representations.

Practical Examples

Let's now illustrate the application of these concepts with real-world datasets.

Household Power Consumption Dataset

This dataset provides hourly measurements of electricity consumption in a household over several years. We'll use this data to demonstrate how adversarial attacks can mislead a power consumption forecasting model, and how adversarial training can mitigate the impact.

# Load the household power consumption dataset
data = load_power_consumption_dataset()

# Preprocess the data (e.g., scaling, splitting into train/test sets)

# Train a baseline LSTM model
baseline_model = train_lstm_model(train_data)

# Evaluate the baseline model on the test set
baseline_predictions = baseline_model.predict(test_data)

# Perform FGSM or BIM attack on the test data
attacked_test_data = perform_attack(test_data, epsilon)

# Evaluate the model on the attacked test data
attacked_predictions = baseline_model.predict(attacked_test_data)

# Train a model using adversarial training
robust_model = train_lstm_model(train_data, adversarial_examples)

# Evaluate the robust model on the test data
robust_predictions = robust_model.predict(test_data)

# Compare the performance of baseline and robust models
evaluate_models(baseline_predictions, attacked_predictions, robust_predictions)
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Hard Disk Drive Failure Dataset

This dataset contains various health metrics collected from hard drives over time, enabling the prediction of remaining useful life (RUL). We'll use this dataset to illustrate the transferability of attacks and defenses, showcasing how techniques developed in one domain can be applied effectively to another.

# Load the hard disk drive failure dataset
data = load_hdd_failure_dataset()

# Preprocess the data (e.g., scaling, splitting into train/test sets)

# Train an Encoder-Decoder LSTM model
baseline_model = train_encoder_decoder_lstm_model(train_data)

# Evaluate the baseline model on the test set
baseline_predictions = baseline_model.predict(test_data)

# Perform FGSM or BIM attack on the test data
attacked_test_data = perform_attack(test_data, epsilon)

# Evaluate the model on the attacked test data
attacked_predictions = baseline_model.predict(attacked_test_data)

# Train a model using adversarial training
robust_model = train_encoder_decoder_lstm_model(train_data, adversarial_examples)

# Evaluate the robust model on the test data
robust_predictions = robust_model.predict(test_data)

# Compare the performance of baseline and robust models
evaluate_models(baseline_predictions, attacked_predictions, robust_predictions)
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Understanding adversarial attacks and defenses in time-series forecasting for smart and connected infrastructure is of critical importance.

By recognizing these vulnerabilities and implementing effective defense mechanisms, we can build more secure and reliable forecasting models, enhancing the trust and dependability of smart and connected infrastructure systems.

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