More Haskell Diagrams: OpenGraph Images

Vehbi Sinan Tunalioglu - Aug 12 - - Dev Community

In this blog post, we are continuing to play with Haskell's diagrams library. We will write a literate Haskell program to generate an OpenGraph image.


I am told that my Website pages should have OpenGraph images. So, I stopped worrying about not worrying about content, and I started worrying about not having an OpenGraph image.

So, let's do one.


We will use the 3 Haskell packages for this Literate Haskell program like before: diagrams, diagrams-cairo and markdown-unlit.

Let's import a few modules.

import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude
import System.Environment (getArgs)
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Now, our entry point what will render an OpenGraph image with size 1200x630 and extension .png:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  dir <- head <$> getArgs
  logo <- loadLogo
  render dir "og.png" (og "" "by Vehbi Sinan Tunalioglu" logo)
    render dpath fname = renderCairo (dpath <> "/" <> fname) (mkSizeSpec2D (Just 1200) (Just 630))
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This is how we will run our blog post:

runhaskell \
  -pgmLmarkdown-unlit \
  content/posts/2024-08-12_haskell-diagrams-og.lhs \
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Let's load my Website's logo image inside a Diagram B value. We are scaling the diagram to 24:

loadLogo :: IO (Diagram B)
loadLogo = do
  (Right img) <- loadImageEmb "./static/android-chrome-512x512.png"
  pure $ scaleUToX 24 $ image img
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Let's create a function to clip a given image in a circle. We will use the clipBy function to achieve this. Since our square image is scaled to 24, We are using a circle with a radius of 12:

mkAvatar :: Diagram B -> Diagram B
mkAvatar =
  clipBy (circle 12)
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Let's put some large text and then some smaller text under the avatar image to compose our OpenGraph image. Note that we use a canvas of 120x63, which is proportional to the OpenGraph image size of 1200x630 and play with arbitrary colours:

og :: String -> String -> Diagram B -> Diagram B
og txtB txtS img =
  logotype `atop` (rect 120 63 # fc (sRGB24read "#e4e4e7")  # lw none)
    logotype =
      center $ vsep 9
        [ mkAvatar img
        , text txtB # bold # fontSizeL 6 # fc (sRGB24read "#09090b")
        , text txtS # fontSizeL 4.27 # fc (sRGB24read "#18181b")
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That's all! Let's see how PNG image looks like:


We have created an OpenGraph image for my Website. The next challange will be to add my blog post title and description to the image dynamically. I am not sure how to do that yet, especially with flowing text.

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