How to generate thousands of usernames and halfway decent passwords with Bash💯💯

Pascal Thormeier - May 17 '21 - - Dev Community

Have you ever needed, say, an astonishing number of user names and passwords? I recently did and thought to myself: "I can automate that!"

But, first of all...

What kind of user names and passwords are we talking about?

Some tools use them a lot, especially for anonymous users: Positive adjectives together with animal names. For example: "Knowledgeable ibex" or... See, it's quite hard to come up with those, especially if English isn't your first language. I was thinking for a good 5 minutes and the ibex was the only example I could come up with. To be fair, I haven't had a coffee yet... I'm getting off topic. Where was I? Anyways, you get the idea: "Positive adjective + animal". Such user names can be used as testing data, anonymous users or basically any use case where a lot of unique user names are necessary.

The password should ideally be something random, too. 16 characters, including numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and some special characters like !._-,;?^$+"*%&/()=.

Getting the data

So, let's first gather some data. I need animals and positive adjectives. I found a pretty large list of animals over at and a large list of positive adjectives at Perfect. I create two lists, separated by newlines and put them in two files, namely animals.txt and adjectives.txt. So far so good, that's all the data I need, the rest is done with Bash.

Mapping a file using mapfile

Since Bash 4.0 there's a neat command called mapfile that reads a file line by line and creates an array out of it. I use this to read out all adjectives and animals:


mapfile ADJECTIVES < ./adjectives.txt
mapfile ANIMALS < ./animals.txt
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Generating the usernames

To generate a large number of user names, I could now randomly select one of each and concatenate them:


mapfile ADJECTIVES < ./adjectives.txt
mapfile ANIMALS < ./animals.txt

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I'm using $RANDOM here to generate a random number. This random number mod the size of the list guarantees to create a random number that is one of the array indices of that list. with ${LIST[...]} I then get the randomly chosen element.

Next, I concatenate them and massage the string a bit:

# ...


# Concat

# Make it machine readable
MACHINEREADABLE=$(echo $ADJECTIVE_ANIMAL | iconv -t ascii//TRANSLIT | sed -r s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/-/g | tr A-Z a-z)
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First, all characters that are not ASCII are transliterated as such using iconv, for example äàá should all become a. Then I replace all non-alphanumeric characters with - using sed -r. In the last step, I transform the string to lower case using tr.

This now produces things like these:

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Gotta love the fantastic poodle!

Generating the password

Now for the fun part: Generating a decent password. I rely on the OS here by using /dev/urandom:

# ...
PASSWORD=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:graph:]' | fold -w 24 | head -n 1)
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So a random bit string is read from /dev/urandom, which is then transformed into a string containing all printable characters (using [:graph:]). The string is then folded into words with 24 characters length. The first one of these words is then selected with head -n 1. This produces passwords like these:

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Looks pretty secure to me. Let's test =LYmTQ$D"}MN5]wC{$;ySE.} with some "password security testing tools" that a popular search engine is suggesting.

Password strength checker number 1

Password strength checker number 2

Password strength checker number 3

Ok, those numbers are dizzying, but differ widely. Here's a checker that actually tells you how they calculate the strength of a password:

A verbose password strength checker

Sounds good to me. For a one time login/password, that should be more than enough.

The final script

I also added a loop around the thing to generate multiple usernames and passwords.


mapfile ANIMALS < ./animals.txt
mapfile ADJECTIVES < ./adjectives.txt

for ((N=0; N<$1; N++))


  MACHINEREADABLE=$(echo $ADJECTIVE_ANIMAL | iconv -t ascii//TRANSLIT | sed -r s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/-/g | tr A-Z a-z)

  PASSWORD=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:graph:]' | fold -w 24 | head -n 1)

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The first parameter of the script now determines the number of user name/password pairs generated:

user@dir $ ./ 10
amazing-carp ACytS~_(Z+|<4fi}V<Mjy*g~
splendid-glen-of-imaal-terrier \#AK@]m[7R*>hzuOO^%r1ZY@
capable-blue-lacy-dog ?;CnSkJW's.<|PN:wQDOikI/
considerate-eastern-lowland-gorilla zQxT`]miaE4m$*W`Z8tpa@N5
powerful-puffin Kh=SUqh<no18.[A$Fea+LLXg
philosophical-bernese-shepherd 1h),NV(hi<vG)~{A]x^2I?bH
hardworking-american-foxhound \pbzUC~*~VLk}$wy6dHWFcw(
amazing-canadian-eskimo-dog -x{8PIwiI$/NcZ5#}'$Wlod-
responsible-umbrellabird eDzW\1H/U/(L_fHS^(U&:ltd
agreeable-termite |Kcgx-go>$7`:}nn7-\P&"}b
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Amazing! Only need to copy/paste that now.

Whats your favorite positive-adjective + animal username you could generate? Leave a comment!

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