VSCode Shortcuts: Boosting Productivity with Keyboard Commands

Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi - May 30 - - Dev Community

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) has rapidly become one of the most popular code editors among developers due to its lightweight design, powerful features, and extensive customization options. One of the most effective ways to maximize productivity in VSCode is by mastering its keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts can significantly speed up your workflow, reduce the need for mouse interactions, and streamline your coding process. This article provides a comprehensive guide to VSCode keyboard shortcuts, highlighting how they can boost your productivity and improve your coding experience.

The Importance of Keyboard Shortcuts

1. Speed and Efficiency

Using keyboard shortcuts can drastically reduce the time spent navigating through menus and performing repetitive tasks. This efficiency allows developers to focus more on writing code and less on managing their tools.

2. Reduced Context Switching

Switching between the keyboard and mouse can disrupt your flow and slow you down. By relying more on keyboard shortcuts, you can maintain a smoother and more continuous workflow.

3. Ergonomics

Frequent use of the mouse can lead to repetitive strain injuries (RSI). Keyboard shortcuts can help mitigate this risk by reducing the need for mouse interactions, promoting better ergonomic practices.

4. Customizability

VSCode allows users to customize shortcuts to suit their preferences and workflow, making it easier to create a personalized and efficient coding environment.

Getting Started with VSCode Shortcuts

Before diving into specific shortcuts, it's important to know how to access and customize them in VSCode.

Accessing Keyboard Shortcuts

To view and manage keyboard shortcuts in VSCode:

  1. Open the Command Palette with Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+P (Mac).
  2. Type "Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts" and select it.

This will open the Keyboard Shortcuts editor, where you can search for, modify, and add new shortcuts.

Customizing Shortcuts

To customize a shortcut:

  1. Find the command you want to customize in the Keyboard Shortcuts


  1. Click on the pencil icon next to the command.
  2. Press the new key combination you want to assign to the command.
  3. Press Enter to save the new shortcut.

Now, let’s explore some essential VSCode shortcuts that can significantly enhance your productivity.

Essential VSCode Shortcuts

1. Basic Navigation

  • Open Command Palette: Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+P (Mac)
    • The Command Palette is your gateway to all VSCode commands and extensions. Use it to quickly access commands without leaving the keyboard.
  • Open File: Ctrl+P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+P (Mac)
    • Quickly open files by typing part of their names.
  • Toggle Sidebar Visibility: Ctrl+B (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+B (Mac)
    • Show or hide the sidebar to maximize your workspace.
  • Navigate Between Open Files: Ctrl+Tab (Windows/Linux/Mac)
    • Switch between open files and editors.

2. Editing

  • Cut Line (or Selection): Ctrl+X (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+X (Mac)
    • Cut the entire line if no text is selected.
  • Copy Line (or Selection): Ctrl+C (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+C (Mac)
    • Copy the entire line if no text is selected.
  • Paste: Ctrl+V (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+V (Mac)
    • Paste the clipboard contents.
  • Delete Line: Ctrl+Shift+K (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+K (Mac)
    • Delete the current line.
  • Move Line Up/Down: Alt+Up/Down (Windows/Linux) or Option+Up/Down (Mac)
    • Move the current line up or down.
  • Duplicate Line: Shift+Alt+Down (Windows/Linux) or Shift+Option+Down (Mac)
    • Duplicate the current line.

3. Searching and Replacing

  • Find: Ctrl+F (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+F (Mac)
    • Open the search box in the current file.
  • Find and Replace: Ctrl+H (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+H (Mac)
    • Open the find and replace box.
  • Find in Files: Ctrl+Shift+F (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+F (Mac)
    • Search across all files in the project.
  • Replace in Files: Ctrl+Shift+H (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+H (Mac)
    • Replace across all files in the project.

4. Multi-Cursor and Selection

  • Add Cursor Above/Below: Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Alt+Up/Down (Mac)
    • Add a new cursor above or below the current cursor.
  • Add Cursor to Line Ends: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up/Down (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Alt+Shift+Up/Down (Mac)
    • Add cursors to the line ends of the selected lines.
  • Select Next Occurrence: Ctrl+D (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+D (Mac)
    • Select the next occurrence of the current selection.
  • Select All Occurrences: Ctrl+Shift+L (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+L (Mac)
    • Select all occurrences of the current selection.

5. Formatting

  • Format Document: Shift+Alt+F (Windows/Linux) or Shift+Option+F (Mac)
    • Format the entire document according to the language’s formatting rules.
  • Format Selection: Ctrl+K Ctrl+F (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+K Cmd+F (Mac)
    • Format the selected text.

6. Integrated Terminal

  • Toggle Terminal: Ctrl+ (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+ (Mac)
    • Open or close the integrated terminal.
  • Create New Terminal: Ctrl+Shift+ (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+ (Mac)
    • Open a new terminal instance.
  • Clear Terminal: Ctrl+K (Windows/Linux/Mac)
    • Clear the terminal output.

7. Working with Git

  • Git: Commit: Ctrl+K Ctrl+C (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+K Cmd+C (Mac)
    • Commit changes in the source control.
  • Git: Pull: Ctrl+Shift+P, then type Git: Pull and select it.
    • Pull changes from the remote repository.
  • Git: Push: Ctrl+Shift+P, then type Git: Push and select it.
    • Push changes to the remote repository.

Advanced Shortcuts for Power Users

1. Working with Snippets

  • Insert Snippet: Ctrl+Shift+P, then type Insert Snippet and select it.
    • Insert predefined code snippets.
  • Surround With Snippet: Ctrl+K Ctrl+S (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+K Cmd+S (Mac)
    • Surround the selected text with a snippet.

2. Code Navigation

  • Go to Definition: F12
    • Jump to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
  • Peek Definition: Alt+F12 (Windows/Linux) or Option+F12 (Mac)
    • Peek at the definition without navigating away.
  • Go to Implementation: Ctrl+F12 (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+F12 (Mac)
    • Jump to the implementation of the symbol.
  • Go to Type Definition: Ctrl+Shift+T (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+T (Mac)
    • Jump to the type definition of the symbol.
  • Go to Symbol in File: Ctrl+Shift+O (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+O (Mac)
    • List and navigate to symbols in the current file.
  • Go to Symbol in Workspace: Ctrl+T (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+T (Mac)
    • List and navigate to symbols in the entire workspace.

3. Debugging

  • Start Debugging: F5
    • Start or continue debugging.
  • Step Over: F10
    • Step over the currently executing line.
  • Step Into: F11
    • Step into the function being called.
  • Step Out: Shift+F11
    • Step out of the current function.
  • Toggle Breakpoint: F9
    • Add or remove a breakpoint on the current line.

Customizing Your Workflow

1. Creating Custom Shortcuts

If the default shortcuts don't perfectly align with your workflow, you can create custom shortcuts:

  1. Open the Keyboard Shortcuts editor.
  2. Search for the command you want to customize.
  3. Click the pencil icon next to the command and press your desired key combination.
  4. Press Enter to save the shortcut.

2. Extensions for Enhanced Productivity

VSCode's extensive extension marketplace offers numerous tools to further boost your productivity. Some useful extensions include:

  • Prettier: An opinionated code formatter that helps maintain consistent style across your codebase.
  • Live Server: Launch a development local server with live reload feature for static and dynamic pages.
  • Path Intellisense: Autocompletes filenames in your code, making it easier to manage imports and file references.
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer: Adds colors to matching brackets to make it easier to identify paired brackets.

3. Task Automation

VSCode allows you to automate repetitive tasks using tasks.json:

  1. Open the Command Palette and type Tasks: Configure Task.
  2. Select Create tasks.json file from template and choose a template.
  3. Customize the tasks.json file to define your tasks.


    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Build",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "npm run build",
            "group": {
                "kind": "build",
                "isDefault": true
            "problemMatcher": []
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Mastering VSCode keyboard shortcuts is a powerful way to enhance your productivity and streamline your coding workflow. By reducing reliance on the mouse, you can speed up your development process, maintain focus, and reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries. From basic navigation and editing to advanced code navigation and debugging, the right shortcuts can transform how you interact with your code editor.

Take the time to explore and practice these shortcuts, customize them to fit your workflow, and leverage the full potential of VSCode. With these tools at your fingertips, you'll be well-equipped to tackle any coding challenge with efficiency and precision.

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