In this challenge, you'll be given a leaderboard in the form of an array, as well as a list of strings. Using the information in the list, sort the leaderboard.
['Dave +1', 'Fred +4', 'Brian -1']
The steps for our example would be:
# Dave up 1
# Fred up 4
# Brian down 1
Then, we return the completed leaderboard:
Strings will never ask you to move a name higher or lower than possible. The strings in the list will always be a name in the leaderboard, followed by a space and a positive or negative number.
leaderboardSort(['John', 'Brian', 'Jim', 'Dave', 'Fred'], ['Dave +1', 'Fred +4', 'Brian -1'])
leaderboardSort(['Bob', 'Larry', 'Kevin', 'Jack', 'Max'], ['Max +3', 'Kevin -1', 'Kevin +3'])
Good luck!
This challenge comes from topping on CodeWars. Thank you to CodeWars, who has licensed redistribution of this challenge under the 2-Clause BSD License!
Want to propose a challenge idea for a future post? Email with your suggestions!