Nextra 2 – Next.js Static Site Generator

TheGuildBot - Jan 23 '23 - - Dev Community

This article was published on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 by Dimitri POSTOLOV @ The Guild Blog

What's Nextra

Nextra – Next.js Static Site Generator framework that works on top of Next.js
and React, uses Tailwind CSS and
other amazing open-source libraries. It lets you create your
powerful markdown content using a theme package.

Currently, Nextra contains two official themes:

But you can provide your own theme to fully customize to your needs.

What's New

MDX 2 Support

Migration to MDX 2 comes with improved performance, supporting any JSX
runtime and JavaScript expression inside your markdown pages.

```mdx filename="Markdown"
import Hero from '@/components/hero'

Current year - {new Date().getFullYear()}

#### Markdown Import

In case of reusing some duplicated content you can export and import your markdown files.

```mdx filename="task-list.mdx"
- [x] Code
- [x] Sleep
- [ ] Eat
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and import in your MDX page:

```mdx filename="page.mdx"
import TaskList from './task-list.mdx'

### Support Next.js 13

Nextra 2 comes with support for the latest **Next.js 13** version and also up to Next.js 9!

### Images and Links Optimization

Static images are always optimized with `<NextImage />` component, internal links are replaced with
`<NextLink />` component, external links will have `target="_blank"` and `rel="noreferrer"` and will
inform screen readers about opening a link in a new tab.

`<NextImage />` will prevent to have layout shifts on your page. Instantiate (client-side)
navigation would be done with `<NextLink />`.

```text filename="Markdown"
[Learn more](/more)
[See examples](
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will be compiled to:

import Image from 'next/image'
import Link from 'next/link'
import nextraImage from '../../public/hero.png'

function MDXContent() {
  return (
      <Image src={nextraImage} alt="Hero" />
      <Link href="/more">Learn more</Link>
        See examples<span className="sr-only"> (opens in a new tab)</span>

export default MDXContent
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Extensible with rehype/remark Plugins

You can extend Nextra with any of rehype/remark plugins, just pass them to the nextra

```js filename="next.config.js" {7-9}
import nextra from 'nextra'
import remarkMdxDisableExplicitJsx from 'remark-mdx-disable-explicit-jsx'

const withNextra = nextra({
theme: 'nextra-theme-docs',
themeConfig: './theme.config.jsx',
remarkPlugins: [
[remarkMdxDisableExplicitJsx, { whiteList: ['table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tr', 'th', 'td'] }]
rehypePlugins: []

export default withNextra()

### Remote Markdown

Rendering remote markdown is simple, you will need:

1.  Install `next-mdx-remote` and import `MDXRemote` component
2.  Compile your markdown raw string using `compileMdx` from `nextra/compile` in `getStaticProps()`
3.  Provide your compiled result code to `props.ssg`
4.  Get data from SSG with `useSSG` hook from `nextra/ssg`
5.  Provide compiled result code for `MDXRemote` via `compiledSource` prop
6.  Provide `components` from `useMDXComponents` hook from `nextra/mdx` for `MDXRemote` to prevent
    layout shifts

```mdx filename="Remote Nextra Readme" showLineNumbers {1,9,12,20,22}
import { MDXRemote } from 'next-mdx-remote' {/* 1 */}
import { compileMdx } from 'nextra/compile'
import { useSSG } from 'nextra/ssg'
import { useMDXComponents } from 'nextra/mdx'

export const getStaticProps = async () => {
  const response = await fetch('')
  const markdown = await response.text()
  const mdx = await compileMdx(markdown, { defaultShowCopyCode: true }) // 2
  return {
    props: {
      ssg: mdx.result // 3
    // Revalidate at most once every 1 hour
    revalidate: 60 * 60

export const NextraReadme = () => {
  const compiledSource = useSSG() // 4
  const components = useMDXComponents()
  return <MDXRemote compiledSource={compiledSource} components={components} /> // 5-6

<NextraReadme />
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Click to expand Nextra's readme from GitHub 🚀

Nextra Theme Docs Features

nextra-theme-docs was completely redesigned to be more flexible and configurable for all of your

Various Customization

Here is an overview of different options for customization elements such as:

  • Banner
  • Header (logo / chat icon / project icon)
  • Footer
  • <head /> content and Next SEO props
  • Various search / sidebar / TOC options
  • Pagination on page
  • Dark mode
  • Edit page link
  • Hue of the primary theme color
  • 404/500 page

They could be configured in your theme.config.jsx file.
Read more about all available options.

Builtin Full-Text Search

Full-text search is powered by FlexSearch and Nextra
will index all of your pages at build time ⚡.

New Syntax Highlighting

Prismjs was replaced by Shiki and

Below is an example of a code block with a filename, line numbers, word highlighting and line

````md filename="Markdown"

jsx filename="My File" showLineNumbers /App/ {2}
function App() {
  return <div>Hello</div>

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will be rendered as:

```jsx filename="My File" showLineNumbers /App/ {2}
function App() {
  return <div>Hello</div>

#### Next SEO Builtin

Out of the box, `nextra-theme-docs` has Next SEO installed. By default, in the front matter you can
set `title`, `description`, `canonical` and `openGraph` and they will be passed directly to the
`<NextSeo />` component.

```md filename="Markdown"
title: "Nextra 2"
description: "Nextra – Next.js Static Site Generator"

will be passed to Next SEO and rendered on the page as:

  <title>Nextra 2</title>
  <meta name="og:title" content="Nextra 2" />
  <meta name="description" content="Nextra – Next.js Static Site Generator" />
  <meta name="og:description" content="Nextra – Next.js Static Site Generator" />

  You can manually pass Next SEO props with `useNextSeoProps` theme option. [Read
  more]( in the docs.

#### I18n Support

`nextra-theme-docs` comes with support i18n in your website.

To use it, provide Next.js' `i18n` field with `locales` and `defaultLocale` setup:

```js filename="next.config.js"
export default withNextra({
  i18n: {
    locales: ['en-US', 'fr-FR'],
    defaultLocale: 'en-US'

Add Nextra's middleware:

```js filename="middleware.js"
export { locales as middleware } from 'nextra/locales'

Create your `_meta` and page files with locales suffixes:

├── pages
│   ├── _meta.en-US.json
│   ├──
│   ├── index.en-US.mdx
│   ├──

```mdx filename="index.en-US.mdx"
# 🇺🇸 Hello Nextra 2

```mdx filename=""
# 🇫🇷 Bonjour Nextra 2

[Learn more]( on docs.

#### LTR/RTL Direction Support

Your website can be fully mirrored with RTL direction. All that you need it provides `dir: 'rtl'` in
your `theme.config.jsx` file.

<NextImage src={nextraRtl} className="mt-6 rounded-3xl border border-gray-700" alt="Example of Nextra page with RTL direction" loading="lazy" />

#### A11y

Accessibility is all, Nextra respects system preferences, animation will be reduced with
`reduce-motion` mode, colors will be adjusted in `contrast-more` mode.

<NextImage src={nextraContrastMode} className="mt-6 rounded-3xl border border-gray-700" alt="Example of Nextra page with contrast mode enabled" loading="lazy" />

## Conclusion

[The Guild](/) discovered Nextra 2 from the first betas and actively participated in the development
and improvement of this library. I (Dimitri) become
[an official maintainer]( of this library on par with Nextra creator
amazing [Shu Ding]( from Vercel.

In the end, we migrated all our projects' documentation to Nextra, which provides a better setup and
documentation design than our previous `guild-docs` package. Alongside we added Giscus comments at
the end of each page that synchronizes with GitHub discussions.

We receive a bunch of positive feedback and much more contributions and fixing mistakes in our docs
from our community ❤️.

<Callout emoji="🍭">In fact, even this blog uses Nextra 2 and `nextra-theme-docs`. 👀</Callout>

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