Scopes, Scope Chains, and Closures Explained

Shingai Zivuku - Oct 8 '23 - - Dev Community

In JavaScript, scope refers to the scope of a variable that is accessible in code. Understanding JavaScript scopes and scope chains is crucial to writing quality code.

In this article, I will introduce the concepts of lexical scope, scope chain, and closure in JavaScript in detail, and explore their application scenarios in actual development.

Lexical Scope

Lexical scope is the most common type of scope in JavaScript. It is determined during the code writing phase, not the code execution phase. In lexical scope, access to variables is determined by their location in the code.


function outer() {
  var outerVariable = "Hello";

  function inner() {
    var innerVariable = "World";
    console.log(outerVariable + " " + innerVariable);


outer(); output: Hello World
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In the above example, the inner function can access the variable outerVariable, which is defined in the outer function outer. This is because they are in the lexical scope. Lexical scope ensures that variables can be accessed correctly at the code writing stage.

Application Scenarios of Lexical Scope

Lexical scope has a wide range of application scenarios in JavaScript, including:

Variable access control: Lexical scope prevents variables from being accessed by functions outside of their scope, which avoids naming conflicts and variable pollution.

Encapsulation: Lexical scope allows functions to encapsulate their variables and prevent them from being modified by external functions. This helps to improve the modularity and maintainability of code.

Function nesting: Lexical scope allows internal functions to access the variables of external functions. This is a common programming pattern in JavaScript and is used to implement closures.

Scope Chain

Scope chain is a mechanism in JavaScript for finding variables. It consists of variable objects from the current scope and all parent scopes. When accessing a variable, the JavaScript engine will first search in the variable object of the current scope. If it cannot find it, it will search up the scope chain until it finds the variable or reaches the global scope.

Global Execution Context
   +-- Function Execution Context 1
   |      |
   |      +-- Function Execution Context 2
   |             |
   |             +-- Function Execution Context 3
   +-- Function Execution Context 4
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var globalVariable = "Global";

function outer() {
  var outerVariable = "Hello";

  function inner() {
    var innerVariable = "World";
    console.log(globalVariable + " " + outerVariable + " " + innerVariable);


outer(); // Output: Global Hello World
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In the above example, the inner function can access the variable globalVariable, which is defined in the global scope, and the variable outerVariable, which is defined in the outer function outer. This is because the JavaScript engine searches for variables in the order of the scope chain.

Application Scenarios of Scope Chain

Scope chain has many application scenarios in JavaScript, including:

Variable lookup: The scope chain determines the order in which variables are searched. This allows JavaScript to correctly find and access variables. For example, if a function declares a variable with the same name as a global variable, the function's local variable will be used.

Closures: A closure is a function that can access the variables of the scope in which it was created, even after that scope has closed. This is possible because closures capture the scope chain of the function in which they were created. Closures are used in a variety of JavaScript features, such as callback functions, event handlers, and modules.

Modular development: The scope chain allows you to implement modular code organization by encapsulating variables and functions in private scopes. Variables and functions can only be accessed by the code within the scope in which they were declared. This helps improve the readability, maintainability, and modularity of code.


A closure is a function that has access to the variables of the scope in which it was created, even after that scope has closed. This is because closures capture the lexical environment of the function in which they were created. The lexical environment of a function is the set of variables that are accessible to the function.

JavaScript commonly uses closures to create private variables and implement modular development.


function createCounter() {
  var count = 0;

  return function() {

var counter = createCounter();
counter(); // Output: 1
counter(); // Output: 2
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In the above example, the function createCounter() returns an inner function that has access to the outer function's variable count. Even after the outer function has finished executing, the inner function can still access and modify the variable count. This is the characteristic of closures.

Application Scenarios of Closure

Closures have many application scenarios in JavaScript, including:

Private variables: Closures provide a mechanism to implement private variables, which are variables that can only be accessed by the functions in which they are declared. This helps to improve the encapsulation and security of code.

Modular development: Closures can be used to create modular code, which is code that is divided into self-contained units that can be reused and maintained independently. This makes code more readable, maintainable, and scalable.

Delayed execution: By using closures, the execution of functions can be delayed. This is useful for implementing asynchronous operations and event processing.


Scope, scope chain, and closures are essential concepts in JavaScript. They work together to provide a robust mechanism for variable access and code organization.

Lexical scope allows us to control the visibility and access rights of variables, implement modular code organization, and avoid naming conflicts and variable pollution.

The scope chain determines the order in which JavaScript searches for variables, ensuring that the correct variable is always found. It also provides the foundation for closures.

Closures allow us to create private variables, implement modular code organization, and delay the execution of functions.

A deep understanding of scope, scope chains, and closures is essential for writing maintainable and efficient JavaScript code.

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