Invoking integration server service using basic authentication http

Mariela Dimitrova - Sep 30 '21 - - Dev Community

1. Description

In this article, we are going to create user, Group, Custom ACL, HTTP port and invoke a Flow Service from Designer and External client, wherein Integration Server uses Basic Authentication mechanism.

2. Actors

  • webMethods Administrators – who perform Administrative tasks like start / shutdown / restart of servers, deployments, etc.
  • Application Users – who wants to consume the services
  • webMethods Developer s – who perform development tasks like creation of services etc.

3. Before you begin

Ensure that Integration Server is up and running.

4. Invoking Integration Server Service using Basic Authentication

Invoking Integration Server service using basic authentication for clients or application user involves the following steps:

  1. Create associated user group and ACLs
  2. Create a HTTP port
  3. Invoke the service using a client
  4. Test the service

4.1 Create Associated User Group and ACL’s

  1. Login to the Integration Server and go to Security->ACL’s and click on Add and Remove ACL’s. 1
  2. Provide ACL Name and click Create ACLs. ACL will be created. image
  3. Now go to Security->User Management and click on Add and Remove Groups. image
  4. Provide a group name and click on Create Group. It will be created. image
  5. Now go to Security->User Management and click on Add and Remove Users. image
  6. Provide a Username and Password and click on Create User. It will be created. image
  7. Now Under User Management select your Group and Click on Arrow towards left button to bring the user into the group. image
  8. Note User will be added to the Group, also select the user from the list. You will notice that User belongs to the group. Click on Save Changes. image
  9. Now go to Security->ACL’s, select your ACL, click on Add under Add Group and select your group. After adding group, associated users with ACL will also appear. Click on Save changes. ACL will be updated. image
  10. Now you can use this ACL to grant Permissions for Integration Server Assets.

4.2 Create HTTP Port

  1. Launch SoftwareAG Designer and go to Windows > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other. 1
  2. Select Service Development. 2
  3. Create a Package and a folder inside the package.
  4. Create a Flow Service that takes inputs and provides an output Or use the attached “Accounts” package and import it to Integration Server.
  5. Login to Integration Server Administrator and go to Security > Ports.
  6. Click Add Port. 6
  7. Select HTTP port and click Submit. 7
  8. In the Edit HTTP Ports page, select the following values for these fields:
  9. Enable - Yes
  10. Port:
  11. Alias:
  12. Package Name - Accounts
  13. Client Authentication - Username/Password
  14. Click Save Changes. 9
  15. In Ports page, click Deny+ link for the new port. 10
  16. Go to Security > Ports > Edit Access Mode, select the new port.
  17. Click Add Folders and Services to Allow List. 12
  18. Select Accounts ACL and select and append the flow service that you want to invoke. Example: additionOfInt.
  19. Click Save additions. 14
  20. Switch to Designer, right click the flow service and select Properties. 15

4.3 Invoke the service using pub.client:http and Postman

  1. Now select AccountsACL or Default (inherited) in the Execute ACL field.
  2. Select When Top- level service only as the enforcing mechanism. 2
  3. To test the service from Designer, select pub.client:http under the WmPublic package.
  4. Right click the service and select Run as > Run Service. 4
  5. In the Enter Input for ‘http’ screen, enter the following details: Url: http://< Integration Server Host >:< Integration Server Port >/invoke/< ServiceName >?< Input Parametr1 >=1&< Input Parametr2 >=2. For example: http://localhost:5556/invoke/ Note: If you do not provide input data in url, then specify the same under data->args Method: Post Authentication: Basic 5
  6. Click OK to execute the service. 6

4.4 Test service from external client like Postman

  1. Launch Postman and create an HTTP Post call.
  2. Provide the HTTP url as: http://< Integration Server Host >:< Integration Server Post >/invoke/< ServiceName > For example, http://localhost:5556/invoke/ add the input parameter’s it will add the data in the url automatically. 2
  3. Go to Authorization Section and select Basic as the Authentication Mechanism.
  4. Specify the username and password and click Send. Service gets executed.
  5. Click on the message body to see the response. 5
  6. References

Refer the Integration Server Administrators Guide for more details.

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