Comparing Caddy to Nginx and Apache

Shingai Zivuku - Sep 26 '23 - - Dev Community

As the complexity of modern Web applications increases, choosing a suitable Web server is not just a technical choice, but also a matter of performance, security, and maintenance costs. Caddy, Nginx, and Apache are all excellent choices, but what makes them different?

What is Caddy?

Caddy is an open-source HTTP/2 web server written in Go language. Its main advantages are automatic support for HTTPS and simple configuration. {
    reverse_proxy /api/*
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Advanced Configuration of Caddy

From automatic HTTPS to static file serving, Caddy provides a wealth of features, such as:

header / {
    X-Custom-Header "Some value"
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Other Configurations of Caddy

Caddy provides a very rich set of configuration options to meet various needs. The following are some commonly used configurations in Caddyfile:

Compression: Use the encode directive to enable content encoding for responses.

encode gzip zstd
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Logging: log directives allow you to configure the output and format of logs.

log {
    output file /path/to/logfile.log
    format json
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Request rewrite: rewrite Directive can change the properties of the request.

rewrite /api/* /new-api/*
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Request and Response Headers: You can use the header directive to add, remove, or modify HTTP headers.

header / {
    X-Custom-Header "Some value"
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Rate Limiting: limitDirectives can rate limit requests.

limit rate 10r/s burst 5
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Basic Authentication: Use basicauth to enable Basic HTTP authentication for a specific path.

basicauth /protected/* {
    user1 hashed_password1
    user2 hashed_password2
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Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS): CORS headers can be manually configured using third-party plugins or header directives.

Health checks: When using load balancing, health checks can be configured to determine which backends are healthy.

reverse_proxy / {
    to backend1:8080 backend2:8080
    health_path /healthcheck
    health_interval 30s
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Static File Service: file_serverThe directive can make Caddy act as a static file server.

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Custom Error Pages: Use handle_errorsto define how errors are handled.

handle_errors {
    rewrite * /error{http.error.status_code}.html
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Caddy is a scalable and flexible web server that can be deeply customized to meet your needs. If you need more features or configuration options, please consult Caddy's official documentation.

How to configure Caddy as a reverse proxy and load balancer for a Spring Boot project

To configure load balancing and reverse proxy for your Spring Boot project using Caddy, you can follow these steps:

Install Caddy

First, make sure you have Caddy installed. If it is not installed yet, please refer to the official documentation to install the appropriate version.

Create Caddyfile

Caddyfile is the configuration file of Caddy. Create a file named Caddyfile in the directory where you plan to run Caddy.

Configure Caddyfile

The following is an example configuration of a Caddyfile to provide load balancing and reverse proxy for two Spring Boot instances: {
    reverse_proxy / {
        lb_policy round_robin
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Here is an explanation of the configuration: Replace this with your domain name.
reverse_proxy /: Configure Caddy as a reverse proxy.
lb_policy round_robin: Set the load balancing policy to round-robin.
to Specify the address and port of the backend Spring Boot instance. In this example, we have two instances running on 8080 and 8081 ports.

Start Caddy

caddy run
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This will start Caddy, which will provide load balancing and reverse proxy for your Spring Boot project based on the configuration of the Caddyfile.


Make sure that your Spring Boot project instance is indeed running on the configured port and is accessible from the Caddy server. If your Spring Boot project and Caddy are on different machines, you need to ensure that the port and IP address are configured correctly.

Additionally, if you are using Caddy's automatic HTTPS feature, make sure that the domain name correctly points to the IP address of the Caddy server and that the DNS settings are configured correctly.

Nginx and Apache: Tradition and Strength

Nginx is a high-performance HTTP and reverse proxy server. Its configuration method is declarative and very flexible.

location / {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
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Apache is a long-established web server that supports rich modules and .htaccess configurations.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ProxyPass /app/ http://localhost:8080/
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Caddy vs Nginx vs Apache

I have listed the main features and functions of these three servers through a comparison table, from development languages ​​to cross-platform capabilities, to provide you with a comprehensive perspective.

The following is a comparison table of Caddy, Nginx, and Apache, listing some of their key features and functions:

Features/Functions Caddy Nginx Apache
Development language Go C C
License Apache 2.0 2-Clause BSD-like Apache 2.0
Automatic HTTPS Yes (supported by default) Requires additional modules and configuration Requires additional modules and configuration
HTTP/2 & HTTP/3 Support Support Supported (additional configuration required)
Configuration method Caddyfile nginx.conf .htaccess and httpd.conf
Reverse proxy Native support Native support Requires mod_proxy module
Load balancing Native support Native support Requires mod_proxy_balancer module
Module/plugin system Support (dynamic loading) Supported (usually compiled statically) Support (dynamic loading)
Performance High (especially in default configuration) High Moderate (but can be optimized)
Safety Designed to be secure (default HTTPS) Safe, but configuration needs to be taken care of Safe, but need to pay attention to configuration and modules
Beginner friendly High (automatic HTTPS, simple configuration) Moderate (configuration is slightly complex) Low (configuration and module management are more complex)
Cross-platform Yes Yes Yes

This table is a simplified comparison, focusing primarily on general functionality and key features. Each server has unique features and advantages, and your choice depends on your specific needs and preferences. For example, while Caddy's automatic HTTPS and simple configuration are very popular with beginners, Nginx and Apache may have advantages in some complex configurations and large deployment scenarios.


Choosing a web server depends not only on technical requirements but also on long-term maintenance and learning costs. Caddy's simplicity and automatic HTTPS capabilities make it popular in modern web development. But Nginx and Apache also have their unique advantages and long-term stability.

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